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Dose (intake) X Toxicity = Risk. The does makes the poisonDose/intake are exposureThat is:no matter how dangerous the toxicantno risk without exposure. Risk. Technical
1. Toxicology (Summary) Exposure + Hazard = Risk
All substances can be a poison
Dose determines the response
Pathway, duration and frequency of exposure and chemical determine dose
Absorption, distribution, metabolism & excretion
The extent of the effect is dependent upon the concentration of the active compound at site of action over time
Bioactivation: compounds to reactive metabolites
Individual variation of the organism will affect ADME
2. Dose (intake) X Toxicity = Risk The does makes the poison
Dose/intake are exposure
That is:
no matter how dangerous the toxicant
no risk without exposure
3. Risk Technical
# of people that will be injured, become ill, or die Non-Technical
Upsetting, frightening, or enraging
4. Risk Assessment A process or method by which we assess the nature and magnitude of risk.
hazardous waste disposal and chemicals
new and existing technologies
site facilities
set priorities
develop cleanup goals
5. Risk- the likelihood or possibility of suffering injury, disease, or death from a hazard
Hazard-a source of risk, refers to a substance or action that can cause harm
a hazard can not constitute a risk unless there is exposure
6. 1983 NRC Report- Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process
1. Hazard identification
2. Dose-response assessment
3. Exposure assessment
4. Risk characterization
7. Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment Risk Assessment and Risk Management in Regulatory Decision-Making (1997)
8. Hazard Identification Determining whether a chemical, under plausible circumstances, may cause harm to human health or the environment
9. Types of Information 1. Epidemiological studies
2. Animal bioassays
3. In vitro tests
4. SAR analyses
10. Animal Bioassays
acute studies
subchronic studies
chronic studies
11. Acute studies
single exposure, multiple doses
observed up to 14 days
LD50, LC50
12. Subchronic Studies Repeated exposures, 5 to 90 days
variable exposure routes
3 doses
determine MTD
13. Chronic Studies Several doses- MTD, 1/2 or 1/4 MTD, 0
majority of lifetime (2 years rodent)
lower doses, larger N = subtle effects
long time, high cost
14. Exposure Assessment Estimate or directly measure the quantities of chemicals received by individuals, populations, or ecosystems
no risk without exposure
output is quantitative, used in Risk Charterization
15. Questions to Answer Which chemicals reach target?
How much exposure?
In what way?
For how long?
Under what circumstances?
16. Biomonitoring- measuring a chemical or its byproducts in tissues or fluids as an indicator of exposure (exposure vs effect)
rarely done- expensive, limited tests
time issues
17. Ambient Monitoring Monitoring contaminants in media (soil, air, water, etc.) to estimate exposure point concentrations (EPCs)
when inadequate, often use modeling
18. Goal of modeling or ambient monitoring
calculate an intake or dose for organism
Dose (intake, exposure) x Toxicity = Risk
19. Intake = C x CR x EFD BW x AT I is intake or dose
C is chemical concentration
CR is contact rate
EFD is exposure frequency and duration
BW is body weight
AT is averaging time
20. These equations are used to calculate doses from exposure pathways
values for inputs are as realistic as research allows (Exposure Factors Handbook)
but many uncertainties exist
21. At GAEPD, evaluate Reasonably Maximally- Exposed Individual (RME)
not a worst case scenario
may be appropriate to contrast with exposure estimates calculated from central tendency estimates
Probability Density Functions (Monte Carlo simulations)
22. Total Dose (Intake) = sum of all doses from individual pathways
chronic versus intermittent exposures?
23. DOSE-RESPONSE ASSESSMENT Intake x Toxicity = Risk
often must extrapolate from animal studies
two important assumptions
1. Thresholds for non-cancer
2. No thresholds for cancer
27. Thresholds exist for most biological effects
Doses exist below which no adverse effects are observable in a population of exposed individuals
28. Thresholds do not exist for carcinogens.
Any level of exposure to the chemical corresponds to some non-zero increase of inducing genotoxic effects.
29. Non-cancer evaluation Reference Dose- an estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily or continuous exposure for human populations, including sensitive subgroups, that is likely to be without appreciable risks of deleterious effects occurring in a lifetime.
30. RfD = NOAEL or LOAELUFs x MFs
NOAEL OR LOAEL for critical effect
31. UF 1 to 10 to account for: Variation in humans
extrapolation from animals to humans
subchronic instead of chronic
LOAEL instead of NOAEL
32. Assumptions Population threshold exists
RfD estimate represents subthreshold doses
preventing critical effect protects against all effects
33. CANCER EVALUATION EPAs guidelines published in 1986
weight of evidence- all human and animal
34. 86 Scheme Group A- known human carcinogen sufficient human data
Group B- probable human carcinogen
B1- limited human, sufficient animal data
B2- inadequate human, sufficient animal data
35. Group C- possible human equivocable animal data
Group D- not classifiable inadequate or no data
Group E- evidence of noncarcinogenicity
36. Current practice Data (usually animal) fit with model to extrapolate into low dose range
EPA uses Linearized Multistage Model
37. LMS Accommodates nonlinearity at high doses
Constrains results to linear form at low doses
Based on current understanding of cancer as multistage process
38. LMS Output in form of slope factor
Represents steepness of dose-response curve (larger number = more potent)
Slope factor represents upper bound (95th percentile) caner risk per unit dose
39. Risk Characterization Where all components of assessment are brought together in a quantitative evaluation and transparent qualitative discussion
40. Integrate information from Haz ID, Dose-Response, and Exp Assess
discuss overall quality, degree of confidence in estimates and conclusions (uncertainty)
describe risk to individuals and populations (extent, severity, probable harm)
41. Calculating risk (numeric) and hazard indices
Non-cancer- hazard quotient, hazard index
HQ = intake/ RfD
Both intake and RfD have units of mg/kg-day
42. HQ < 1.0 no detrimental effects
HQ > 1.0 potential for effects to occur
HI is sum of HQs
Summing based on assumption of additivity of effects
43. Cancer risk Calculate theoretical lifetime
Cancer risk from estimated exposure or intake
Excess or additional risk
Upper-bound on risk
44. Risk = Intake x SF Intake units of mg/kg-day
SF units of 1/(mg/kg-day)
Risk is unitless (probability)
Sum cancer risk for all chemicals
45. Risk Char Discussion Confidence in key site-related chemical identity and conc. relative to background
Describe types of cancer and health effects, distinguish between known effects in humans versus animal derived or predicted
46. Confidence in quantitative tox info used to estimate risk, and qualitative info on chemicals not included in assessment
Confide in exposure estimates for key pathways and inputs
Magnitude of cancer risks and non-cancer HIs
47. Major factors driving risk (chem., pways, and pway combinations)
Major factors reducing certainties and the significance of uncertainties (ex. adding risk over chemicals and pways)
Exposed population characteristics
48. Risk = Hazard + Outrage(the non-technical side) Voluntary vs. Involuntary
Natural vs. Industrial
Familiar vs. Exotic
Dreaded or Not
The last thing that I want to discuss is the non-technical side of risk - the emotional side. There are a number of factors that influence how people feel about risk. In fact, if you ranked hazards by mortality and ranked them by outrage they dont line up.
(BULLET) The first point to consider most are aware of. Is the risk voluntary or involuntary? People are willing to take much greater risks if it is their choice. Smoking is a great example. 350,000-450,000 people die each year from smoking, but how many of those people would freak out if they learned their water was contaminated with a carcinogen?
(BULLET) Is the exposure due to natural causes or industrial causes? In New Jersey 30% of the homes have enough radon in them to increase their risk of cancer to 1 in 200, yet most people wont spend $20 to test for radon. But if radon was a byproduct from some industry down the street, you can bet there would be law suits galore.
(BULLET) Is the substance familiar or exotic? TCE vs. air pollution
(BULLET) Is the health effect dreaded? Cancer vs. asthma
The last thing that I want to discuss is the non-technical side of risk - the emotional side. There are a number of factors that influence how people feel about risk. In fact, if you ranked hazards by mortality and ranked them by outrage they dont line up.
(BULLET) The first point to consider most are aware of. Is the risk voluntary or involuntary? People are willing to take much greater risks if it is their choice. Smoking is a great example. 350,000-450,000 people die each year from smoking, but how many of those people would freak out if they learned their water was contaminated with a carcinogen?
(BULLET) Is the exposure due to natural causes or industrial causes? In New Jersey 30% of the homes have enough radon in them to increase their risk of cancer to 1 in 200, yet most people wont spend $20 to test for radon. But if radon was a byproduct from some industry down the street, you can bet there would be law suits galore.
(BULLET) Is the substance familiar or exotic? TCE vs. air pollution
(BULLET) Is the health effect dreaded? Cancer vs. asthma
49. WEB RESOURCES www.epa.gov/ncea/raf/cancer.htm
Draft revised guidelines for carcinogenic risk assessment (1999)
Polychorinated biphenyls