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Introduction to programming in Python

Introduction to programming in Python. Ľubomír ŠNAJDER. Content. Basic characteristics of Python Python versions, installation , portable version 1.1 Python as a n interactive calculator

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Introduction to programming in Python

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  1. Introduction to programming in Python Ľubomír ŠNAJDER 22th -28st of May 2010, LLP-Erasmus, Technical University Radom, POLAND

  2. Content • Basic characteristics of Python • Python versions, installation, portable version 1.1 • Python as an interactive calculator • Pythons’ commands and data structures by simple examples (loops, conditions, functions, list, dictionaries) • Graphics and sounds in Python • Guess number game written in Python, Pascal, LOGO – code comparison

  3. Basic characteristics of Python easy to learn, it has elegant syntax, short code powerful programming language, it has efficient high-level data structures (list, set, dictionary, tuple …) simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming interpreter - ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms

  4. Basic characteristics of Python • its interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in source or binary form for all major platforms from http://www.python.org/, where are also distributions of and pointers to many free third party Python modules, programs and tools, and additional documentation • its interpreter is easily extended with new functions and data types implemented in C or C++ • Python is also suitable as an extension language for customizable applications

  5. Python versions, installation Python 2 vs. Python 3 some ideas from Python 3.0, 3.1 (3.2) were backported to Python 2.6 (2.7=last version) Python Portable 1.1 (based on Python 2.6.1) http://portablepython.com/wiki/PortablePython1.1Py2.6.1

  6. Python portable version 1.1 PyScripter (interpreter, editor, code explorer …)

  7. Numbers (integer, float, variables): 20*3.9520797 2**24 2/3 -2/3 2/3.0 c=100f=32+9/5.0*cfround(_,2) a, b = 1, 2c = aa = bb = c a, b = b, a Numbers (complex, variables): 1j*1j c=3+4jc.realc.imagabs(c) Python as an interactive calculator

  8. Strings: "doesn't" 'doesn\'t' chess = ““" ... .X.X... X.X.... .X.X... X.X.““"chessprint chess contact = "name surname\nstreet\ncity“print contact word = "help"+"A“word'<' +word*5 + '>' word[4]word[0:2] word[2:4] word[:2] word[2:] word[-1] word[-2] word[-2:] word[:-2] len(word) u"Ľubo Šnajder".encode('utf-8')'\xc4\xbdubo \xc5\xa0najder' Python as an interactive calculator

  9. Pythons’ commands and data structures by simple examples Short dialog with computer# This program says hello and asks for my name.print('Hello world!')print('What is your name?')myName = raw_input()print('It is good to meet you, ' + myName) Tabelation of the fuction SQRTfor i in range(10): print i, math.sqrt(i) Star triangelfor riadok in range(10): for stlpec in range(1,riadok): print "*", print

  10. Pythons’ commands and data structures by simple examples School marks in Slovakiax = int(raw_input("Please enter an school mark: "))if x == 1: print '1-vyborne‘elif x == 2: print '2-chvalitebne‘elif x == 3: print '3-dobre‘elif x == 4: print '4-dostatocne‘elif x == 5: print '5-nedostatocne‘else: print 'You did not enter a natural number from 1 to 5'

  11. Fibonacci numbers<1000a, b = 0, 1while b < 1000: print b, a, b = b, a + b Is primary number – functiondef isprime(n): b = True for x in range(2, n): if n % x == 0: b = False return b Greatest common divisor of two numbers a, b – functiondef gcd(a,b): while a != b: if a < b: b = b - a else: a = a - b return a Pythons’ commands and data structures by simple examples

  12. Lists in Python mena=["Karol","Agnieszka","Michal","Radek","Lubo","Zuzana", "Maria"]print len(mena) print len(mena[0]) for i in mena: print i print menaprint ", ".join(mena)

  13. Lists in Python menaM=[]for i in mena: if i[0]=="M": menaM.append(i)print menaM print sorted(mena)del mena[0]print menanove_mena=["Peter","Lucia"]print mena+nove_menamena.extend(nove_mena) print mena

  14. Directories in Python tel = {'Janko': 6139, 'Lubo': 6139, 'Marian': 6140}tel{'Janko': 6139, 'Lubo': 6139, 'Marian': 6140}tel['Kubove'] = 6135tel{'Janko': 6139, 'Kubove': 6135, 'Lubo': 6139, 'Marian': 6140}tel['Marian']6140del tel['Kubove']tel['Palove'] = 3333tel{'Janko': 6139, 'Lubo': 6139, 'Marian': 6140, 'Palove': 3333}

  15. Directories in Python tel{'Janko': 6139, 'Lubo': 6139, 'Marian': 6140, 'Palove': 3333}tel.keys()['Lubo', 'Palove', 'Janko', 'Marian'] 'Janko' in telTruefor meno, cislo in tel.iteritems(): print meno, cisloLubo 6139Palove 3333Janko 6139Marian 6140

  16. Graphics in Python from Tkinter import *master = Tk()c = Canvas(master, width=200, height=200)c.pack()c.create_rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200, width=3, fill="white")c.create_oval(50, 50, 150, 150, width=0, fill="red")c.create_line(150, 150, 200, 200)mainloop()

  17. Sounds in Python import winsoundfor i in range (0,13): f=440*(2**(i/12.0)) if i in [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12]: winsound.Beep(f, 100)winsound.PlaySound("SystemAsterisk", winsound.SND_ALIAS)winsound.PlaySound("SystemExclamation", winsound.SND_ALIAS)winsound.PlaySound("SystemExit", winsound.SND_ALIAS)winsound.PlaySound("SystemHand", winsound.SND_ALIAS)winsound.PlaySound("SystemQuestion", winsound.SND_ALIAS)

  18. Guess number game in Python • import randomp = 1x = random.randint(1, 20)h = int(raw_input())while h!=x: p = p + 1 if h < x: print('Your guess is too low.') if h > x: print('Your guess is too high.') h = int(raw_input())print('Congratulation! You have had ',str(p),' guesses!')

  19. Guess number game in Pascal program guess;var x, h, p:integer;begin x:= 1 + random(16); p:= 1; readln(h); while (h <> x) do begin p:= p + 1; if h > x then writeln(’less’); if h < x then writeln(’more’); readln(h); end; writeln(’Congratulation! You have had’,p,’atempts’);end.

  20. Guess number game in LOGO to GUESSlet "x 1 + random 16 let "p 1let "h readword while [:h <> :x] [let "p :p + 1 if :h > :x [show "less] if :h < :x [show "more] let "h readword] (show "|Congratulation! You have had| :p "atempts)end

  21. Acknowledgement • These results have achieved in the frame of projects • APVV LPP-0131-06 Increasing Knowledge Potential / Zvyšovanie vedomostného potenciálu (doc. G. Andrejková) • APVV LPP-0057-09 Development of gifted pupils by means of correspondency seminars and competetions / Rozvíjanie talentu prostredníctvom korešpondenčných seminárov a súťaží (Dr. Ľ. Šnajder)

  22. Contact RNDr. Ľubomír ŠNAJDER, PhD.lubomir.snajder@upjs.skPavol Jozef Šafárik University in KošiceFaculty of ScienceInstitute of Computer ScienceSection of Didactics Informatics and Assistive Technologies Jesenná 5, 041 54 Košice, Slovak Republic GPS: 48° 43' 44.78" N, 21° 14' 50.83" E Phone: +421 55 234 6139 (my office), +421 55 234 6120 (our secretary)

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