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Coastal Carolina University Highlights and Achievements

Discover the impressive highlights and achievements of Coastal Carolina University, including new programs, financial accolades, and student success initiatives.

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Coastal Carolina University Highlights and Achievements

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  1. South Carolina House of Representatives Higher Education and Technical Colleges Subcommittee Budget Request Fiscal Year 2019-2020 President David A. DeCenzo January 15, 2019

  2. Agency Attendees David A. DeCenzo, President J. Ralph Byington, Provost and Executive Vice President David A. Frost, CFO and Vice President for Finance and Administration Michael Q. Ryhal, Legislative Liaison J. David Yancey, Assistant Provost for Special Projects Julianne H. Cooke, Director of Budget and Capital Projects

  3. Highlights • Second doctoral program, Ph.D. in Education, was approved by South Carolina Commission on Higher Education and the University is seeking SACSCOC approval • For the eleventh consecutive year, received an unqualified opinion from the external auditors Cline Brandt Kochenower & Co., P.A. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 financial statements • Designated a Purple Heart University by the Military Order of the Purple Heart • Recognized by the South Carolina Arts Commission for having had faculty receive awards and fellowships more frequently than those at any other institution • Awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a national award given by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for its 2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report • The E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration maintained its accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International • In Fall 2018, increased General Funds appropriations allowed the University to provide full-time, in-state students a $100 tuition credit per semester totaling $820,000. In effect, a planned 3% tuition increase decreased to 1.21% for this population of students. • University housing rates have not increased over the past 5 years; in addition, University housing residents received a $75 rebate per semester beginning in FY2018 and extending through FY2022. • Residential Meal Plans only increased an average of 1.1%, and the Basic 21 Meal Plan did not increase at all. • Over the past 5 years, through Fall 2018, enrollment has increased 12.3%, from 9,478 students in Fall 2013 to 10,641 students in Fall 2018. • Fall 2018 student population consisted of 30% minority enrollment.

  4. Highlights Over the past year, Coastal Carolina University received the following distinctions: U.S. News & World Report: “Top Public Schools,” “Best Value Schools”, “Best Undergraduate Teaching”, “Most Innovative Schools”, “Best Colleges for Veterans,” “Best Regional Universities South.” Forbes: “America’s Top Colleges” G.I. Jobs Magazine: “Military Friendly School” for the ninth consecutive year. SR Education Group: “Most Affordable Military-Friendly Online Colleges” OnlineColleges.com: “Best Online Colleges in South Carolina” Institutional Research & Evaluation Inc.: “America’s 100 Best College Buys” for the ninth consecutive year. Affordable Colleges Online: “Best Online Colleges in South Carolina.” Schools.com: “Best Four-Year Colleges in South Carolina”

  5. Highlights Accountability Report Highlights • Objective 1.1.2 - Develop a more comprehensive process to evaluate timely degree completion and student success. • During 2017-18 academic year, benchmarks were established identifying targeted six-year graduation rates for students in each college. CCU will track program completion in each degree program with a goal of increasing six-year graduation rates at least 2% per year with a total of 10% at the end of five years. • Activities implemented to help reach goal: Student Achievement Funding Request Initiative, developed new math placement test based on incoming students high school GPA and SAT scores, purchased a student early alert system. • Objective 1.2.1 – Assess opportunities to improve the student experience and take action to address them on an annual basis. • During the 2017-18 academic year, unique student opportunities were offered in the form of undergraduate research, internships, and student engagement. • Undergraduate Research – The CCU Coastal Research Fellows program was expanded to identify 20 new junior or senior level Research Fellows. • Internships – 15% increase in employers offering internships • Student Engagement – Initiated the “Rolling Forward” program to provide bicycles to local homeless shelters • Campus Expansion – Board of Trustees approved a motion to proceed with the planning for a new campus building, the Academic Enrichment Center and Auditorium. • Objective 1.2.2 – Require all students to participate in one of the specified types of experiential learning, for course credit, by August 2018. • Beginning in Fall 2018, Experiential Learning is now a graduation requirement and has been added to the 2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog.

  6. Appropriations History *Includes $7.7 million of additional pension expense required under GASB.

  7. Appropriations History Coastal Carolina University is appreciative of the increases in the recurring appropriation that have been authorized in past years. This chart depicts the gap that still exists and why we continue to request additional recurring funding to attain our goal of having equal status with other institutions in the area of allocations.

  8. 2018-2019 Projected Revenue Total: $237,390,460

  9. 2018-2019 Projected Expenses Total: *$235,627,229 *Excludes additional pension expense required under GASB.

  10. Carry Forward Carry forward is anticipated as labor and other operating spending is controlled while new and existing programs are regularly evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness. *Without regard to capital appropriations, gifts and grants and additional pension expense required under GASB.

  11. Capital Projects *The Smith Science Building Renovation is substantially complete.

  12. Maintenance Projects In FY 2017-2018, $8,324,674 was spent on general maintenance needs and non-capital renovations. The University has current projects budgeted at $5,395,523. The Department of Facilities Planning and Management has compiled a maintenance schedule listing maintenance needs and costs for all campus buildings over a 20-year period, which spans from FY 2016 through FY 2036.

  13. 2019-2020 Revenue Budget with anticipated funding Total: $245,899,685

  14. 2019-2020 Expense Budget with anticipated funding Total: *$245,899,685 *Excludes additional pension expense required under GASB.

  15. Recurring Request

  16. Recurring Request

  17. Non-Recurring Request Coastal Carolina University has no requests for non-recurring funding for FY 2019-2020.

  18. Capital Requests

  19. Other Funds Requests

  20. Federal Funds Request Coastal Carolina University has no request to increase federal funds authorization for FY 2019-2020.

  21. FTE Request Proviso 11.14. (CHE: Other Funded FTE Revenue) When institutions of higher learning request additional other funded full-time equivalent positions, the Executive Budget Office shall inform the Commission on Higher Education of its decision regarding the request and whether or not sufficient revenues exist to fund the salary and fringe benefits for the positions.

  22. Provisos

  23. Appendix

  24. Student Enrollment

  25. Student Enrollment (61% acceptance) (69% acceptance) (24% yield) (27% yield)

  26. Student Enrollment

  27. Student Enrollment 41% 19% 7%

  28. Student Enrollment Coastal Carolina University accepts all qualified in-state students who apply. As a means of holding in-state tuition down, out-of-state tuition differential subsidizes costs.

  29. Graduation Data Source: http://www.studentachievementmeasure.org There are 18,433 alumni living in South Carolina

  30. Tuition & Fees per Semester *Reflects a $100 per semester credit to full-time, in-state students in 2018-2019 made possible by additional appropriations.

  31. 2018-2019 Tuition & Fee Schedule *Reflects a $100 per semester credit to full-time, in-state students in 2018-2019 made possible by additional appropriations.

  32. 2018-2019 Tuition & Fee Schedule *Reflects a $100 per semester credit to full-time, in-state students in 2018-2019 made possible by additional appropriations. **Reflects a $75 per semester rebate to students living in University Housing.

  33. Scholarships & Grants

  34. Outstanding Debt per Proviso 11.16

  35. Employees • The University has 3,191 employees, including students, as of November 2018 with an annual salary expense of $103.9 million. • 516 full-time faculty • 205 part-time faculty • 972 full-time staff • 111 part-time staff • 1,387 undergraduate and graduate student employees

  36. Ratio of Student to Faculty FTEs

  37. Minority Statistics

  38. 4% Tuition Waivers & Abatements Pursuant to Section 59-101-620, Coastal Carolina University limits educational fee waivers to no more than four percent of our undergraduate students. The calculation is done using 4% of undergraduate student fee revenue.

  39. Criterion for Merit Award Abatements First-time Freshmen Merit Awards • The primary criteria used to determine freshmen applicants’ merit award eligibility are grade point average and standardized test scores; however, a comprehensive review of the following factors may be considered in determining eligibility: • Cumulative high school grade point averages – both weighted and unweighted, as applicable • Standardized test scores – SAT (combined math and evidenced based reading and writing scores) or ACT (composite score) • Institutionally calculated “core” grade point average • Rigor of high school coursework (ie. Honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, dual enrollment) • Rank within graduating class • Academic recommendations • Writing samples • Resumes, including leadership and work experience, as well as extracurricular involvement and activities

  40. Criterion for Merit Award Abatements Transfer Students Merit Awards The primary criteria to determine transfer applicants’ merit award eligibility is performance at a regionally accredited college or university based on collegiate GPA. In accordance with Section 59-112-70 (A), the Board of Trustees of Coastal Carolina University has authorized the abatement of any part or all of the out-of-state differential rates for out-of-state students who are recipients of scholarship aid. In Fall 2018, 1,757 out-of-state students received abatements.

  41. Thank you!

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