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Data Communications

Data Communications. Local Area Network Technology. LAN Applications (1). Personal computer LANs Low cost Limited data rate Back end networks and storage area networks Interconnecting large systems (mainframes and large storage devices) High data rate High speed interface

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Data Communications

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  1. Data Communications Local Area Network Technology

  2. LAN Applications (1) • Personal computer LANs • Low cost • Limited data rate • Back end networks and storage area networks • Interconnecting large systems (mainframes and large storage devices) • High data rate • High speed interface • Distributed access • Limited distance • Limited number of devices

  3. LAN Applications (2) • High speed office networks • Applications include desktop image processing, and • High capacity local storage • Backbone LANs • Used to interconnect low speed local LANs • Disadvantages include: • Reliability – backbone failure can be catastrophic • Capacity – has to support a large capacity • Cost – can be high

  4. LAN Architecture • Four basic components when describing a particular LAN: • Protocol architecture • Topologies • Media access control • Logical Link Control • Let’s examine each of these components in more detail

  5. Protocol Architecture • LANs involve the lower layers of OSI model • IEEE 802 reference model is standard • Physical layer • Media access control (MAC) sublayer • Logical link control (LLC) sublayer

  6. IEEE 802 v OSI

  7. 802 Layers - The Physical Layer • What functions are provided by the physical layer? • Encoding/decoding of signals • Preamble generation/removal • Bit transmission/reception • Transmission medium and topology

  8. 802 Layers -Media Access Control Sublayer • Assembly of data into frame with address and error detection fields • Disassembly of frame • Address recognition • Error detection • Govern access to transmission medium • Not found in traditional layer 2 data link control • For the same LLC, several MAC options may be available

  9. MAC Frame Format • MAC layer receives data from LLC layer • MAC layer adds control field, destination MAC address, source MAC address, and CRC to LLC data unit • MAC layer detects errors and discards frames • (LLC optionally retransmits unsuccessful frames)

  10. Typical Frame Format

  11. Logical Link Control Sublayer • LLC provides the interface to higher levels • It provides transmission of link level PDUs between two stations • Unlike other link control protocols, LLC must support multi-access, shared medium • And it is relieved of some link access details by MAC layer • Addressing involves specifying source and destination LLC users • Referred to as service access points (SAP) • Typically the user is a higher level protocol

  12. LLC Services • Based on HDLC • Unacknowledged connectionless service – a datagram service - leave the error and flow control to a higher layer, such as TCP • Connection mode service – a logical connection is set up between 2 users and error and flow control are provided • Acknowledged connectionless service – a cross between the first two – datagrams are acked but no prior logical connection is set up

  13. LAN Protocols in Context

  14. Five Basic LAN Topologies • Bus • Original, but no new installations • Tree • Special case of bus – multiple branches • Ring • Pretty much dead on LANs, more on MANs • Star-wired bus • Wireless

  15. LAN Topologies

  16. Star-wired Bus LANs • Use unshielded twisted pair wire • Minimal installation cost • Attach to a central active hub • Two links • Transmit and receive • Hub repeats incoming signal on all outgoing lines • Link lengths limited to about 100m • Fiber optic - up to 500m • Logical bus - with collisions

  17. Hubs and Switches • Shared medium hub • Central hub • Hub retransmits incoming signal to all outgoing lines • Only one station can transmit at a time • With a 10Mbps LAN, total capacity is 10Mbps • Switch • Hub acts as switch • Incoming frame switches to appropriate outgoing line • Unused lines can also be used to switch other traffic • With two pairs of lines in use, overall capacity is now 20Mbps

  18. Switch • No change to software or hardware of workstations / devices • Each device has dedicated capacity! • Scales well • Store and forward switch • Accept input, buffer it briefly, then output • Cut through switch • Take advantage of the destination address being at the start of the frame • Begin repeating incoming frame onto output line as soon as address recognized • May propagate some bad frames

  19. Hubs and Switches

  20. Wireless LANs • Mobility • Flexibility • Hard to wire areas • Reduced cost of wireless systems • Improved performance of wireless systems

  21. Wireless LAN Applications • LAN Extension - large buildings, hard to connect locations • Cross building interconnection • Nomadic access • Ad hoc networks

  22. Example Applications • Factory floor workers can access part and process specs • College students can connect to campus net from almost any location • Medical professionals can access patient data bedside or on location • Office workers can move laptops from cubicle to meeting room to … • Retail sales handhelds, warehouse transactions, stock market uses, and many, many more

  23. Basic Components • Backbone wired LAN that wireless workstation is going to connect to • Control module (CM) - the interface device between a wireless workstation and the wired LAN; contains either bridge or router functionality plus access logic such as CSMA, polling or token-passing; aka access point • User module (UM) - wireless workstation or device

  24. Single Cell Wireless LAN

  25. Multi Cell Wireless LAN

  26. Cross Building Interconnection • Point to point wireless link between buildings • Typically connecting bridges or routers • Used where cable connection not possible • e.g. across a street

  27. Nomadic Access • Mobile data terminal • e.g. laptop • Transfer of data from laptop to server • Campus or cluster of buildings

  28. Ad Hoc Networking • Peer to peer • Temporary • e.g. conference

  29. Wireless LAN Configurations

  30. Wireless LAN Requirements • Throughput - should be reasonably high • Number of nodes - may need to support 100s of nodes throughout the LAN • Connection to backbone - most require a CM type of connection to backbone • Service area - should typically be 100 to 300 m diameter • Battery power consumption - should be low, so MAC sublayer cannot be in constant communication with access point

  31. Wireless LAN Requirements • Transmission robustness and security - have to avoid interference and eavesdropping • Collocated network operation - might have to support two or more wireless LANs in the same area • License free operation • Handoff/roaming • Dynamic configuration of workstations

  32. Wireless LAN Technology • All current wireless LAN products fall into one of the following categories: • Infrared (IR) LANs - limited to a single room • Spread spectrum LANs - no FCC licensing required • Narrow band microwave

  33. Protocols You Should Know • IEEE 802.11 • IEEE 802.11a • IEEE 802.11b • IEEE 802.11g • HiperLAN

  34. IEEE 802.11 LANs • Basic service set (BSS, or cell) • Set of stations using same MAC protocol • Competing to access shared medium • May be isolated or may connect to backbone via access point (bridge) • Extended service set • Two or more BSSs connected by distributed system • Appears as single logic LAN to LLC level

  35. Types of 802.11 Stations • No transition • Stationary or moves within direct communication range of single BSS • BSS transition • Moves between two BSSs within a single ESS • ESS transition • From a BSS in one ESS to a BSS in another ESS • Disruption of service likely

  36. 802.11 Physical Types • Infrared • 1Mbps and 2Mbps • Wavelength 850-950nm • Direct sequence spread spectrum • 2.4GHz ISM band • Up to 7 channels • Each 1Mbps or 2Mbps • Frequency hopping spread spectrum • 2.4GHz ISM band • 1Mbps or 2Mbps

  37. 802.11 MAC Layer • What kind of access protocol should a wireless network use? • CSMA-type makes sense for ad-hoc networks where there is no central authority • A centralized access protocol makes sense for systems employing a base station / access point; especially useful for high priority or time sensitive data

  38. 802.11 MAC Layer • Protocol created : Distributed wireless foundation MAC (DWFMAC) • A distributed access control protocol with an optional centralized control built on top of that • The MAC layer is divided into two sublayers: DCF and PCF • DCF uses contention-based access • PCF uses a centralized MAC algorithm

  39. 802.11 MAC Layer • Distributed coordination function (DCF) • The lower sublayer • CSMA • No collision detection (cell may be too wide and each workstation may not hear all other workstations) • Also includes a set of delays which essentially provides a set of priority levels

  40. DCF Priority Scheme • If medium is idle, station waits to see if medium remains idle for a time equal to IFS (interframe space). If still idle, transmit • If medium is busy (either initially found busy or becomes busy during IFS), station continues to listen • When medium becomes idle, station delays another IFS. If still idle after IFS, station chooses a random backoff factor. When backoff counter reaches zero, transmit packet

  41. DCF Priority Scheme • Where is priority scheme? • Short IFS (SIFS) - used for all immediate response actions, eg ACKs, CTSs, poll responses • Midlength IFS (PIFS) - used by the centralized controller in the PCF scheme when issuing polls • Long IFS (DIFS) - used as a minimum delay for ordinary async frames contending for access

  42. 802.11 MAC Layer • Point coordination function (PCF) • Optional and implemented on top of DCF • Polling performed by central master • Polling performed round robin fashion • Polled station may respond with SIFS

  43. IEEE 802.11b • First modification to the 802.11 standard • Uses the 2.4 GHz band • Transmits data up to 11 Mbps (theoretically, in practice – more like 6 Mbps)

  44. IEEE 802.11a • Higher speed protocol • Transmissions in the 5 GHz band • Uses a modulation technique called orthogonal frequency division multiplexing • Can run at several data rates, up to 54 Mbps • First products shipped in 2002.

  45. IEEE 802.11g • Modification on 802.11b • Extends the 2.4 GHz technology to 54 Mbps • Products now appearing but no final standard yet exists (as of 5/19/03) • Since same frequency range as 802.11b, can use same layout – just need to replace NICs and access points

  46. HiperLAN/2 • Drafted by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute • Like 802.11a, promises up to 54 Mbps data rates in the 5 GHz band • Some consider HiperLAN/2 to be technically superior to the IEEE standard

  47. Interesting Facts • Higher power requirements to transmit the 5 GHz signals may make it difficult for laptops • 802.11b interface cards dropping from $150 to $75 • 802.11a cards may start at around $200 and drop to $150 ?? • 802.11b access points $500 - $600? • 802.11a access points may start around $1000 and drop to $650 - $750?

  48. Interesting Facts • The range of a 5.4 GHz radio is less than that of a 2.4 GHz radio • Rough rule - 802.11b has a range of approx 250 - 300 feet; 802.11a will have a range of approx 90 feet • Shorter wavelength of 5.4 GHz has trouble going through walls, floors, furniture, etc. • You will need roughly 4 times as many 5 GHz access points as 2.4 GHz access points

  49. Bridges • Ability to expand beyond single LAN • Provide interconnection to other LANs/WANs • Use Bridge (switch) or router • Bridge is simpler • Connects similar LANs • Identical protocols for physical and link layers • Minimal processing • Router more general purpose • Interconnect various LANs and WANs

  50. Why Bridge? • Reliability • Performance • Security • Geography

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