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Presentation on achievements of the MTTM elaboration and Piloting (Process and contents)

Final Conference Piloting of MTTM (Programme, Manual, Workbook and WebTool) THE ROAD TO FINAL PRODUCTS. Presentation on achievements of the MTTM elaboration and Piloting (Process and contents) Partner P2 - CONFAO. 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV.

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Presentation on achievements of the MTTM elaboration and Piloting (Process and contents)

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  1. Final ConferencePiloting of MTTM (Programme, Manual, Workbook and WebTool)THE ROAD TO FINAL PRODUCTS Presentation on achievements of the MTTM elaboration and Piloting (Process and contents) Partner P2 - CONFAO 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  2. To investigate the partners’ needs with particular focus on project objectives, make problem analysis and inventory of the best practices of local and regional products’ promotion. To transfer, analyze and adapt the transferable materials. Design of Programme, Manual, Workbook and WebTool, test runs with the tool. Work Package 2Transfer and elaboration of the (Programme, Manual, Workbook and WebTool)AIMS 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  3. To organize trainers meeting for trainers’ training for piloting, and evaluation by independent assessor. Work Package 3Piloting of MTTM(Programme, Manual, Workbook and WebTool)AIMS 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  4. WP2 and WP3 TASKS: CONFAO • Suggestion, elaboration and implementation of CASES STUDY format +guidelines for partners • Suggestion, elaboration and implementation of MTTM MODULE AND EXERCISE format +guidelines for partners – Initial Example • Piloting MTTM tools in Farms and Marketing/ Distribution enterprises (shops, distribution chains, franchising, etc…) • Chapter “First principles of marketing” • 4 CASE STUDIES • Italian Legislation, turned into standard motivational introductory page valid for all partners 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  5. 1st STEP for Teachers Training & Piloting & Testing • One day of “Training of Teachers and Trainers” has been organized by CONFAO in Rome on the 12th May 2010 in occasion of a 3 days training meeting directed towards teachers, headmasters, directors and trainers of Educational and Vocational training centres members of the Consortium. • There has been a huge participation in the training event (see signature list), most of the participants were: • Teachers from Secondary Technical and Vocational High School in business administration, economy and accountability, communication and marketing; • Trainers from Regional Vocational Training Centres • They were really interested because they decided to join the training session remaining one day more with reference to the general training organized by CONFAO. • As one of the output of the training day was the selection of the teachers and of the related 2 schools, which would have carried out the piloting with their students 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  6. 2nd STEP for Teachers Training & Piloting & Testing 1/5 2 GROUPS OF PARTICIPANTS WERE INVOLVED IN PILOTING IN ITALY Characteristics of participants : GROUP 1 16 students (16-18 years) from 2 Secondary High Schools of the Consortium CONFAO: - ITCG “G. MANTHONE’” (technical schools for Commerce and business administration, with an experimental Lyceum pathway in COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING) located in the city of Pescara (Abruzzo Region) - ITC “B. PASCAL” (technical schools for Commerce and business administration, with an experimental Lyceum pathway in ECONOMY)located in the city of Teramo (Abruzzo Region) The teachers who took part leading the study visit and the use of Proudfarmer Workbook were: PICCIONI CARLA - ITC “B. PASCAL” of Teramo FORTI MARIA - ITC “B. PASCAL” of Teramo DELLO RUSSO ANTONIO - ITCG “G. MANTHONE’” Pescara The Workbook of Proudfarmer was used as an experimental exercise, during a study visit in an Organic and Bio-dynamic farm in Portocannone (Termoli – Molise Region) conducted by teachers appropriately trained in Rome the 12th of May 2010. 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  7. 2nd STEP for Teachers Training & Piloting & Testing 2/5 GROUP 2 15 students (16-18 years) from one of the Secondary High School of the Consortium CONFAO: - IIS “LUISA DI SAVOIA - ITG “PANTALEONI” of ROME (Technical school for Commerce and business administration, with an experimental pathway in COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING). The staff who took part leading the study visit and the use of Proudfarmer Workbook were: GIOFFREDA LUCIA - ITC “PANTALEONI – ISS LUISA DI SAVOIA” of Rome PIERUCCI MONICA – Researcher and Project Manager of CONFAO Rome BORRELLO LILIANA – Senior Researcher expert in Didactics of CONFAO Rome ZOCCHI PIERO – Senior Researcher expert of CONFAO Rome The Workbook of Proudfarmer was used as an experimental exercise, during a study visit in a BIO-SUPERMARKET called BIOPOLIS in Rome, where they sell all kinds of products from Organic and/or Bio-dynamic farms from Italy and other countries. The exercise and study visit was conducted by a teacher appropriately trained in Rome the 12th of May 2010, and some members of the CONFAO 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  8. 2nd STEP for Teachers Training & Piloting & Testing 3/5 METHODOLOGY GROUP 1 1. The trained teachers respectively introduced with frontal lessons in class with students Workbook n°1, passing through the 7 key questions and focusing on the aims of the project and of the study visit 2. A small selection of students were involved in the experimentation of Piloting MTTM, during a larger cultural study visit in the city of Termoli from 27 to 29 of May. The study visit was realized the 29th of May in the farm “AZIENDA AGRICOLA AUGUSTO DESIDERIO” 3. During the visit students asked the seven questions, the teachers tried to suggest further deepening. Students took notes or recorded the interview with MP3 recorder. 4. Back to school, students were requested to work in groups and derive a presentation of the results of the visits. Each group has introduced in class their impressions and conclusions about 5. Sudents received the Workbook n°2 and answered individually to the question contained. It has been made as homework, students said that it took 1 hour and a half as an average to fulfill Workbook n°2 . 6. Assessment was shared in classes with students after analyzing the outputs of Workbook n°2 7. The questionnaire was than distributed to students in classes, filled and than collected.- Students were happy with this tool because they fill always comfortable when they are asked about their opinion about something made and organized by the teachers and school, they are happy to be called for a sort of “evaluation” of something. 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  9. 2nd STEP for Teachers Training & Piloting & Testing 4/5 METHODOLOGY GROUP 2 1. The trained teacher together with Confao staff of researchers introduced with a frontal lessons in class with students Workbook n°1, passing through the 7 key questions and focusing on the aims of the project and of the study visit. Students were asked to focus their attention also on the eventual modifications to the questions in order to adapt the format from farm to distribution/marketing structures, this will successively constitute a further deepening with teachers after the piloting study visit. 2.The study visit was realized the 24th of May with a small group of 15 students coming from 2 different classes (4th and 5th year of secondary high school) went to visit BIOPOLIS SUPERMARKET engaged mainly in Organic and Bio-dynamic distribution and selling of products; 3. During the visit students asked the seven questions, trying to adapt with teachers and CONFAO’s researchers their formulation to the different context (from farms to marketing/distribution/selling organizations). The teacher and the researchers tried to suggest further deepening. Students took notes or recorded the interview with MP3 recorder. 4. Students were then requested to work in groups and derive a presentation of the results of the visits. Each group has introduced in class their impressions and conclusions about the study visit 5. Students received the Workbook n°2 and answered individually to the question contained. It has been made as homework, students said that it took 2 hours and a half as an average to fulfill Workbook n°2 . 6. Assessment was shared in classes with students after analyzing the outputs of Workbook n°2 and a round table was made to rethink the questions for the different target 7. The questionnaire was than distributed to students in classes, filled and than collected. 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

  10. 2nd STEP for Teachers Training & Piloting & Testing 5/5 • OUTPUTS • GROUP 1 • MTTM has been piloted in a study visit in a Farm • Students has found the structure very easy to use • Most of them found useful to recorder the interview and use the recording during workgroups and exercise • GROUP 2 • MTTM has been piloted in a study visit in shop/distribution organization of typical and organic farming supermaraket • Students has found the structure very easy to use, they were also asked to suggest modifications to adapt the model to a situation that is different from Farm • The output suggested few variations to the original model in order to be adaptable to study visits to shops and distribution organizations • IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO USE WORKBOOK N° 3, SINCE ANY OF THE PARTICIPANTS WERE OWNER OF A FARM, BECAUSE, AT THE MOMENT, • WE DO NOT HAVE THE POSSIBILITY TO REACH THIS TARGET GROUP 21 – 24 September 2010 RIGA - LV

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