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M&M Vocab. CHAPTER 1 1. Bindle [slang / vernacular] – a bundle (bedding), carried by hobos 2. Live Off the Fatta the Land [slang / vernacular] – “fat of the land” equals having the best of everything (George & Lennie’s dream) 3. Jack [slang / vernacular] – money
M&M Vocab CHAPTER 1 1. Bindle [slang / vernacular] – a bundle (bedding), carried by hobos 2. Live Off the Fatta the Land [slang / vernacular]– “fat of the land” equals having the best of everything (George & Lennie’s dream) 3. Jack [slang / vernacular] – money 4. Morosely – done in a bad temper or gloomy mood 5. Pantomime – communication with gesture and facial expression 6. Droned – make a low humming sound; speak in a dull monotone Copy the word & definition / Write an original sentence (8-10 words) for the word / Identify a synonym for the word
CHAPTER 2 7. Swamper [slang / vernacular] – handyman; someone who performs odd jobs—such as cleaning (Candy) 8. Stable Buck [slang / vernacular] – derogatory termfor stable man (Crooks) 9. Bum Steer [slang / vernacular] – false information or directions, usually given intentionally 10. Skinner [slang / vernacular] – a mule driver 11. Tick [slang / vernacular] – mattress covering 12. Cesspool – pit for drainage, sewage; disgusting or morally corrupt 13. Pugnacious – eager or quick to argue/fight 14. Derogatory – showing a critical or disrespectful attitude 15. Mollified – ease someone’s anger; reduce or soften the severity Copy the word & definition. / Write an original sentence (8-10 words) for the word. / Identify a synonym for the word.
CHAPTER 3 16. Cut Off His Wind [slang / vernacular] – knock the wind out of someone 17. Roll Up a Stake [slang / vernacular] – save up some money 18. Welter [slang / vernacular] – welterweight boxer, 136-147 lbs (Being “handy” means being a good fighter.) 19. Yella [slang / vernacular] – yellow, a coward afraid to fight 20. Derision – laughter; ridicule (as in “an object of ridicule”) 21. Receptive – ready or willing to listen favorably 22. Reprehensible – deserving of criticism; blameworthy 23. Reverence – feeling of awe, respect, and often love Copy the word & definition. / Write an original sentence (8-10 words) for the word. / Identify a synonym for the word.
CHAPTER 4 24. Booby Hatch [slang / vernacular] – insane asylum; crazy house 25. Put Me in Pitchers [slang / vernacular] – put me in the movies (get me a job as an actress) 26. Strung Up on a Tree [slang / vernacular] – hanged, lynched 27. Take You Out in a Box [slang / vernacular] – remain in one place or situation until death (box = coffin) 28. Aloof – not friendly; uninterested and distant 29. Fawning – exaggerated flattery, affection (often to gain favor) 30. Apprehension – anxiety or fear that something bad will happen 31. Indignation – anger/annoyance over perceived unfair treatment 32. Crestfallen – sad and disappointed Copy the word & definition. / Write an original sentence (8-10 words) for the word. / Identify a synonym for the word.
CHAPTERS 5 & 6 33. We’d Never Do Her [slang / vernacular] – never achieve dreams (her = dreams or plans for the future) 34. Luger – German pistol (made popular by its use by during World War I and II) 35. Snooker – a cue sport similar to pool 36. Gingham – a printed or dyed fabric (intended to be woven into stripes) 37. Woe – great sorrow or distress 38. Writhed – make twisting, squirming movements of the body 39. Belligerently – with anger or hostility 40. Monotonous – dull, tedious, repetitious; lacking in variety Copy the word & definition. / Write an original sentence (8-10 words) for the word. / Identify a synonym for the word.