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HOUSEHOLD SURVEYS IN POVERTY MONITORING AND ANALYSIS, A CASE OF UGANDA. By James W. Mubiru, Deputy Executive Director & Johnson L. Kagugube, Principal Statistician Uganda Bureau of Statistics.

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  1. HOUSEHOLD SURVEYS IN POVERTY MONITORING AND ANALYSIS, A CASE OF UGANDA By James W. Mubiru, Deputy Executive Director & Johnson L. Kagugube, Principal Statistician Uganda Bureau of Statistics

  2. Governments have had to accept conditionalities to receive the HIPC funds. Thus obliged to set targets in their PRSPs as follows: • Poverty reduction to about 10% of the population; • To achieve full enrollment rates in schools; • Reduce AIDS prevalence; Maternal mortality; Infant mortality and Under 5 mortality rates Uganda has: • assessed data requirements; • Collected the data; • Developed policies to help the poor; • Used both qualitative and quantitative approaches; Here we are examining the quantitative side.

  3. A typical Household which is the survey unit

  4. Poverty Monitoring is; • Investigating Levels • Changes • Causes

  5. Poverty Monitoring Strategy (PMS) Outlines; • All the institutions involved in Poverty Monitoring and Analysis • UBOS is one the major institutions • MFPED at the center of Poverty Monitoring • Poverty Status Report assess the progress and challenges in the implementation of the PEAP

  6. Institution Role in Monitoring Poverty Monitoring and Analysis Unit, and the Economic Policy Development and Research Department, Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MFPED) -Co-ordinate data collection -Analyse data -Publish the information -Disseminate information Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) -Collects data -Construct the national accounts -Analyse trends in the data Uganda Participatory poverty Assessment Process (UPPAP) -Collects data of qualitative nature Ministry of Public service (MOPS) -Conducts the National Service Delivery Survey Planning Units of the Sectoral Ministries -Design indicators and compile administrative data Budget Department, MFPED Coordinate the design of indicators under the Medium Term Expenditure Framework Poverty Action Fund (PAF) Monitor implementation of directly poverty reducing expenditures Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) Coordinating data and policy response on AIDS District Authorities -Develop a database at the district level -Collect information on output and inputs Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Implement research on all aspects of economic policy including poverty Directorate of Employment, Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development (MOGLSD) -Identify data needs for monitoring of the labour market Other academic institutions and NGOs -Conduct research on all aspects of poverty INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED IN POVERTY MONITORING AND THEIR ROLES

  7. Strengths of the UBOS’ Household Survey Data is; -the rich database with annual information dating back to 1988 (with breaks in 1991 and 1998). -Some Examples,…………..

  8. Graph 1: Trend of Poverty in Uganda, 1993-2000

  9. Graph 2: Distribution of Income (Gini Coefficient): 1992/93-1999/2000

  10. Challenges of Household Surveys in Poverty Monitoring: • Address the data demands of the lower administrative units • Provide timely information on all indicators identified in the Poverty Monitoring Strategy • Making comparisons across surveys • Consumer Price Index being urban based and not covering all areas

  11. The results from the household surveys have influenced policy as follows: • Included in the Background to the Budget Report; • Re-orientation of the Poverty Action Plan; e.g. water, health and education sector; • Included in the PMA; • Used during the revision of the PEAP; • Led to the formation of Poverty Eradication Working Groups; • Guided planning at the various administrative levels

  12. THE END

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