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COntrols For Front-End Electronics. The Coffee system. Power Supply SYSTEC. USB. PC (PVSS) OPC Client -> OPC Server ( -> Driver Systec. Systec. CAN BUS. Crate: 20 SB (4 ELMB) and 1 PDM (1 ELMB). I2C. FEB. FEB. FEB. FEB. Power Supply CRATE. Power Supply FEB.
The Coffee system Power Supply SYSTEC USB PC (PVSS) OPC Client -> OPC Server ( -> Driver Systec Systec CAN BUS Crate: 20 SB (4 ELMB) and 1 PDM (1 ELMB) I2C FEB FEB FEB FEB Power Supply CRATE Power Supply FEB
OPC and Systec driver OPC Done: The Coffee system is all up to date to the OPC Server. It’s the latest version, with parallel CANBUS management; To be done: Ask for much faster server? Why does it take only 5% of CPU during the configuration? Is it possible to go quicker? SYSTEC Done: By using an “on-line” panel it is now possible to remotely power cycle each Systec Board. To be Done: Drivers are unstable. Is there a possibility of fixing/upgrading them?
Crate and SB-ELMB Done: Added the possibility of power cycling a single ELMB o a single SB; The procedure exploit a PDM feature and thus the access and the communication to the PDM is needed; In order to proceed, the panel of the crate hosting the boards to “cycle” has to be reached from the hierarchy: The PDM panel can be open by clicking on the PDM-ELMB (the green led)
New Feature – ELMB Power Cycle Select the single ELMBs and/or the Service Boards to power cycle; • From the PDM panel open the PDM_ELMB_Ctrl panel: Click on “Power Cycle” and wait for about 30 sec/ELMB selected; When the progress bar reaches 100% and the button is enabled again, the procedure is finished EVEN if the led didn’t turn gray. https://lbtwiki.cern.ch/bin/view/MUON/HowToPowerCycleELMB
Crate and SB-ELMB To be done: We already developed an automated way to periodically check the status of each single ELMB. We hope this way to promptly spot not-communicating ELMB before the OPC crashes and being able to restart the ELMB via the PDM. Unfortunately the script was not finalized this summer and it is not ready to run now.
Threshold Scan • The current procedure is completely performed by the ELMB; • Because of the huge amount of measurements needed to perform a complete scan and to download the whole dataset, the procedure is very long (more than 12 hours needed) and it is not possible to shorten it; • In the current situation the scan has tobe started from eachcrate-panel; To be done: • Make it possible to start the procedure centrally, from one of the DAQ main panel; • When the data are ready, the analysis is currently performed in ROOT; • The data should be downloaded on suitable pc and analyzed; • I’d like to substitute the current procedure with a new one.
Threshold Scan • The current procedure to extract thresholds from a threshold scan is based on the Rice formulas; • This is a very good method, that in principle allows to measure the physical parameters of the FEE (ENC, Offset, bias) BUT it is long and complicated: • 1. It requires the downloading all data on a machine running ROOT, the gaussian fit of all the spectra and then the uploading of the results on the on-line machines. • 2. Moreover the fit procedure is really unstable. We pretend to fit a gaussian being able to measure only a small part of it.
The thresholds • In order to fix all these problems I propose a new method: • Evaluate for each channel, directly from the data, the threshold that gives a certain noise value (e.g. 50 Hz);
Threshold Setting • Calculate for each chamber type the average of the above values (offset subtracted). • Set this threshold value (in r.u.) to all chambers of that type. • Make fine tuning for the noisy channels. • Since the sensitivity is the same for all chambers of the same type, the same threshold in r.u. means same threshold in fC. Thus same performance (efficiency, cluster size...). • I made an exercise and the ratio between the current thresholds and the proposed ones has an standard deviation of 20%. Shall we proceed to develop this method to take the place of the current one?
An “all-crates” panel To Be Done: • A general panel that allows to manage all the SB crates can be useful; • On this panel the statuses of all the crates can be summarized and any single failure can be spotted; • The detailed panel of each SB or ELMB giving problems could be reached in one click; • Global commands (e.g. reset, threshold scan …) can be sent. • Insert LV status and control.
PDM Done: • The PDM panel was developed only for expert use since PDM has been used only by expert; • Don’t know if all functionalities are exploited; To be done: • Develop an user friendly panel? • Develop global commands (pulse, reset ELMB) to be added in the “All crates” panel?
Chambers Done: An accurate single-chamber panel was developed Fits in 15” monitor.
Chambers Lowvoltage status of Front end boards and Service board. Allows to start counters and to plot results Advanced settings for parameter tuning, recipe management…
Chambers To be done: • Allow to directly open the panel of the SB connected to the chamber; • Allow to open the panel of the ODE reading the chamber data (?); • To manage the whole system, an “All-chambers” panel was developed by Emiliano. • A lot of work was done and the current version offers very useful tools; • Emiliano will show it in his presentation.
General Items • Done • Recipe Management: I think that the current system for creating/copying/deleting recipes is a good one; • To be done: • CONFIGURATION: in order to get a faster configuration of the system we should finalize the system created by Raphael that allowed to configure the chambers in parallel using the ELMB as an “active” object. Thispart will require a lot of work to be properly developed and tested. • MONITORING and ALARMS: with Emiliano we already started to design a script for monitoring: • The FEB communication status; • The FEB configuration. It has also to be able to: • Properly manage alarms; • Automatically recover not-communicating or not-configured FEBs.
General Items • To be done: NOISE: the monitoring of the noise is a difficult task: • Because of its slowness (15 min are needed); • Noisy channels appear and dis-appear; • Some counter doesn’t see the STOP signal and give fake results. Should we implement an automatic procedure to check continuously the noise level of the whole apparatus? It could also be able to increase the thresholds of noisy channel until the become reasonable. • Any “special” request?