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Twelfth Night. By Katie Dennis, McKenna LaFave, and Max D-K. Class Activity:. Relationship Web! Graded on completion. ( 3 examples, 1 sentence) Who does everyone think they are with? List 3 examples of mistaken identity in this Act. Then:
Twelfth Night By Katie Dennis, McKenna LaFave, and Max D-K
Class Activity: Relationship Web! Graded on completion. ( 3 examples, 1 sentence) Who does everyone think they are with? List 3 examples of mistaken identity in this Act. Then: Using the essential question: Are relationships are a necessary component of our lives? What are the benefits and costs of being in a relationship? Create a sentence showing how relationships affect our decisions in life and if they are positive or negative.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnUROVHVGDo Scene 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3AP6JMpX-U Scene 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6QPgoMzy4M Scene 3
Say Mean Matter Quote: Is it possible for people to change? When and why might this be wanted? "For though my soul disputes well with my sense That this may be some error, but no madness, Yet doth this accident and flood of fortune So far exceed all instance, all discourse, That I am ready to distrust mine eyes And wrangle with my reason that persuades me To any other trust but that I am mad" Sebastian Act 4 Scene 3 Here Sebastian decides that something is up with Olivia and that there has been some confusion. She has completely fallen for him, yet he doesn't know her. He decides to stay with Olivia in hope that something good will come from her love. Here one realizes that it is indeed possible for a person to change, but they do so for personal reasons.
Say Mean Matter Quote: Are relationships a necessary component of our lives? What are the benefits and costs of being in a relationship? "If you mean well, Now go with me and with this holy man Into the chantry by. There, before him And underneath that consecrated roof, Plight me the full assurance of your faith, That my most jealous and too doubtful soul May live at peace. He shall conceal it Whiles you are willing it shall come to note, What time we will our celebration keep According to my birth."Olivia Act 4 scene 3 In this quote Olivia tells Sebastian, who she believes to be Cesario, that he can solve all of her problems by marrying her. She also says that the priest will keep everything a secret until Sebastian is ready to have it publicly known. Therefore, through the use of this quote, one is able to infer that in Olivia's situation relationships are very necessary and she cannot move on with her life until she has found one. For this reason, Olivia was grieving so much after her brother died. He was the relationship she found so necessary to complete her life. Now, she has found this again, or so she thinks, through Sebastion. Furthermore, one is able to realize that this is one of the costs of being in a relationship. Because Olivia knows how it feels to receive love from another, she will never again be able to function on her own. Yet, in the same way one finds that this may benefit her because she has once again found someone who can fulfill her emotional needs.
Satiric Elements: Invective: Direct denunciation or name calling. "Madman, thou errest. I say, there is no darkness but ignorance, in which thou art more puzzled than the Egyptians in their fog." Shakespeare is attacking one of the follies of mankind; their ignorance. In the story of the Egyptians, the plague of fog killed the first born child in each family. The fog was created by their own ignorance, and mankind's ignorance is what Shakespeare is referring to here. The ignorance of mankind brings about dramatic, awful consequences.
Satiric Elements: Irony: Implied attitudes which are opposed to those being expressed. "Nay, let him alone. I’ll go another way to work with him. I’ll have an action of battery against him if there be any law in Illyria. Though I struck him first, yet it’s no matter for that." Shakespeare is attacking the justice system here. An innocent man can be falsely accused, and prosecuted, because of the unfairness that Shakespeare saw in the justice system.
Character Development: Malvolio: Being the power-hungry, self-absorbed servant of Olivia, Malvolio seems to get what he deserves when he is locked in a dark room and the three pranksters treat him like a madman. Interesting to note though, in this Act Malvolio is one of the sanest characters. He does not change in any way, even when everyone else is attempts to convince him that he is insane. Sebastian: Sebastian has had much more bad luck than good until now, and he has a hard time accepting it. Though he is smart enough to know something is amiss, he decides to ignore his feelings and enjoy his good luck for the moment. Sir Toby Belch: Sir Toby has gotten into trouble with his niece, Olivia, and that makes him want to stop harassing Malvolio. He knows that it would be unsafe to let his joke continue, with Olivia as upset with him as she is. Toby's interactions with other characters is based on personal gain; whether it is being friends with Sir Andrew for his money or treating Malvolio better to not ruin his relationship with Olivia.