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VT School Improvement Coaches Meeting: Common Core Coaching and Building a Common Core Knowledge Base . March 14, 2012 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Please log on to the WebEx site first, then follow the onscreen instructions to dial in by phone. For additional help, dial Joe Trunk : 617 899-7925 .
VT School Improvement Coaches Meeting:Common Core Coaching and Building a Common Core Knowledge Base March 14, 2012 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Please log on to the WebEx site first, then follow the onscreen instructions to dial in by phone. For additional help, dial Joe Trunk: 617 899-7925.
WebEx Pointers Confirm you can mute your own microphone/ phone – to enable discussion during today’s meeting, take a minute to locate the mute control on your computer/ telephone. You will be muted during the session unless otherwise indicated. If you have a question or a request, type it into the CHAT box in the lower right hand corner of your screen. If you encounter a problem, call Joe Trunk at (617 899-7925) to talk with someone who may be able to help get you reconnected. 2 2
Welcome and Introductions Organizers: VT School Improvement Coordinators: Ken Remsen, Lisa Mazzitelli, Carol Duley, Debi Price Host: Joe Trunk, New England Comprehensive Center Facilitator: Karen Laba Participants: Please introduce yourself, tell your role and your school/ SU/ District affiliation, and complete the sentence “One resource I rely on to maintain or expand my professional knowledge is . . .”
Meeting Purposes • Share a resource that builds your professional knowledge. • Contribute to a discussion of a coaching challenge. • Learn about a common core resource and how it can inform coaching practice • Offer suggestions for the design of the May 17 meeting.
Meeting Agenda 3:00 – 3:20 Welcome and Introductions 3:20 – 3:50 Coaching Question: Designing systemic supports for common core implementation 3:50 -- 4:15 Building a Common Core Knowledge Base 4:15 – 4:30 May 17 Meeting Planning
Outline: 5-10 minutes – Description of the context and nature of the issue, ending with presenter’s “I’m wondering” question 5 minutes – Clarifying Questions, Probing Questions 10 minutes – Discussion, brainstorming strategies to consider in the “wondering” 5 minutes – Reflections and anticipated next steps A Modified Consultancy Protocol
Coach’s Role in Helping Teachers Prepare for Common Core Presenter: Fran Huntoon – coach for Waits River Valley School Facilitator: Karen Laba Purpose: To share ideas for defining a coach’s role in common core transition 7
The Context: Waits River Valley • Waits River Valley School • 210 students • K-8 • Teaching staff 26 (52 staff total) • Administration • 1 principal (new) • Learning Community • School Improvement Leadership Team (only 1 member from last year) • PLCs – first year
The Coach’s Role • Responsibilities • History, Relationship • Improvement Goals, change targets
Focus Question: “I wonder. . . . what can I do as a school improvement coach to help this leadership team work towards a systemic approach to the implementation of the CCSS – especially for elementary teachers responsible for multiple content areas? 10
Clarifying and/ or Probing Questions Clarifying questions are for the person asking them. They ask the presenter “who, what, where, when, and how.” Probing questions are for the person answering them. They ask the presenter “why” (among other things), and are open-ended. Examples: -- what is the recent history of teacher training, professional development at Waits River Valley? -- what is the current understanding of the demands required for the implementation of the Common Core among school leaders? 11
Discussion of Fran’s “Wondering” Discussion Questions: 1. What are the key elements of the situation in Fran’s school? 2. What information should she take into account when deciding how to move forward? 3. In your setting, what might be a strategy or scenario you might use to help a “new” school leader tackle the Common Core transition? 12
5. Presenter’s Reflections What are the ideas Fran has heard that she can take back to her school to help design a coherent pd plan for the cc transition? 13
A Common Core Knowledge Base Purpose: Engage school improvement coaches in examining a resource to build their own knowledge of the changing instructional expectations represented in the Common Core State Standards Presenter: Casey Murrow Key Question: What do coaches need to know about the Common Core State Standards in order to provide effective support (or pressure!) to their schools?
Common Core State Standards: Essential Understandings -- NOT the GLEs -- NOT optional -- COMMON across schools, districts, states, nation -- MANY hands, minds, ideas about how to provide quality instruction to meet the standards Coach’s Dilemma: How to choose from the array of resources?
A Common Core Knowledge Base Implementation Tools and Resources Council of Chief State School Officers
Coaching Standard #6: Growing Professionally STANDARD 6—Growing Professionally: A School Performance Coach promotes improved school performance by demonstrating a personal commitment to continuous learning and professional growth as evidenced by (a) professional reading and dialogue with colleagues and (b) personal reflection and self-assessment of work with clients. • Keeping up-to-date on the educational literature • Learning from and with peers in similar roles
Discussion of Coaching Standard 6 What indicators or coaching behaviors describe coaches who are approaching or meeting the goal of growing professionally?
Final Meeting: Thursday, May 17 Format: in person Time: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm Location: TBD (Montpelier or Waterbury area) Purpose(s)/ DesiredOutcomes • Draft complete version of VT Coaching Standards (see homework assignment). • Your desired outcomes? Complete the stem, “The final meeting of our cohort of coaches will be worthwhile for me if . . .
Coaching Standards Homework Directions: Consult with your coaching standard work group; prepare to present examples from your practice that demonstrates your standard. 20
Next Meeting & Today’s Materials Next Meeting: In Person, Thursday, May 17, 2012, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm Meeting Materials: Presentation and links mentioned today will be posted on the VT SI wiki as well as on the Dept. website. A link to the recording of today’s session will be sent to all via email and posted as soon as it is available.
Thanks for your participation Thanks to NECC and Joe Trunk for web services and support