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HONEY. An Italian product with protected designation of origin (PDO). Sardinia is an island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea known all over the w orld for its clear crystal waters and unique natural heritage.
HONEY An Italianproduct with protected designation of origin (PDO)
Sardiniaisanisland in the middle of the Mediterraneansea knownall overthe world foritsclearcrystalwatersand uniquenaturalheritage
Sardinia is the Italian region that produces one of the most valuable honey.
This is due to the floral richness of the island and low presenceof pollution
InSardinia the tecniquesofbeekeeping and honey production followritualspractisedbymanygenerations in tunewith the rythmof nature.
The mildclimateand the abundanceofflowersfacilitatesthe practiseofnomadicbeekeeping.
That is, to move the beehives to areas where a certain kind of flower is prevalent and are thus able to produce different kinds of honey, each one characteristic of a particular Sardinian flower.
WHAT IS HONEY? Honey is a sweetfood madebybees usingnectar from flowers
HOW IS IT MADE? Honeybeestrasformnectarintohoneyby a processofregurgitation and storeitasprimaryfood source in waxhoneycombs inside the beehive
DO WE HAVE DIFFERENT TYPES OF HONEY? Yes, because whenbees have access to large areas ofonekindofflowerthey produce honey with a flavour and color typical ofthatparticularplant.
ArbatusHoney(Corbezzolo or miele amaro) Colour: whitewith grey-greenshadesAroma : pungentTaste: definitely bitterCrystallization: absent or middle granulationOrigin: Sardinia, Maremma ,Tosco-Latium, and TuscanApennines
Originating from Sardinia, MieleAmaro hits the palate with a unique sweetness, followed by a slightly bitter aftertaste.
This honey is collected after three months of pollination on flowers of the rare Arbutus Unedo plant.
MieleAmaro is useful in salads and main dishes as well as in desserts
Eucalyptushoney Colour: amber.Aroma: aromatic, intense.Taste: strong, persistent, pleasant.Crystallizzation: thickwith fine crystals, easilysoluble.Origin: South Italy and Sardinia.
The eucalyptus and a wide variety of plants also produce excellent multi-floral honey and other single flower varieties.
Orange Honey Colour: whiteAroma: soft Taste: pleasantCrystallization: very slow, withthincrystals, clear, littlesolubleOrigin: Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia
WHAT’S HONEY MADE OF? Honey is composed ofcarbohydrates: Fructose, glucose and sucrose, water, Mineralsacids and proteins (sugars are the mainingredient in honey)
What are the mostimportanthoneyproperties ? Honey exhibits a surprising number of health benefits, many known for thousands of years.
It is best known as an antibiotic, used to treat cuts and burns, but also relieve sore throats, suppressing coughs due to colds, as well as improve immune system function.
This wonderfully rich and fragrant liquid is the world's oldest sweetener. It can be used in cooking and baking, spread on bread, as a sweetener.
This delightful ingredient can be enjoyed alone, drizzled on crackers and fruit, or mixed into vinaigrettes or sauces for main dishes and, of course, desserts.
Honeyisalsoanimportant ingredient in the preparationof manysardiniansweetssuchasWalnutand AlmondTorrone.
Itisalsoused in the Sehadas (a friedpastrymadeofcheeseservedWithhoney on top) or servedwithdifferenttypesofcheeses.
Unfortunatelynowadayspollution and otherenvironmentalchanges are threating the survivalofbees.
Wecould live withouthoneybutbees are responsibleforpollinating a thirdof all crops in the world today.Withoutthem the future generations are goingtohaveseriousfoodsupplyproblems