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Chapter 9: 68HC11 Serial Communication Interface

Chapter 9: 68HC11 Serial Communication Interface. The 68HC11 Microcontroller. Han-Way Huang. Minnesota State University, Mankato. Asynchronous Serial Data Communication - Often used for data communication between a DTE and a DCE with or without a modem.

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Chapter 9: 68HC11 Serial Communication Interface

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  1. Chapter 9: 68HC11 Serial Communication Interface The 68HC11 Microcontroller Han-Way Huang Minnesota State University, Mankato

  2. Asynchronous Serial Data Communication - Often used for data communication between a DTE and a DCE with or without a modem. - DTE stands for data terminal equipment and can be either a computer or a terminal. - DCE stands for data communication equipment. A modem is a DCE. - A basic data communication link is shown in Figure 9.1. - there are three kinds of data communication links: 1. simplex link 2. half-duplex link 3. full-duplex link

  3. Types of communication links configuration The RS232 Standard - was the most widely used physical level interface for data communication - specifies 25 interchange circuits for DTE/DCE use - was established in 1960 by Electronics Industry Association (EIA) - was revised into RS232C in 1969 - was revised into RS232D in 1987 - was revised to RS232E in 1992 - there are four aspects: electrical, functional, procedural, and mechanical

  4. The RS232D Electrical Specifications - the interface is rated at a signal rate of < 20 kbps - the signal can transfer correctly within 15 meters - the maximum driver output voltage (with circuit open) is -25 V to +25 V - the minimum driver output voltage (loaded output) is -25 V to -5 V and +5 V to +25 V - the minimum driver output resistance when power is off is 300 W - the maximum driver output current (short circuit) is 500 mA - the maximum driver output slew rate is 30 V/ms - the receiver input resistance is 3-7 KW - the receiver input voltage range is -25 V to +25 V - the receiver output is high when input is open circuit - a voltage more negative than -3 V at the receiver input is interpreted as a logic 1 - a voltage more positive than +3 V at the receiver input is interpreted as a logic 0

  5. The EIA-232E Functional Specifications

  6. EIA-232E Mechanical Specification - Specifies a 25-bit connector - Specifies exact dimensions of each pin.

  7. EIA-232E Procedural Specification - define the sequence of events that occurs during data transmission - the procedure is easier to understand by examples Case 1. Two DTEs connected via a point-to-point link using a modem. EIA-232 signals involved: - signal ground (GND) - transmitted data (Tx) - received data (Rx) - request to send (RTS) - clear to send (CTS) - data set ready (DSR) - data carrier detect (DCD)

  8. Sequence of events occurred during data transmission over dedicated link Time Local Remote 1. DCE asserts DSR 2. DTE asserts RTS 3. DCE asserts CTS 4. DTE starts to send data (to local DCE) 5. DCE sends out a carrier and then the modulated data 6. DCE asserts DCD 7. DTE waits for arrival of data 8. DCE sends out demodulated received data 9. DEC receives demodulated data

  9. Case 2. Two DTEs exchange data through a public phone line RS232 signals involved: - signal ground (GND) - transmitted data (Tx) - received data (Rx) - request to send (RTS) - clear to send (CTS) - data set ready (DSR) - data carrier detect (DCD) - data terminal ready (DTR) - ring indicator (RING) - The signal DTR is used by the DTE to indicate its intention to make a call or accept a call. - The signal RING is used by the DCE to indicate that there is an incoming call.

  10. Sequence of events occur during data transmission over public phone line time Local Remote (receiving side) (transmission side) Connection establishment phase 1. DTE asserts DTR 2. DCE dials the phone number 3. DCE detects the ring and asserts RING 4. DTE asserts DTR to accept the call 5. DCE sends out a carrier and asserts DSR 6. DCE asserts DSR and DCD and also sends out a carrier for full duplex operation 7. DCE asserts DCD (full duplex operation)

  11. Sequence of events occur during data transmission (continued) time Local Remote (receiving side) (transmission side) Data transmission phase 1. DTE asserts RTS 2. DCE asserts CTS 3. DTE sends out data to DCE 4. DCE modulates data and sends it out 5. DCE demodulates data and forwards the data to DTE 6. DTE receives data Disconnection phase 1. DTE drops RTS 2. DCE drops CTS and drops the carrier 3. DCE deasserts DCD & DSR 4. DTE deasserts DTR

  12. Data format for asynchronous data communication - data is transmitted character by character bit-serially - a character consists of 1. one start bit (0), 2. 7 to 8 data bits, 3. an optional parity bit, 4. one, or one and a half, or two stop bits (1) 5. least significant bit is transmitted first 6. most significant bit is transmitted last

  13. Example 9.1 The letter A is to be transmitted. What is the data output transmitted out from the computer? The data format for transmission is 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. Solution: The ASCII code of letter A is $41 or %01000001. This code will be followed by a stop bit. The output from the DTE should be: Example 9.2 How long does it take to transmit one character at the speed of 9600 baud? Each character is transmitted using a format with seven data bits, even parity, and two stop bits. Solution: - Each character consists 11 bits. - Each bit requires 104 ms (= 1 sec ÷ 9600). - One character requires 11 × 104 ms = 1.145 ms to transmit.

  14. Data transmission errors - framing error: a character is not properly framed by a stop bit - receiver overrun: one or more characters received but not read by the CPU - parity error: odd number of bits change value Null Modem connection

  15. The 68HC11 SCI Subsystem - Signal pins: TxD (PD1) and RxD (PD0) - Data formats 1. one start bit 2. 8 or 9 data bits 3. one stop bit - Wake up feature 1. address mark wakeup: the character whose msb is a 1 is an address mark 2. idle line wakeup: the RxD pin is idle (high) for at least one complete character time Wakeup feature can reduce the data communication overhead in a multidrop environment. - Start bit detection 1. the SCI uses a clock 16 times the bit rate to detect the arrival of a start bit and data bit 2. the RxD pin must be high for at least three sampling clock cycles followed by a low voltage 3. the majority of bits 3, 5, and 7 being a low is considered as the arrival of a start bit

  16. - Receive process of a character 1. the receiver detects the start bit 2. the receiver shifts in 8 (or 9) data bits 3. the receiver shifts in the stop bit 4. when a correct stop bit is detected, the data bits will be loaded into the receive data register 5. the receiver sets the RDRF flag in the SCSR register and may optionally generate an interrupt to the CPU - SCI receive errors 1. framing error (FE) 2. receiver overrun (OR) 3. noise error (NE) - The transmitting process of a character 1. CPU writes the character into the transmit data register after the transmitter is enabled 2. the transmitter adds the start bit and a stop bit to the data character presented by the CPU 3. the transmitter shifts out the bit stream 4. the transmitter sets the TDRE status flag of the SCSR register after a character is shifted out and may optionally generate an interrupt to the CPU

  17. SCI registers Serial Communication Data Register (SCDR) Receive data register (RDR) and transmit data register (TDR) are referred to as SCDR. Serial Communication Status Register (SCSR) TDRE: set to 1 when transmit data register is empty TC: set to 1 when transmission is complete (the whole message have been sent out) RDRF: set to 1 when receive data register is full IDLE: set to 1 when idle line condition is detected OR: set to 1 when receiver is overrun NF: set to 1 when communication line is noisy FE: set to 1 when framing error occurs

  18. Serial Communication Control Register 1 (SCCR1) R8: receive data bit 8 T8: transmit data bit 8 M: data format bit (0 selects 8 data bits, 1 selects 9 data bits) WAKE: wake up method select (0 selects idle line, 1 selects address mark wake up method)

  19. Serial Communication Control Register 2 (SCCR2) TIE: transmit interrupt enable TCIE: transmit complete interrupt enable RIE: receive interrupt enable (including receive data register full and receiver overrun) ILIE: idle line interrupt enable TE: transmit enable RE: receive enable RWU: receiver wake up (puts the receiver in sleep and enables wake up mechanism) SBK: send break A break is defined as the transmission or reception of a low for at least one complete character frame time (from the viewpoint of a DTE). An idle line is defined as a continuous logic high on the RxD line for at least a complete character frame time (from the viewpoint of a DTE).

  20. Baud Register (BAUD) TCLR: clear baud rate counter (used in factory testing only) RCKB: SCI baud rate check (used in factory testing only) The baud rate is derived by dividing the E clock signal by two factors specified in the BAUD register.

  21. Example 9.3 Give a set of baud rate prescale and baud rate select factors to set the baud rate to 9600 with a 2-MHz E clock. Solution: - the frequency of the clock that is used to determine the bit value is 16 × 9600 = 153,000. - 13 × 153000 = 1996800 » 2 MHz. - set the prescale factor to 13 (set SCP1 & SCP0 to 11) - set the baud rate select factor to 1 (set SCR2-SCR0 to 000) - write the value $30 to the BAUD register

  22. SCI Interfacing - the SCI uses 0 V and 5 V to represent 0 and 1 - the RS232 signal Tx cannot be driven by the SCI TxD signal without translation - the RS232 signal Rx cannot drive the SCI RxD signal without translation - voltage level translation is required for the SCI signals to drive and be driven by the RS232 signals - Companies such as MAXIM and Motorola provide RS232 driver and receiver chips that perform the required voltage translation - MAX232 from MAXIM is a RS232 driver chip that operates off a single 5V power supply

  23. MAX232 signals

  24. Interfacing the 68HC11 SCI to the RS232 using the MAX232 chip and implements the NULL modem connection so that this connection can talk to a PC directly.

  25. Example 9.4 Write a subroutine that initialize the 68HC11 SCI subsystem to operate with the following parameters: - 9600 baud - 1 start bit, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit - no interrupt for receive and transmit - enable receive and transmit - idle line wakeup - do not send break Solution: regbas equ $1000 baud equ $2B sccr1 equ $2C sccr2 equ $2D on_sci pshx psha ldx #regbas ldaa #$30 staa baud,X ldaa #0 staa sccr1,X ldaa #0C staa sccr2,X pula pulx rts - to choose 9600 baud write $30 into BAUD - for the remaining parameters, write $00 and $0C into SCCR1 and SCCR2

  26. Example 9.5 Write a subroutine to send break to the communication port controlled by the SCI subsystem. The duration of the transmitted break is approximately 200,000 E clock cycles. Solution: - A break can be sent by setting the bit 0 of SCCR2 to 1. As long as this bit is 1, the SCI will keep sending out break characters. regbas EQU $1000 SCCR2 EQU $2D sendbrk PSHX LDX #regbas BSET SCCR2,X $01 ; set send break bit * the following 3 instructions create a delay of about 100 ms LDY #28751 txwait DEY BNE txwait BCLR SCCR2,X $01 ; clear the SBK bit of SCCR2 PULX RTS

  27. C Function to Send Break for 100 ms void send_break ( ) { char i; SCCR2 |= 0x01; /* set the bit that triggers send break */ TFLG1 = 0x40; /* clear OC2 F flag */ TOC2 = TCNT + 20000; /* start an OC2 operation with 10 ms delay */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { /* wait for 100 ms */ while (!(TFLG1 & 0x40)); TFLG1 = 0x40; TOC2 += 20000; } SCCR2 &= 0xFE; /* stop send break */ }

  28. Example 9.6 Write a subroutine to output a character from the SCI subsystem using the polling method. The character to be output is in accumulator A. Solution: The subroutine will wait until the TDRE bit is set to 1 and then send out the character. regbas EQU $1000 SCSR EQU $23 ; offset of SCSR from regbas SCDR EQU $2F ; offset of SCDR from regbas TDRE EQU $80 ; mask to select the TDRE bit of SCSR SCIputch PSHX LDX #regbas BRCLR SCSR,X TDRE * ; wait until transmit data register is empty ANDA #$7F ; clear bit 7 STAA SCDR,X ; send the character PULX RTS In C language, #define TDRE 0x80 void sci_putch (char xch) { while (!(SCSR & TDRE)); SCDR = xch & 0x7F; }

  29. Example 9.7 Write a subroutine to input a character from the SCI subsystem using the polling method. The character will be returned in accumulator A. Solution: regbas EQU $1000 SCSR EQU $23 ; offset of SCSR from regbas SCDR EQU $2F ; offset of SCDR from regbas RDRF EQU $20 ; mask to select the RDRF bit of SCSR SCIgetch PSHX LDX #regbas BRCLR SCSR,X RDRF * ; wait until RDRF bit is 1 LDAA SCDR,X ; read the character PULX RTS In C language, #define RDRF 0x20 char sci_getch ( ) { while (!(SCSR & RDRF)); /* wait until the RDRF flag is set */ return SCDR; }

  30. Serial Communication Interface Chips - A general-purpose microprocessor needs an external serial interface chip to communicate with other computer. - The 68HC11 needs external serial communication chips if it needs to talk to two or more DTEs. - The Motorola 6850 ACIA, Intel 8251, Zilog Z8530, and Rockwell R6551 are among the popular serial communication chips - Serial communication chips are also called universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART) - The Motorola 6850 is used in the EVB to implement the terminal port

  31. The Motorola 6850 ACIA - was designed to work with Motorola 8-bit microprocessors - can also work with the 68000 family microprocessors and also the 68HC11 - has two 8-bit data registers, one each for receive and transmit - has a programmable control register and a read-only status register - the register select input in conjunction with the R/W input to select one of the four registers 4 TxCLK 12 Table 8.4 MC6850 Register Selection VCC 14 Enable 13 6 R/W Reg Sel R/W Register 1 0 Tx Data Register 1 1 Rx Data Register 0 0 Control Register 0 1 Status Register TxData 8 CS0 10 24 CS1 CTS 9 CS2 11 Reg Sel 23 DCD 6850 7 IRQ 5 RTS 22 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 2 21 RxData 20 19 18 1 17 VSS 16 3 15 RxCLK

  32. Control register

  33. Status Register IRQ: interrupt request flag PE: parity error OVRN: overrun flag FE: frame error flag CTS: clear to send flag that reflects the current level of the CTS input from a modem DCD: data carrier detect flag. This bit goes high when the DCD input from the modem goes high (indicates no carrier condition) TDRE: transmit data register empty RDRF: receive data register full

  34. ACIA Transmit Operation Sequence - the CPU reads the ACIA as a result of an interrupt or polling sequence - the CPU writes a character into the TDR if the TDRE bit of the status register is 1 - the ACIA transfers the character to the transmit shift register to serialize the character - the transmitter adds start bit, stop bit(s) and optionally parity bit to the serialized character before sending it to the TxData pin ACIA Receive Operation Sequence - the RxCLK clock which is either 1 or 16 or 64 times the bit rate is used to detect the arrival of a start bit - for the divide-by-16 or divide-by-64 counter divide factor, the start bit is detected by 8 or 32 consecutive low samples from the RxData pin - the ACIA receiver detects the start bit - the ACIA shifts in the character and discards the stop bit(s) - the ACIA records parity, receiver overrun, and framing errors in the status register ACIA Interrupts - one transmit interrupt source: transmit data register empty - three receive interrupt sources: receive data register full, receiver overrun, and data carrier detect goes high

  35. Interfacing ACIA to the 68HC11 - the 68HC11 should be configured to operate in expanded mode - address space should be assigned to the ACIA - an example of circuit connection is shown in Figure 9.17

  36. Example 9.9 Implement the null modem connection to the ACIA so that the 68HC11 can talk to a PC via a straight-through RS232 cable and connector. This implementation should allow the user to select from the following baud rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600. Solution: -A crystal oscillator will be needed to generate an accurate and stable clock signal. A 2.4576 MHz crystal oscillator is used in this example. - A Schmidt-Trigger inverter circuit will be used to convert the sinusoidal output of the oscillator to a square wave. The 74HC14 is used. - A ripple counter is needed to provide a choice of baud rates. A 74HC4040 is used. By feeding the output of the 74HC14 to the 74HC4040, the frequencies of Q1-Q7 are 1.2288 MHz, 0.6144 MHz, 0.3072 MHz, 0.1536 MHz, 0.0768 MHz, 0.0384 MHz, and 0.0192 MHz. - Choosing 64 as the divide factor for the receive clock, baud rates of 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, and 300 are obtained.

  37. - Use a MAX232 to perform voltage level translation and implement the Null modem connection as shown in Figure 9.20.

  38. Example 9.10 Write an instruction sequence to configure the ACIA in Figure 9.20 to operate with the following parameters: - disable receive and transmit interrupts - counter divide factor is 64 - data format is 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity Solution: - To disable receive interrupts, clear the bit 7 of the ACIA control register. - To disable transmit interrupt, set bits 6 and 5 of the ACIA control register to 00 or 11. - For the chosen data format, set bits 4-2 of the control register to 101. - Set bits 1-0 of the control register to 10 to select the specified divide factor. - The address space assigned to the ACIA is $9800-$9FFF. acia_ini EQU $16 LDAA #acia_ini STAA $9800

  39. A Terminal I/O Package for ACIA ONACIA initializes the ACIA control register GETCH returns a character in accumulator A from the ACIA receive data register PUTCH writes the contents of accumulator A into the ACIA transmit data register GETSTR inputs a string that is terminated by a carriage return (CR). The string is to be stored in the buffer pointed to by Y. PUTSTR outputs a Null-terminated string pointed to by Y NEWLINE outputs a CR/LF character pair to the terminal CHPRSNT clears the Z bit in CCR to 0 if a character is present in the ACIA receive data register; otherwise sets the Z flag to 1. PUTHEX prints in 2 hex digits the 8-bit contents of A ECHOFF turns off keyboard input echoing (to the screen) ECHO turns on keyboard input echoing (to the screen) LFON expands a CR into CR/LF pair and expands a LF into LF/CR pair LFOFF turns off newline expansion

  40. Constant definitions for the ACIA I/O package ACIA equ $9800 ; base address of the ACIA CR equ $0D ; ASCII code of carriage return LF equ $0A ; ASCII code of line feed TDRE equ $02 ; mask to select the transmit data register empty flag RDRF equ $01 ; mask to select the receive data register full flag control equ $0 ; offset of the ACIA control register from its base address status equ $0 ; offset of the ACIA status register from its base address xmit equ $01 ; offset of the ACIA transmit data register from its base address rcv equ $01 ; offset of the ACIA receive data register from its base address masterst equ $03 ; value to reset ACIA control register ctl_ini equ $16 ; value to initialize the ACIA control register ONACIA pshx psha ldx #ACIA ldaa #masterst ; reset the ACIA staa control,X ; “ ldaa #ctl_ini ; set up ACIA parameters staa control,X ; “ pula pulx rts

  41. In C language, we need to add the following declaration to the hc11.h file so that we can use symbols to access ACIA registers: #define ACIA_CTRL *(unsigned char volatile *)(0x9800) #define ACIA_STAT *(unsigned char volatile *)(0x9800) #define ACIA_XMIT *(unsigned char volatile *)(0x9801) #define ACIA_RCV *(unsigned char volatile *)(0x9801) ACIA initialization in C language void on_acia ( ) { ACIA_CTRL = 0x03; /* master reset ACIA */ ACIA_CTRL = 0x16; /* configure ACIA parameters */ }

  42. Flowchart of Getch

  43. GETCH PSHX PSHB LDX #ACIA * The following instruction checks framing, parity, and overrun errors retry BRCLR status,X $70 noerr JSR ONACIA ; reset ACIA BRA retry * The next instruction checks if receive data register is full noerr BRCLR status,X RDRF retry getit LDAA rcv,X ; read the character ANDA #$7F ; mask out bit 7 LDAB echo ; is echo flag on? BEQ quit ; “ JSR PUTCH ; echo the character quit PULB PULX RTS

  44. C Language Version of Getch char getchar ( ) { char xch; while (ACIA_STAT & 0x70) { on_acia ( ); } while (!(ACIA_STAT & 0x01)); /* wait until receive data register is full */ xch = ACIA_RCV & 0x7F; /* mask out parity bit */ if (ECHO_ON) putchar (xch); /* echo the character to the screen */ return xch; }

  45. Flowchart of PUTCH routine

  46. PUTCH BSR outch TST autolf ; check auto line feed flag BEQ quit ; prepare to return if not CMPA #CR ; does A contains a CR? BNE chklf ; go and check LF LDAA #LF ; also output a LF BSR outch ; “ BRA quit chklf CMPA #LF ; does A contains a LF? BNE quit ; prepare to return if not LDAA #CR ; also output a CR BSR outch quit RTS outch LDX #ACIA BRCLR status,X TDRE * ; wait until xmit empty STAA xmit,X ; output the character RTS

  47. C Function that Outputs A Character char auto_lf; void outchar (xch) #define CR 0x0D; { #define LF 0x0A; while (!(ACIA_STAT &0x02)); void outchar (char xch); ACIA_XMIT = xch; void putchar (char xch); } { outchar (xch); if (auto_lf) { switch (xch) { case CR: outchar (LF); break; case LF: outchar (CR); break; default: break; } } }

  48. GETSTR PSHA gsloop JSR GETCH ; get a character CMPA #CR ; is it a carriage return? BEQ gfinis ; if yes, then it is the end of the string STAA 0,Y ; save the character INY ; move the pointer BRA gsloop gfinis LDAA #00 ; add a Null to the end of the string STAA 0,Y ; “ PULA RTS PUTSTR PSHA psloop LDAA 0,Y BEQ pfinis ; is this the end of the string? JSR PUTCH ; if not, output the character INY ; move to the next character BRA psloop pfinis PULA RTS

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