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SAT/ACT Which test should you take?

SAT/ACT Which test should you take?. Presented By: Judith Flores, M.Ed. School Counselor / Career Counselor Forest Park High School.

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SAT/ACT Which test should you take?

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  1. SAT/ACTWhich test should you take? Presented By: Judith Flores, M.Ed. School Counselor / Career Counselor Forest Park High School

  2. In 2009, the number of college applicants who took the ACT, for all practical purposes, finally equaled the number who took the SAT (SAT = 1.5 million students & ACT = 1.4 million students). The ACT is now an equal competitor in the admission process and students are as likely to take it as the SAT. BOTH TESTS??

  3. The SAT measures two areas. It measures developed verbal reasoning, which are the type of skills that would be measured by reading long reading passages. In mathematics, the SAT measures developed mathematical reasoning. The SAT measures a student’s ability to understand and interpret information that may or may not have been presented in a classroom setting. Why take the SAT?

  4. The SAT has three sections: Math focuses on numbers and operation; algebra; geometry; data analysis; and probability and statistics. Critical reading focuses on sentence completion and reading comprehension. Short essay is a 25-minute writing on a given prompt and it is mandatory. Content of the SAT

  5. The ACT is curriculum-based. The ACT is not an aptitude or an IQ test. Instead, the questions on the ACT are directly related to what students have learned in high school courses in English, mathematics, and science. Because the ACT tests are based on what is taught in the high school curriculum, students are generally more comfortable with the ACT than they are with traditional aptitude tests or tests with narrower content. Why take the ACT?

  6. The ACT has four sections: English focuses on mechanics; grammar; and rhetoric skills. Math tests the areas of algebra through trigonometry. Reading focuses on arts and literature. Science reasoning consists of evaluation and problem solving. The ACT also has an optional essay. Content of the ACT

  7. SAT Reasoning Test - $51.00 SAT Subject Test - $24.50 basic registration add $24 Language with Listening Tests add $13.00 per specific test ACT (no writing) - $36.50 ACT (with writing) - $52.50 Costs

  8. Division I Athletics sliding scale with either test (ACT or SAT) and core grade point average of 2.0 minimum Division II Athletics minimum grade point average of 2.0 SAT score = 820 ACT sum score = 68 NCAA Requirements

  9. Score Comparisons (According to ACTstudent.org and Collegeboard.com) ACTSAT 36        2400 35        2340 34        2260 33        2190 32        2130 31        2040 30        1980 29        1920 28        1860 27        1820 26        1760 25        1700 24        1650 23  1590 22        1530 ACTSAT 21        1500 20        1410 19        1350 18        1290 17        1210 16        1140 15        1060 14        1000 13          900 12          780 11          750

  10. www.Collegeboard.com/SSD Check with your student’s school and ask for the SAT Disability contact. Be mindful of application dates. Materials are time sensitive. Not every application is approved. Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)

  11. SAT/ACT fee waivers • Every school is allowed a certain amount of SAT and ACT waivers. • Will NOT waive late fee. • Check with the eligibility standards for each school. • Each student is allowed two each year. • College Application fee waivers are also available for schools who participate.

  12. Failure is NOT an option • The SAT and ACT are not pass or fail tests. • Tests can be retaken and scores from multiple tests can be used. • Your students’ body of work is most important.

  13. SAT and ACT study tools are available at: • www.actstudent.org/testprep • www.collegeboard.org • Prince William County High School students could also access a FREE SAT online preparation course. For more information visit: http://studentservices.departments.pwcs.edu/modules/groups/homepagefiles/cms/1007121/File/Counseling/SAT%20letter%20on%20letterhead%2013-14.pdf?sessionid=e8089124e76cfda54f3e9e505e33cbed Some Online Study Tools

  14. Good Luck !

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