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Chinese 2 Mar.18 th -Mar.22 th .2013. TEKS: 2A,3a,4a, 5A, Review grammar: modal verbs New words in the song. 童话 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuh_IfVtJ3M Review for the Hobbies Unit for the test this Friday Mar. 22. . Monday Objectives. Discuss the project my family’s hobbies
Chinese 2 Mar.18th -Mar.22th .2013 TEKS: 2A,3a,4a, 5A, Review grammar: modal verbs New words in the song. 童话https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuh_IfVtJ3M Review for the Hobbies Unit for the test this Friday Mar. 22.
Monday Objectives • Discuss the project my family’s hobbies • Review the new words of hobbies • Sichuan Opera
Sichuan operahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agw9hbLTIiU • 川劇Chuānjù is a type of Chinese opera originating in China's Sichuan province around 1700.Today's Sichuan opera is a relatively recent synthesis of 5 historic melodic styles. Regionally Chengdu remains to be the main home of Sichuanese opera, • It is the only opera that haschanging face
Project: make a web for your family. And tell what they do and what they like to do. The following grammar points should be included . You need to writ at least 5 persons and 5 activities for each person. A.想: 我想看电影。 I’d like to watch movie. B.能: 我不能去。Ican’t go. C.可以:你可以问老师。 Youmay ask the teacher. D.first… then…先再 我先看电影再吃饭。 E.)a little while… 一会儿 F) only 就 G) Continuous tense 正在+ verb… h) 应该 should
弹钢琴tānGāngqín piano • 弹吉它tānJítā, guitar • 弹竖琴tānShùqín, harp • 拉小提琴LāXiǎotíqín violin • 拉中提琴 LāZhōngtíqín viola • 拉大提琴 LāDàtíqín cello • 玩电脑游戏Wándiànnǎoyóuxì play computer games • 看电影Kàndiànyǐng watch movie • 看电视Kàndiànshì watch tv • 看演唱会Kànyǎnchànghuì watch concert • 溜滑板Liūhuábǎn to skateboard • 溜旱冰Liūhànbīng to skate • 打篮球Dǎlánqiú play basketball • 打网球DǎWǎngqiú play tennis • 打乒乓球DǎPīngpāngqiú play pingpang 打排球DǎPáiqiú play volleyball • 踢足球Tīzúqiú play soccer
NewWords 就Jiù adv. Then, precisely, just 考试Kǎoshì n/ v. test, exam 一会儿Yīhuǐ'er n. a little while 父母Fùmǔ n. parents 卡通Kǎtōng n. cartoon 应该Yīnggāioptative verb. Should, ought to 怎么Zěnme adv. How come… 晚饭Wǎnfàn n. dinner 做作业Zuòzuoyèv. phrase do homework 冰Bīng n. ice 回来Huílái v. return, come back 下饺子Xiàjiǎozi v. cook dumplings
Grade rubrics • Effort 10 • 5 things each of your family member do for fun 40 • Correct sentences 20 • Neatness 10 • Creativities: 10 • 15 Pictures of activities. 10 • TOTAL100
Tuesday • TEKS: 2A, 2B, 3A, 4A • Re new words in the song: 童话 • Chinese geography: provinces, autonomous regions, municipality, special administrative • Practice with the new words • Learn Chinese song: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYjKV1hzVZI • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpYtEeiWUW8
Autonomous regions 內蒙古自治区NèiMěnggǔZìzhìqū Inner Mongolia 广西壮族自治区GuǎngxīZhuàngzúZìzhìqūGuanxiZhuang people 西藏自治区XīzàngZìzhìqū Tibetan 宁夏回族自治区NíngxiàHuízúZìzhìqū Ningxia Hui People 新疆维吾尔自治区XīnjiāngWéiwú'ěrZìzhìqūXingjiang Uighur people
HW: FIND A autonomous regions TO STUDY’. it is due tomorrow • Tell me the name of the region in Chinese • The population • The capital city • Two famous people and what they are famous for. • I need the map and pictures of the two famous people and a picture of the capital city.
Wednesday objectives • Review the facts about China’s geography and Sichuan Opera • Review the new words • Review the grammar
Warm up 1)China has _22____provinces. 省shěng 2)China has ___5___autonomous regions自治区; zìzhìqū. What are they? 內蒙古自治区NèiMěnggǔZìzhìqū Inner Mongolia 广西壮族自治区GuǎngxīZhuàngzúZìzhìqūGuanxiZhuang people 西藏自治区XīzàngZìzhìqū Tibetan 宁夏回族自治区NíngxiàHuízúZìzhìqū Ningxia Hui People 新疆维吾尔自治区XīnjiāngWéiwú'ěrZìzhìqūXingjiang Uighur people 3) China has _4_____ Municipality ; 直辖市 zhíxiáshì. What are they? Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing 4)China has ___2___ Special administrative regions特别行政区Tèbiéxíngzhèngqū (SAR) What are they? Hong Kong, Macau 5)China has 56_ethnic groups, _55minorities. Han is the majority ethic group. 6)______:rough, fierce, or impartial.. 7)_____: impulsive, violent, no self restraint or self control. 8)______: ambitious, fierce, cool-headed.. 9)______: sinister, evil, crafty, treacherous, and suspicious 10)_____:brave, loyal 11)_____: steadfast, someone who is loyal and sticks to one side no matter what.
Verbs 忘Wàng Forget 我忘了做作业。 听到Tīngdào/hear我听到妈妈叫我。 看到kàndào / see妈妈看到我。 开始KāishǐStart 学生开始打篮球 慌HuāngNervous, not peaceful 别慌! Don’t worry! Be peaceful! 做对Zuòduì/ 好hǎo/错cuò Doing right/well/ wrong 骗PiànCheat 骗人! Cheater! Liar ! 说Shuōv. to Say 我说的。 I said that.
Review Grammar • 先Xiān…再zài… First … then… • 我先看电影再吃饭 • 一边一边Yībiān…yībiānwhile do A, at same time do B. • 我一边看电视一边做作业。 • 想:want • 可以:have permission to, can, may • 能: have the ability to • 正在+ v continuous tense • 就precisely
Make sentences with the modal verbs and continuo's tense • 1. I wish I can go watch movie.我想看电影Wǒxiǎngkàndiànyǐng。 • 2. I can go to watch the movie.我可以看电影. • 3. He can do the math homework.我能 Wǒbùnéngqù • Make two sentences with each modal verbs and present to class. • 想Xiǎng: • 能Néng: 。 • 可以Kěyǐ
Thursday objectives • TEKS: 2A, 2B, 3A, 4A • Make a Sichuan Opera mask
Thursday: Make a Chuanjiumask 川剧面谱:1. The name of your mask. 2. Draw the mask 3. Write the characteristics of the mask you made. For example: my mask“Fire” (all in red. Red in Sichuan Opera, it means brave, loyal.
Friday objectives • TEKS: 2A, 2B, 3A, 4A • Test over Hobbies and Sichuan Opera, Chinese provinces, autonomous regions, SAR, Municipality.