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Field-induced Supersolid Phase in Spin-One Heisenberg Models.
Field-induced Supersolid Phase in Spin-One Heisenberg Models The supersolid (SS) is a novel state of matter that exhibits simultaneous diagonal (solid) and off-diagonal (superfluid) long-range order arising out of the interplay between competing interactions and/or frustration. Recent theoretical studies have shown that a spin-SS ground state can be realized in a S=1 Heisenberg spin system with uniaxial single-ion and exchange anisotropies in the presence of an external magnetic field. The ground state phases of the S=1 Heisenberg model with single-ion and exchange anisotropies on a square lattice with varying magnetic field. S+-(Q)/N and s measure off-diagonal order while Szz(Q)/N mesure diagonal order. In the SS phase both quantities are finite. In real quantum magnets, an effective exchange anisotropy can be generated in S=1 dimers on a square lattice with frustrating inter-dimer interactions. The spin-SS is induced by a field whose Zeeman splitting is comparable to the exchange interactions. P. Sengupta and C. D. Batista, Field-induced Supersolid phase in Spin-One Heisenberg models, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 227201 (2007).