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Metadata for Digital Preservation by Friday Valentine, MLS friday.valentine@chemeketa.edu

Metadata for Digital Preservation by Friday Valentine, MLS friday.valentine@chemeketa.edu. Overview. Why I’m passionate about the subject Digital object life-cycle A bit of history regarding preservation metadata Overview of two major standards Discussion. Short Survey:

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Metadata for Digital Preservation by Friday Valentine, MLS friday.valentine@chemeketa.edu

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  1. Metadata for Digital Preservation by Friday Valentine, MLS friday.valentine@chemeketa.edu

  2. Overview Why I’m passionate about the subject Digital object life-cycle A bit of history regarding preservation metadata Overview of two major standards Discussion

  3. Short Survey: Metadata Experience

  4. As a descriptive cataloger, I want to know what data/fields/information are essential to digital preservation

  5. Types of Metadata http://www.getty.edu/research/publications/electronic_publications/intrometadata/setting.html

  6. What Objects Need Preserving? Historical importance Provenance Decide: Short use / long use / keep permanently We can’t always know for sure, “best guess” Some fields do double duty with regards to preservation information. Example: “Description” should not only describe the object but why the object is important for preservation.

  7. What is Preservation Metadata? • Information that is essential to ensure long-term accessibility of digital resources • Must be able to exist independently from the systems which were used to create them (extractable/shareable) Dappert, 2008

  8. Another Definition http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/understanding-premis.pdf Preservation functions can vary from one repository to another, but will generally include actions to ensure that digital objects remain viable(i.e., can be read from media) and renderable (i.e., can be displayed, played or otherwise interpreted by application software), as well as to ensure that digital objects in the repository are not inadvertently altered, and that legitimate changes to objects are documented.

  9. Dappert, 2008 Preservation metadata is intended to store • technical details on the format, structure and use of the digital content • the history of all actions performed on the resource including changes and decisions • the authenticity information such as technical features or custody history • the responsibilities and rights information applicable to preservation actions

  10. Technical information Why should catalogers use limited time to recreate technical metadata? What should the digital object be able to tell us about itself? Encourage system vendors to extract as much info as possible from the digital object into the system!

  11. With limited time and resources, what is the best use of staff time re: metadata to support preservation efforts?

  12. Why is digital preservation so difficult? Fragile state of technology Competing needs Staff Time MONEY

  13. Digital Object Lifecycle DigitalNZ: http://makeit.digitalnz.org/

  14. Preservation Look @ Digital Object Lifecycle http://www.casparpreserves.eu/other-caspar-products/caspar_workflow.jpg

  15. Big Picture Reality Check What METADATA is important to the preservation process? Try not to get overwhelmed by the Technical Models (file formats, storage/backup, wrappers/carriers, etc.)

  16. RLG, May 1998 Date Watermark Transcriber Resolution Producer Compression Source Capture Device Capture Details Color Change History Color Management Encryption Validation Key Color Bar/Grayscale Bar Control Targets

  17. MARC preservation (2009?) Field 583 http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/pda.pdf 80 page document that is both “instructional guidelines and a data dictionary”

  18. (some) Dublin Core fields DC.Creator.PersonalName: [Author or creator of intellectual content]DC.Contributor.CorporateName: [Agency to which digitization was outsourced]DC.Publisher: [Institution responsible for digitization] DC.Date: [date digital preservation copy created--YYYY-DD-MM]DC.Description: [Color Bar/Gray Scale Bar; Control targets] DC.Identifier: [URL of document if metadata not carried in header]DC.Relation.Type: IsVersionOf DC.Relation.Identifier: [e.g., catalog record no. for original]

  19. OCLC’s Digital Archive Digital Archive record identifier Digital Archive record language Digital Archive save file number Encoding standard Event Expires in Functionality changes Harvested on Ingested on Logical object size Object type Operating system Original functionality Peripherals Relation Standard identifier Administrative elements

  20. Do It Yourself Mountain West Digital Library, DC Application Profile, Section IV “Parsed Preservation Elements about Master Archival Files (Optional)” http://mwdl.org/docs/MWDL_DC_Profile_Version_2.0.pdf masterChecksum, masterFormat, masterCompression, etc.

  21. Preservation Standards OAIS (Open Archival Information System) PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies)

  22. OAIS Preservation Metadata • • Representation Information: information necessary to render and understand the bit sequences constituting the archived digital object. • • Preservation Description Information: information that supports and documents the preservation of the archived object, including: • Reference information • Context information • Provenance information • Fixity information • • Packaging Information: information that binds all components of an • information package into a single logical unit. • • Descriptive Information: information that supports the discovery and • retrieval of the archived object by the repository’s users.

  23. OAIS metadata expression Content Data Object Description (partial list) • Underlying abstract form description • Structural type • Technical infrastructure of complex object • File description • Installation requirements • Size • Quirks

  24. OAIS 2.0 Model http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september11/shaon/09shaon.print.html

  25. PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) The Data Dictionary provides detailed descriptions of metadata associated with the Object, Event, Agent, and Rights entities www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v2/premis-2-1.pdf

  26. PREMIS 2.0 Data Model http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may08/lavoie/05lavoie.html

  27. PREMIS uses “semantic units” 1.1 objectIdentifier (M, R) 1.1.1 objectIdentifierType (M, NR) 1.2 objectCategory (M, NR) 1.3 preservationLevel (O, R) [representation, file] 1.3.1 preservationLevelValue (M, NR) [representation, file] 1.3.2 preservationLevelRole (O, NR) [representation, file] 1.3.3 preservationLevelRationale (O, R) [representation, file] 1.3.4 preservationLevelDateAssigned (O, NR) [representation, file] 1.4 significantProperties (O, R) 1.4.2 significantPropertiesValue (O, NR) 1.5 objectCharacteristics (M, R) [file, bitstream] 1.5.1 compositionLevel (M, NR) [file, bitstream]

  28. PREMIS PREMIS DTD PREMIS fields describe: a unique identifier for the object (type and value), fixity information such as a checksum (message digest) and the algorithm used to derive it, the size of the object, the format of the object, which can be specified directly or by linking to a format registry, the original name of the object, information about its creation, information about inhibitors, information about its significant properties, information about its environment, where and on what medium it is stored, digital signature information, relationshipswith other objects and other types of entities.

  29. PREMIS expressed in XML http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/understanding-premis.pdf

  30. Do the best you can do for your collections

  31. Links to References http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/past/orprojects/pmwg/presmeta_wp.pdf http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/FE_Dappert_Enders_MetadataStds_isqv22no2.pdf http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/pdf/da_metadata_elements.pdf And big kudos to Angela Dappert of the British Library for offering her presentation “Preservation Metadata” under Creative Commons license 2.0 UK/Wales (2008): http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCwQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.digitalpreservationeurope.eu%2Fpreservation-training-materials%2Ffiles%2FPreservationMetadataPart1.ppt&ei=e2qYT_C8GM3WiAKa6tjVDw&usg=AFQjCNGqUjgPNSwqZmCqq2VjDiSwM2jRdg&sig2=rQOZEtIt9nLzusOSLU61tA

  32. Thank you! Friday Valentine friday.valentine@chemeketa.edu

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