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DELTA 2000. LOCAL ACTION GROUP & LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. By Giancarlo Malacarne, Gardony 09.27.2011 . WHO WE ARE.
DELTA2000 LOCAL ACTION GROUP&LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY By Giancarlo Malacarne, Gardony 09.27.2011
WHO WE ARE DELTA 2000 is a Local Action Group of mixed composition which includes Public Bodies and Professional Associations of the Provinces of Ferrara and Ravenna, as well as local economic actors operating in the two Provinces PUBLIC PARTNERS • Province and Municipalities of Ferrara • Province and Municipalities of Ravenna • Consortium of the Regional Park of the Po Delta • Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Artisanship and Agricolture of Ferrara and Ravenna. PRIVATE PARTNERS • Trade, Industrial, Agricoltural and Tourism Associations • Enterprises and cooperatives acting for local development
LOCATION Po Delta Area In the northern part of Italy between Venice and Florence, in the Po Delta Park
THE PO DELTA PARK The fauna of Parco del Delta del Po is undoubtedly one of the most valuable elements of the protected area.Besides the Park's 460 Vertebrates species, the birds of the Po Delta represent an extraordinarily precious heritage, with more than 300 reported species during the last decades, 150 of which are nesting and more than 180 wintering. The flora: authors about specific areas attest to the presence of at least 970 species, and it is possible to estimate the specific diversity of the area at about 1.000 - 1.100 species. The Park is peopled by extremely specialised plants linked either to the beaches and dunes (psammophilous plants) or to the wetlands (hydrophytes) and their banks (helophytes); wetlands include lagoons and brackish lagoons (halophilic plants), marshes and fresh water wetlands. Emilia-Romagna Po Delta Park covers some of the most productive and rich in biodiversity areas in Italy. The Park includes the country's largest protected wetlands, areas of great ecological value.It is a territory rich in natural environments, housing hundreds of plant and animal species.
OUR STRATEGY The main aim of our Agency is promoting local resources and economic activities in an harmonic and integrated way in order to start a local development process based on the self-representation of local communities. DELTA 2000 is currently managing a Local Development Plan that is financed by the Leader Programme 2007-2013, but in the past was financed by EU Initiative Leader + (2000-2006), as a completion of previous programmes. The LEADER Programme focuses on the following themes: enhancement of natural and cultural resources, including the sites of EU environmental interest of NATURE 2000. At local level the focus theme is the enhancement of natural and cultural resources of the Delta in Emilia-Romagna.
OUR SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES - Reinforce the environmental heritage of the Delta by embedding it in the structure of a territorial ecosystem model - Improve, organise and create a network of all resources in terms of environment, history, culture and landscape - Support the differentiation and improvement of the entrepreneurial offer in all its aspects - Support the access of the local system of the Po Delta to national and foreign markets - Reinforce and widen cooperation networks.
The project ideacame from DELTA 2000 LEADER II local development plan, whose transnational cooperation strategy was aimed at enhancing the natural and cultural heritage of the Po Delta area The constructionof the “ecotouristproduct” …whatdidwe start from? by structuring new marketing strategies and tourism products such as: birdwatching, cycling tours, nature tourism for schools, cultural tours But the Delta is the ideal habitat of birds, with over 317 bird species, about 55.000 wintering birds and 35.000 nesting birds. The area also covers 11 Wetland Areas of International Importancelisted in the Ramsar Convention (Iran 1971), 18 Sites of Common Interest (EU Directive 92/43/CEE) and 16 Special Protection Areas (EU Directive79/409/CEE) for bird safeguard 1996 – 2000 I.C. LEADER II, Mis. C Methods of integration between tourism and the environment - LAG partner ECAD, East Cork – IRL Participation at BBF Brochure, contacts with T.O., etc
LEADER + With LEADER+ the project idea has been improved and carried on by the definition of a project proposal for the creation of a network of European wetlands which has been spread among LAGs and National Leader Network Units at international level in order to seek possible partners for the definition and realization of the project. 1. Analysis of 40 sites devoted to bw (strengthness, weaknesses, definition of a strategy) 2. Guidelines to update accessibility, services, to enjoy nature sites…. Management and Availability Plan of 2 Po Delta Park sites A project to set up 4 birdwatching sites outside the Po Delta Park Area Realization of the first Birdwatching professional guide (Where to go birdwatching in the Po Delta) and the organization of the International Po Delta Birdwatching Fair
The tourism companies are not completely organised to welcome birdwatchers ……………SO…….. 1. Training 2. Meeting and creation of working groups 3. Setting up of regulations to welcome bws 4. Call for proposal reserved to tourism company to encourage the birdwatching offer --> purchase of binoculars, spyglasses, fitting out of points of view, creation of packages, creation of promotional material One of the most important goal achieved from this activities is the creation of professional guides companies in Po Delta
OTHER IMPORTANT EUROPEAN COOPERATION PROJECTS • Development and improvement of the “ecotourism product” in Po Delta area through EU cooperation projects: • 2001 I.C. EQUAL – Project work “Structuring of birdwatching as touristic offer in Po Delta area” • "Wetlands and rivers: management and sustainable devepment of the Tisza area" – Tacis Cross Border Small Projet facility (2002-2004) – TACIS • N.A.P. – Network Adriatic Parks - INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE. (2007-2008) • Projects currently in progress - Territorial Cooperation UE 2007-2013: • DATOURWAY Transnational strategy for the sustainable territorial development of the Danube area with special regards to tourism (SEE program) • SLOW TOURISM (Italia-Slovenia Programme) All these projetcs have been co-financied by local public bodies and local entrepreneurs
Slow tourism • DELTA 2000 embraced the idea since 2007 (Birdwatching & Slow Tourism Events) • The SLOWTOURISM Project financed by the European Union and by Italy and Slovenia within the cross border Italy-Slovenia cooperation program 2007-2013 develop a strategy for a combined development of slow tourism putting all the interventions in the areas characterized by the element of water What are the slow tourismproducts?* • There are some tourismproductsthat are “naturally slow” • Nature tourism, Cycling, Trekking, Horseriding, River tourism, etc. • Thisdoen’t meanthatothertraditionaltouristicofferscannothave a slow characteristicforexample • During a city break, the seightseeing bus tour isnot slow, insteadwalking/cycling on theme-basedroutesis slow; in winter, alpine skiingisnot slow, instead, snowshoeingis slow. *Surveyconductedby Professor Stefano Dall’Aglio, ECONSTAT, WP 2 – Analisysof the contest, Slow Tourism Project
The Slow tourist’s profile - Segments Culture & Wellness Mostly women, 51-65 years old, with partner. Educational level: medium and low. They stay in: Emilia-Romagna e Veneto. Place of origin: Italy. Favourite activities: Visiting art/culture resources; Museums; Events; Tasting typical products; Courses in local culture; Going to Spa. Stay: in medium and high level hotel. Typically 1 week stay. 14% 51-65 years old (42 on the average), Degree. They stay in: FVG. Place of origin: Austria/Germany. Favourite activities: Generic/cultural visit; Museums; Trekking, Water sports. Stay: in medium level hotel (3*); B&B. Typically, 2 weeks stay. Discovery & Movement 13% Curiousabouteverything Mostly women, 18-35 years old (38 on the average), families. Economic level: medium. They stay in: Emilia-Romagna. Place of origin: Italia. Favourite activities: All, except generic. Stay: in medium level hotel or apartments. Typically a weekend or 2 weeks stay. 18% Mostly women, 51-65 years old (45 on the average), with family. Economic level: high. They stay in: FVG. Place of origin: Italy. Favourite activities: Visiting cultural and natural resources, wildlife, rural life; Museums; Tasting typical products; Walking. Stay: in B&B, without board. Typically a weekend or 1 week stay. Living the hinterland 16%
The Slow tourist’s profile - Segments Men, 50+ years old, (45 on the average). High economic level. They stay in: Emilia-Romagna. Place of origin: Tendentially Italy. Favourite activities: Visiting parks, reserves; Watching wildlife; Walking/Trekking. Stay: in High and low hotel; Apartment. Typically, 2 weeks stay or longer. Just Nature 12% Men, 50+ years old, (46 on the average), with partner. Retired. They stay in: Veneto. Place of origin: Rest of Europe and of the World. Stay: in Agritourism, Low level hotel; Without board. Typically, 1 week stay. Men, 36-50 years old (42 on the average), Tendentially with partner. Economic level: medium. They stay in: FVG and Slovenia. Place of origin: Rest of Europe. Favourite activities: Tasting typical products; Staying in agritourism. Stay: in Agritourism, B&B, Medium low level hotel. Typically 1 week or long weekend stay. Total Relax Rural Relax 9% 10% Men, 18-35 years old (33 on the average), Students, alone and with friends. High educational level. They stay in: Slovenia. Place of origin: Slovenia and Austria/Germany. Favourite activities: Cycling/mountain biking, Water sports, Sailing, Air sports, Winter sports. Stay: in campsite, B&B. Typically, 1 week stay. Very sporting 9%
Some aspects of the “destination management” function 1. The governance With all the local stakeholders: Province of Ravenna, Province of Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna Po Delta Park, Emilia-Romagna Region, local governments, all of them are represented in the LAG 2. Specification of the strategy based on available resources: natural, cultural, environmental…
Some aspects of the “destination management” function 3.Creating a network of operators Creation of business networks to improve reception and hospitality for ecotourists 4. Structuring of the territorial offert development of new services, information, equipment, routes
Some aspects of the “destination management” function 5.Marketing and communication Improve marketing offer for the national and international market. Tourist events, participation in trade fairs, special promotions, production of promotional material…
Some suggestion for Gardony area... 1 ..using the occasion offer by I.C. Leader or other european funds from other Programme and integrating naturalistic and environment touristic offer with cultural, wellness, enogastronomic tourism 2
Thanks for your kind attention! Mr. Giancarlo Malacarne DELTA 2000 TEL. +39 0533 57693 deltaduemila@tin.it www.deltaduemila.net