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Friedrich Nietzsche’s Naturalism Beyond Good and Evil

Friedrich Nietzsche’s Naturalism Beyond Good and Evil. 1844-1900 The Dark Corners of the Soul . Schopenhauer: The Will to Live. Will is the force that exists in every living thing It manifests itself in egoism, conflict, and malice Things aren’t the product of reason, but of instinct

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Friedrich Nietzsche’s Naturalism Beyond Good and Evil

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  1. Friedrich Nietzsche’s NaturalismBeyond Good and Evil 1844-1900 The Dark Corners of the Soul

  2. Schopenhauer: The Will to Live • Will is the force that exists in every living thing • It manifests itself in egoism, conflict, and malice • Things aren’t the product of reason, but of instinct • A bird builds a nest out of instinct • Everything has urges, and urges aren’t satiable, • Hence life is a constant state of wanting • Life is something to get through, life is painful

  3. Nietzsche saw 2 impulses • Apollonian • Reason • Optimistic • Light • Dionysian • Passion • Realistic • Dark What really impelled the ancients was not reason but passion! • Willfullness! • Eros – “life-drive”

  4. Society seeks to tame Eros • Hellenism • Enlightenment • Darwinism • Judeo-Christian history • Liberal democracy These present pictures of progress, but…..really Western Civ is doomed • History is not a clean story of progress • Seasons of brutality interrupted by periods of creative energy • Find an alternative to rational Hellenism… • And Christian ethics • Jesus weakened society

  5. Read through packet • What does Nietzsche’s philosophy reject? • What does it embrace?

  6. Group Art Project • Incorporate images • And words from The Will to Power

  7. Slave Morality and Master Morality • Who is a slave? • The Herd…? • Who is the master?

  8. The Will to Power • Instinctive force • Value-less • No absolutes morally • Each person seeks to expand their world: however you do it is good for you.. • Traditional morality hinders the process, limits people

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