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SEPARATION BARRIER. B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. Electronic fence. S e r v i c e r o a d. B a r b e d- w i r e fence. P a t r o l r o a d. T r a c e R o a d. T r e n c h. A r m o r e d V e h i c l e s R o ad.
SEPARATION BARRIER B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Electronic fence Serviceroad Barbed-wire fence Patrol road TraceRoad Trench ArmoredVehicles Road SEPARATION BARRIER SEPARATION BARRIER What is it? Width: 60-100 meters
SEPARATION BARRIER The Route Inside the West Bank Inside the West Bank Inside the West Bank
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Project Stages Qedumim Stage 1:138 km - Completed in most areas Ariel Stage 2:60 km -of this, 45 km already completed Jerusalem Envelope:50 km - of this, 35 km already completed Stage 3 and 4:340 km - Approved in Oct. 2003 Cabinet decision expected regarding changes in the route
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Depth Barrier 7 secondary barriers have been approved to the east and west of the main barrier. The goal: to block access to Israel to isolate areas from the rest of the West Bank
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Length of the Barrier Main Barrier:590 km + Secondary Barriers: 70 km Total length:660 km More than twicethe lengthof the Green Line
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Estimated Financial Cost US$2.5 million per kilometer Total = US$ 2 billion
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Project Stages In addition:Jordan Valley barrier - Proposed
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER The Population Affected Over 250,000 peoplein 84 communitiesin enclaves* 210,000 peopleinEast Jerusalemseparated from the rest of the West Bank 402,000 people in 102 communitiesseparated from vital places* 875,000Palestiniansdirectly affected * These figures will change if the Cabinet approves changes to the route, as promised.
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER The Land Affected 951,000 dunams 16% of the West Bank
Stage 1 Jenin Tulkarm Ya’bad Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Tulkarm Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Qalqiliya Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER The “Seam Area” Regime: Stage 1 The area between the barrier and thegreen line (1.7% of the West Bank):“closed military zone”. Entering or being in theclosed zone is forbiddenwithout a special permit. The order does not apply toIsraelis, Jews and tourists.
Stage 1 Ya’bad Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER The “Seam Area” Regime: Stage 1 Palestinians over age 12 must obtain a "permanent resident" permit. Need to prove “to the satisfaction of the Civil Administration” that they doin fact live in the seam area. Permits valid only for several months. Residents can appeal to a military committee; if rejected they must leave their homes.
Stage 1 Ya’bad Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER The “Seam Area” Regime: Stage 1 Other residents from the West Bankmust have a permit in order toenter the seam area. 12 types of permits exist basedon the purpose of entry:farmer; medical personnel, teacher, etc. Permits are valid for a particular gate and for certain times of day only.
Stage 1 Ya’bad Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER Crossingthe Barrier: Stage 1 30 agricultural gates: Open 2-3 timesa day for a short time 9 checkpoints: For the residents of the enclaves and for settlers
Stage 1 Ya’bad Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER Freedom of Movement Passage permits: applications areoften arbitrarily rejected Passage requires long waits. During “total closure” the gates are closed. IDF restrictions have brought Palestinian movement to an almost total halt.
Stage 1 Ya’bad Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER The Right to Work Tens of thousands of Palestinians are separated from their workplaces.
Stage 1 Ya’bad Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER The Right to Work Agriculture is severely harmed:thousands of acres of cultivatedland separated from rest ofthe West Bank.
Stage 1 Ya’bad of Living Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER The Right to an Adequate Standard About 40% of West Bank Palestinians currently live below the poverty line The barrier is liable to force thousands more Palestinian families into poverty.
Stage 1 Ya’bad Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER The Right to Health of Living • Most of the affected communities rely on hospitals in Tulkarem, Qalqilya and East Jerusalem. • Nine of the villages in enclaves west of the barrier donot have amedicalclinic.
Stage 1 Ya’bad Tulkarm Qalqiliya SEPARATION BARRIER The Right to Education Many teachers who live in Tulkarem, Qalqilya and East Jerusalem teach in schools in neighboring villages and face problems reaching their schools.
Stage 1 Jenin Jenin Tulkarm Tulkarm Ya’bad Nablus Nablus Qalqiliya Qalqiliya Kafr Thulth ‘Izbat Salman Al-Mudawwar Ramallah Ramallah ‘Izbat Al-Ashqar Tulkarm Beit Amin Jericho Jericho Oranit Sanniriya Jerusalem Jerusalem Azzun Atma Sha’are Tiqva Etz Efrayim Elqana Bethlehem Bethlehem Mas-ha Qalqiliya Hebron Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Case Study: ‘Azzun ‘Atma Isolation of some residents from therest of the village Problems marketing produce inthe West Bank Restricted access to lands east of the barrier Problems in functioning of two schools Restricted access tomedical treatment
Jerusalem Envelope Ramallah Falamya KafrJammal Giv’at Ze’ev Jaba Ar-Ram Jayyus Beit Hanina Zufin Hizma Pisgat Ze’ev Qalqilya Ramot Allon Anata Shu’afat East Jerusalem West Jerusalem ’Eizariya Silwan Abu Dis Sawahira Sur Bahir Al-Walaja Gilo Sheikh Sa’d Beit Jala Beit Sahur Bethlehem SEPARATION BARRIER Case Study: Jerusalem Envelope (East) East of the municipal boundary:82,500 Palestinians West of the municipal boundary:200,000 Palestinians Until recently, the municipal boundary had almost no implications on the daily lives of the residents. The establishment of the barrier to the east of Jerusalem completely ignores the existing reality.
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Establishing Permanent Facts Israel describes the barrier as a“temporary means tomeet security needs” Israel similarly described most of the settlements that were established in the 1970s All signs indicate that the barrier is intended for thelong-term
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Concealing the Facts Despite the enormous sums that Israeli citizens are paying for the barrier; Despite the grave violations of human rights that it will cause; Despite the political repercussions of far-reaching consequence; Israel refuses to provide information about the barrier and prevents public debate.
Jenin Jayyus Jayyus Zufin Zufin Tulkarm Qalqiliya Qalqiliya Nablus Alfe Menashe Alfe Menashe Qalqiliya Habla Habla Falamya KafrJammal Matan Matan Original Route Current Route Jayyus Zufin Ramallah Qalqilya Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Why Was This Route Chosen? To perpetuatemost settlements To avoid recognition of the 1967 border To benefit Jewish communities in Israel To preserve antiquities To ensure access to holy sites
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Are there Alternatives? Improve functioning ofcheckpoints along the Green Line Most perpetrators of attacks enterIsrael through the checkpoints. Deploy more forces alongthe Green Line The IDF chose to shift forces to locations deep within the West Bank. Construct the barrieralong the Green Line or inside Israel.
Jenin Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron SEPARATION BARRIER Time to Act Most of the barrierhas not yet been constructed. It is still possible to preventfuture human rights violations.