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Youth DISC Survey. including Learning Styles & Love Language Tests. What the Youth Survey Does-. Profiles normal behavior Defines learning preferences Defining “wants & fears” Conflict resolution 3 R’s of communication Learning styles Five Love Languages.
Youth DISC Survey including Learning Styles & Love Language Tests
What the Youth Survey Does- • Profiles normal behavior • Defines learning preferences • Defining “wants & fears” • Conflict resolution • 3 R’s of communication • Learning styles • Five Love Languages
DISC Behavior Survey – Page 2(Natural Behavior) Instructions: Focus on your instinctive behavior and not what you perceive is the best response. Be aware, there are no right or wrong answers. How to respond: Rank each horizontal row of words on a scale of 4,3,2,1 with 4 being the word that best describes you and 1 being the least like you. Use all rankings in each line only once. Below is an example: 2 Dominant 1 Influencing 4 Steadiness 3 Compliant
DISC Behavior Survey(Natural Behavior) Instructions: Focus on your instinctive behavior and not what you perceive is the best response. Be aware, there are no right or wrong answers. How to respond: Rank each horizontal row of words on a scale of 4,3,2,1 with 4 being the word that best describes you and 1 being the least like you. Use all rankings in each line only once. Below is an example: 2 Dominant 1 Influencing 4 Steadiness 3 Compliant 1 4 1 4 Forceful Lively Tactful Modest
DISC Behavior Survey(Natural Behavior) Instructions: Focus on your instinctive behavior and not what you perceive is the best response. Be aware, there are no right or wrong answers. How to respond: Rank each horizontal row of words on a scale of 4,3,2,1 with 4 being the word that best describes you and 1 being the least like you. Use all rankings in each line only once. Below is an example: 2 Dominant 1 Influencing 4 Steadiness 3 Compliant 1 4 1 4 Forceful Lively Modest Tactful
DISC Behavior Survey(Natural Behavior) Instructions: Focus on your instinctive behavior and not what you perceive is the best response. Be aware, there are no right or wrong answers. How to respond: Rank each horizontal row of words on a scale of 4,3,2,1 with 4 being the word that best describes you and 1 being the least like you. Use all rankings in each line only once. Below is an example: 2 Dominant 1 Influencing 4 Steadiness 3 Compliant 3 2 1 4 1 4 Forceful Lively Modest Tactful
DISC Behavior Survey(Natural Behavior) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Risk Taker Talkative Gentle Factual Argumentative Fun-loving Patient Logical Bold Spontaneous Stable Organized Take Charge Optimistic Peaceful Conscientious Candid Cheerful Loyal Serious Independent Enthusiastic Good listener High standards 44 38 16 22 _____ Total _____ Total _____ Total _____ Total * Note: If your totals do not add up to 120, you did not complete the survey correctly or you made a mistake in adding up the totals. Recheck your work.
Tally Box – Page 3 C D I S 44 16 22 38
DISC PROFILE Page 3 High Style High Style I S C D Extreme 48 44 40 36 32 30 28 24 20 16 12 48 44 40 36 32 30 28 24 20 16 12 Strong Midline Strong Extreme Low Style Low Style
High Style High Style I S C D 48 44 40 36 32 30 28 24 20 16 12 48 44 40 36 32 30 28 24 20 16 12 Circle all plotting points above the midline. My plotting point color(s) above the midline are: Red &Yellowand ...below the midline are: Red &Yellow. Colors that are not a part of my style are: Blue & Green Low Style Low Style
Defining Your DISC Styles • Dominant Styles:Work toward achieving goals andresults; they function best in an active, challenging environment. • Influencing Styles:Work toward relating to people through verbal persuasion;they function best in friendly, favorable, environment. • Steadiness Styles: Work toward supporting and cooperating with others; they function best in supportive, harmonious environment. • Compliance Styles:Work toward doing things right and focus on details; they function best in a structured, orderly environment.
Personalizing your definitions supporting and cooperating with others and doing things right with a focus on details supportive and harmonious with some structure and order. Based on the information on page 3, write a personal definition.. I tend to work toward… and function best in an environment that is…
Defining the behavior of aLion • Among the most powerful of the cat family. Capable of moving quickly when in search of prey. • Tends to roar when angry or announcing possession of its territory. • Is very comfortable in an aggressive environment.
Defining the behavior of an Otter • Among the most playful and sociable animals on earth. • Tends to be quite active and noisy, particularly in groups. • When captured young, an otter makes an engaging pet. • Is most often observed creating a playful environment with other otters.
Defining the behavior of aGolden Retriever • Among the most loyal, stable of domestic animals • Tends to be friendly, reliable and trustworthy. • Is very protective of family members. • It loves being hugged and responds to warm affection. • Is most comfortable in a safe, stable environment.
Defining the behavior of a Beaver • Among the most intelligent of all the mammals in efficiency and technical skills in organizing its domain. • Instinctively, a beaver is gifted at solving the most difficult technical problems in building and constructing things. • Is very comfortable working alone or in small groups.
Defining whatcolorscommunicate • Red -Tends to create an environment filled with energy and action. Red causes the blood pressure and pulse rate to increase. With red as a background, objects tend to appear bigger and bolder. • Green - Tends to create an environment that causes a favorable body response and is easiest on the human eye. Green colored backgrounds tend to make people feel cared for and secure. • Blue -Tends to create an environment that communicates harmony and peace. Research evidence has shown that light blue colors are the most effective colors in calming the human mind. • Yellow - Tends to create an environment that communicates caution and warns of danger when associated with black letters or symbols. Yellow is the first color the adult human eye sees. Over extended periods, yellow can create feelings of anxiety.
Understanding Your Learning Preferences High Style High D High I High S High C Assignments Challenging People relatedScheduledDetailed Responses Decisive InteractiveCooperativeAnalytical Strength Problem solver EncouragerSupporterOrganizer Limitation Too direct Too disorganizedToo indecisiveToo detailed --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- AssignmentsRoutineTechnical Diverse Unorthodox ResponsesParticipateStructured Reactive Instinctive StrengthTeam playerLogical Thinker Energy source Risk taker LimitationToo indirectToo impersonal Too intense Too nontraditional Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Understanding Your Learning Preferences High Style High D High I High S High C Assignments Challenging People relatedScheduledDetailed Responses Decisive InteractiveCooperativeTraditional Strength Problem solver EncouragerSupporterOrganizer Limitation Too direct Too disorganizedToo indecisiveToo detailed --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- Assignments RoutineTechnical Diverse Unorthodox ResponsesParticipateStructured Reactive Instinctive StrengthTeam playerLogical Thinker Energy source Risk taker LimitationToo indirectToo impersonal Too intense Too nontraditional Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Understanding Your Work/Role Style High Style High D High I High S High C AssessmentsChallengingPeople relatedScheduledDetailed Responses Decisive InteractiveCooperativeTraditional Strength Problem solver EncouragerSupporterOrganizer Limitation Too direct Too disorganizedToo indecisiveToo detailed --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- AssignmentsRoutineTechnicalDiverseUnorthodox ResponsesParticipateStructured Reactive Instinctive StrengthTeam playerLogical Thinker Energy source Risk taker LimitationToo indirectToo impersonal Too intense Too nontraditional Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Defining Your Learning Preferences challenging and detailed I prefer assignments that are__________________________. My learning responses tends to be_____________________. My strengths are being a___________________________. Regarding my limitations, I tend to be too_____________ __________________________________; therefore, I need a High ______Low_____ on my team.
Understanding Your Work/Role Style High Style High D High I High S High C Preferred task Challenging People relatedScheduledDetailed Work styleDecisiveInteractiveCooperativeTraditional Strength Problem solver EncouragerSupporterOrganizer Limitation Too direct Too disorganizedToo indecisiveToo detailed --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- Preferred taskRoutineTechnical Diverse Unorthodox Work styleParticipateStructuredReactiveInstinctive StrengthTeam playerLogical Thinker Energy source Risk taker LimitationToo indirectToo impersonal Too intense Too nontraditional Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Defining Your Learning Preferences challenging & detailed I prefer assessments that are______________________. My learning responses tends to be___________________. My strengths are being a___________________________. Regarding my limitations, I tend to be too_____________ __________________________________; therefore, I need a High ____Low____ on my team. decisive & reactive
Understanding Your Learning Preferences High Style High D High I High S High C Assignments Challenging People relatedScheduledDetailed Responses Decisive InteractiveCooperativeTraditional StrengthProblem solverEncouragerSupporterOrganizer Limitation Too direct Too disorganizedToo indecisiveToo detailed --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- AssignmentsRoutineTechnical Diverse Unorthodox ResponsesParticipativeStructured Reactive Instinctive StrengthTeam playerLogical ThinkerEnergy sourceRisk taker LimitationToo indirectToo impersonal Too intense Too nontraditional Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Defining Your Learning Preferences challenging & detailed I prefer assessments that are______________________. My learning responses tends to be___________________. My strengths are being a___________________________. Regarding my limitations, I tend to be too_____________ __________________________________; therefore, I need a High ______Low_____ on my team. decisive & reactive problem solver & organizer
Understanding Your Learning Preferences High Style High D High I High S High C Assignments Challenging People relatedScheduledDetailed Responses Decisive InteractiveCooperativeTraditional Strength Problem solver EncouragerSupporterOrganizer LimitationToo directToo disorganizedToo indecisiveToo detailed --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- AssignmentsRoutineTechnical Diverse Unorthodox Responses ParticipativeStructured Reactive Instinctive StrengthTeam playerLogical Thinker Energy source Risk taker LimitationToo indirectToo impersonalToo intenseToo nontraditional Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Defining Your Learning Preferences challenging & detailed I prefer assessments that are______________________. My learning responses tends to be___________________. My strengths are being a___________________________. Regarding my limitations, I tend to be too_____________ __________________________________; therefore, I need a High ______Low_____ on my team. decisive & reactive problem solver & organizer direct impersonal and intense
Understanding Your Learning Preferences High Style High D High I High S High C Assignments Challenging People relatedScheduledDetailed Responses Decisive InteractiveCooperativeTraditional Strength Problem solver EncouragerSupporterOrganizer Limitation Too direct Too disorganizedToo indecisiveToo detailed --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- AssignmentsRoutineTechnical Diverse Unorthodox ResponsesParticipativeStructured Reactive Instinctive StrengthTeam playerLogical Thinker Energy source Risk taker LimitationToo indirectToo impersonalToo intenseToo nontraditional Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Defining Your Learning Preferences challenging & detailed I prefer assessments that are______________________. My learning responses tends to be___________________. My strengths are being a___________________________. Regarding my limitations, I tend to be too_____________ __________________________________; therefore, I need a High ______Low_____ on my team. decisive & reactive problem solver & organizer direct impersonal and intense I/S D
Understanding and Your Communication Style High Style High D High I High S High C ActAssertivePersuasive PatientContemplative WantControl ApprovalRoutineStandards Fear Losing RejectionChangeBeing wrong Response AngerBlameNonparticipationCriticism --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- ActCooperativeUnemotionalResponsiveFree-spirited WantHarmonyLogical Variety Non structured Fear ConfrontationIllogical actionsStatus QuoConforming ResponseIndifferenceSuspicious Physical action Emotion Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Defining Your Communication Style assertive As a high D/C and low I/S blend, I naturally act_____________ because I want _______________________________________ If I perceive that I may face _____________________________ I may respond with ___________________________________ control, variety, compliance to my standards losing or being wrong anger, suspicion and criticism
DISC responses to conflict High Style High D High I High S High C Comfortable Decisive Enthusiastic Supportive Structure Fear Losing Rejection ChangeBeing wrong Tension DemandingAttacksCompliesAvoids conflict Prolonged Avoids contact CompliesAttacks Demands details --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- ComfortableTeam playerWorking alone Spontaneous Non structure Fear ConfrontationIllogical actions Status Quo Conforming TensionBecomes quietRemains quiet Challenges Arbitrary ProlongedStuffs feelingsCovert actions Assesses blame Sarcastic Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
DISC responses to conflict High Style High D High I High S High C ComfortableDecisive Enthusiastic SupportiveStructure Fear Losing Rejection ChangeBeing wrong Tension DemandingAttacksCompliesAvoids conflict Prolonged Avoids contact CompliesAttacks Demands details --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- ComfortableTeam playerWorking aloneSpontaneousNon structure Fear ConfrontationIllogical actions Status Quo Conforming TensionBecomes quietRemains quiet Challenges Arbitrary ProlongedStuffs feelingsCovert actions Assesses blame Sarcastic Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Defining Your Negotiating Style in Resolving Conflict I am most comfortable being __________________________ When I feel fears of ______________ it causes tension for me. Under tension, I may _________________________________ If this intensifies the conflict, I may _____________________ decisive & structured losing demand action & challenge others assess blame
Define the 3 R’s of Your Relational Style High Style High D High I High S High C Respond Be directBe friendly Be nonthreatening Be specific Relate BriefnessExpress of feelingsFriendly tonesPatient answers Reinforce The Bottom lineSocial recognition Time to process Time tovalidate Help Get out of the way Talk to meAssurances Leave me alone --------------------------------------- Midline ----------------------------------------------- RespondTime to processBe Logical Focus on action Focus on activities Relate Nonverbal AssurancesAccurate Data Variety Non structure ReinforceTime to reactSupport Control Encouragement Help Give me a hugRespect privacy Are spontaneous Are flexible Low Style Low D Low I Low S Low C
Defining the 3 R’s of Building a Relationship with You As a high D/C and low I/S blend, my suggestion to others in responding to me is _____________________________________ in relating to me with ___________________________________ in reinforcing me give me_________________________________ When I’m under stress, you can be helpful to me if you________ _____________________________________________________. be direct and specific briefness and accurate data the bottom line get out of the way and leave me alone
Conflict Resolution Strategies for High D Styles • How to Respond to a High D • In conflict expect: Disagreement and debate • Focus: On actions and goals • Tone: Must be firm and direct • Give: “What” responses • Disengage: When the conversation becomes too heated How to Relate to a High D • Be brief and to the point • Use logic with an action plan • Allow time to consider your ideas How to Reinforce the High D • Repeat the plan of action focusing on goals, objectives, & results • Give bottomline instructions • Get out of the way
Conflict Resolution Strategies for High I Styles • How to Respond to a High I • In conflict expect: Denial or shift blame responses • Focus: On relationships and fun activities • Tone: Informal, friendly and positive • Give: “Who” responses • Disengage: When responses become too emotional How to Relate to a High I • Use friendly voice tones • Allow time for them to verbalize their feelings • You transfer talk to an action plan How to Reinforce the High I • Offer positive encouragement and incentives for taking on tasks • You organize the action plan • Communicate positive recognition
Conflict Resolution Strategies for High S Styles • How to Respond to a High S • In conflict expect: Need for process time when considering change • Focus: On harmony and stability • Tone: Be nonthreatening and patient • Give: “How” responses; make allowance for family needs and issues • Disengage: When they become quiet and you loose eye contact How to Relate to a High S • Use friendly tones when instructing • Give personal, nonverbal acceptance and assurances • Allow time to process information How to Reinforce the High S • Repeat any instructions • Provide hands-on reinforcement • Be patient in allowing time to take ownership
Conflict Resolution Strategies for High C Styles • How to Respond to a High C • In conflict expect: Cautious or negative responses • Focus: On answering their questions • Tone: Patient and persistent • Give: “Why” responses • Disengage: When they respond with a “poor me” statement How to Relate to a High C • Answer questions in a patient and persistent manner • Mix accurate data with assurances • Allow time to validate information How to Reinforce the High C • Provide a step by step approach to a goal • Provide reassurances of support • Give permission to validate informationwith third parties
Learning Style Survey PERCEPTUAL STRENGTHS: These are the avenues through which we take in information via our senses and begin to process it. Everyone functions with all four modalities, but we have preferences as to which helps us learn new information more readily. HOW TO RESPOND: For each horizontal row, there are 4 choices. Rank each row of words in the following way: 4. I prefer this way of learning the MOST 3. I prefer this way of learning OFTEN 2. I prefer this way of learning SELDOM 1. I prefer this way of learning RARELY 4 1 3 Likes to talk 2 Likes to touch things Likes to see what is being learned Likes to move
Learning Style Survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 Prefers quiet Prefers neutral sounds Prefers sound while working Likes something on while working Prefers order May talk to self Takes notes Prefers to multi-tasks 24 28 12 16 _____ Total _____ Total _____ Total _____ Total * Note: If your totals do not add up to 80, you did not complete the survey correctly or you made a mistake in adding up the totals. Recheck your work.
Tallying your scores _24_ Column A: K - Kinesthetic learner _12_ Column B: A - Auditory learner _16_ Column C: T - Tactual learner _28_ Column D: V - Visual learner
Learning Style Definitions Kinesthetic learner - need full body movement in order to learn best. As children, they often get labeled “hyperactive” or ADHD. As adult, they say things like, “I get my best ideas when I am jogging.” Auditory learner - learn best when they can Hear it and Talk about it. They say, “I get my best ideas when I am talking with someone.” Tactile learner - like to Touch it. Their memory is often locked into their fingers and may say, “I can remember it as soon as I touch it. Visual learner - learn best when materials presented in a Visual way. They say, “If I can see it, I can remember it.”
Defining your learning style I think my learning style (s) are visual and kinestheticbecause I like learn best by first visualizing things and then taking action on what I see in my mind.
The Five Love Languages Tests for Teens Instructions: There are 30 pairs of things that parents do or say to show love to their kids. There may be things your parents do or say or that you wish your parents would do or say. Pick only the ONE item in each box that you like the best, and circle the letter that goes with that item. For example, if you like “Ask me what I think” better than “Puts his/her arm around my shoulder,” draw a circle around the “letter” in the first statement. Ask me what I think. A Put his/her arm around my shoulder E When you have finished looking at all 30 pairs, count how many times you circled each letter and transfer that letter to the appropriate blank at the end of the test.
Your Score • A - __________ Words of Affirmation • B - __________ Quality Time • C - __________ Receiving Gifts • D - __________ Acts of Service • E - __________ Physical Touch The letter or love language that receives the most points is your primary love language. If you score the same score for two love languages, then you are bilingual. If you score high on one love language and have a close second score, that second highest score is your secondary love language.
Understanding How I learn Circle the environment you fell most comfortable with: (1) challenging and different (2) fun and friendly (3) structured and orderly (4) peaceful and harmonious Circle the way you tend to think: (1) details then to the whole (2) whole then to the details. Circle the way you learn best: (1) hearing (2) seeing (3) touching (4) moving. Circle the pace your prefer: (1) fast with variety (2) slower with time to process. When I am in need of correction, the best way you can help me is to: When I am discouraged, the best thing you can do for me is: My idea of something I enjoy is:
Communicating my Love Language to Others My primary Love Language is _______________. Three statements from the profile assessment that best define my primary love languages are: 1. 2. 3. My secondary Love Language is _______________. Three statements from the profile assessment that best define my primary love languages are: 1. 2. 3.