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Placement in Special Education. Referral to Placement Process. 6 Steps in the Referral to Placement Process: 1. Screening/Pre-Referral 2. Referral 3. Evaluation Process 4. Eligibility 5. IEP Meeting 6. Placement. Pre-Referral.
Referral to Placement Process • 6 Steps in the Referral to Placement Process: • 1. Screening/Pre-Referral • 2. Referral • 3. Evaluation Process • 4. Eligibility • 5. IEP Meeting • 6. Placement
Pre-Referral • Individual pre-referral strategies are developed and employed: a. Communicate with parents b. Review records c. Communicate with past teachers d. Involve Teacher Assisted Teams (TAT). e. Keep systematic records and hard copies of student’s work and progress.
Referral • Write a letter, with copies of documentation and records of student’s work, to the Eligi-bility Determination Committee (EDC). • The EDC (parents are members) will review the submitted materials and determine if the need to evaluate is appropriate. • If so, they will contact the parents asking for permission to evaluate.
Parental Consent to Evaluate • Must be given before evaluation for SPE services. • Parents must receive a copy of “Child/Parent Rights.” • If parent(s) refuse permission to evaluate, the school may attempt MEDIATION or a “DUE PROCESS HEARING.”
Evaluation Process • The Evaluation Process must be administ-ered by qualified individuals. • The Evaluation materials must not dis-criminate in the way the materials are selected or administered. • More than one (1) type of assessment must be employed in the evaluation process.
State of Alabama Evaluation Process • Vision/Hearing tests as needed. • Individual Intellectual Assessment Ex. Stanford-Binet • Achievement/Diagnostic Assessment Ex. Battelle Development Inventory • Behavior/Adaptive Behavior Scale Ex. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale • General Physical exam as needed.
Parent Consent to Placement/IEP • Parents receive a copy of “Child/Parent Rights.” • Parents must agree to placement in writing. • If not, MEDIATION or DP HEARING. • Costs and time are always a factor.
Individual Family Service PlanPart C - IFSP • The IFSP must contain: • 1. Present level of functioning. • Information for the family about resources, priorities, concerns, etc. • Name of service coordinator. • Specific early intervention services recommended. • Expected outcomes/timeline. • Methods for transition to next program/ environment.
Individual Educational Plan (IEP) • The IEP must contain: • 1. Statements regarding the individual’s current educational performance level. • 2. Statements of specific services, aids, and accommodations to be provided. • 3. Statements of the extent to which the individual will be able to participate in regular school programs.
IEP cont…. • 4. Accommodations needed to participate in assessment, and if assessment is not appropriate, how the individual will be assessed. • 5. Frequency and location of services and modifications. • 6. Statements of appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based on age appropriate transition assessment related to training, education, employment, and independent living by age 16.
IEP cont… • 7. Information regarding transfer of rights. • 8. How progress will be measured and how parents will be informed.
Continuum of Services (SPE) • 1. General education classroom • 2. Gen. Ed. Classroom w/ supplemental support • 3. Part-time special education class • 4. Full-time SPE class • 5. Special environments • 6. Homebound • 7. Hospital/in-patient programs