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Development of Auditory B ehavior : Hearing Science. Lynne A. Werner University of Washington. Hearing develops, but. What is developing?. Hearing in a nutshell. Sound encoding Constructing the auditory scene Dissecting the complex signal. Hearing in a nutshell: Sound encoding.
Development of Auditory Behavior: Hearing Science Lynne A. Werner University of Washington
Hearing develops, but What is developing?
Hearing in a nutshell • Sound encoding • Constructing the auditory scene • Dissecting the complex signal
Hearing in a nutshell: Sound encoding spectrum periodicity temporal properties location
Hearing in a nutshell: Constructing the auditory scene spectrum periodicity temporal properties location
Hearing in a nutshell: Dissecting the complex signal – Selective attention Blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah
Hearing in a nutshell: Dissecting the complex signal – Selective listening I love my hearing science class! Blah blah blah blah
What is developing? Auditory scene analysis Sound encoding Selective attention Selective listening I love my hearing science class! Blah blah blah blah spectrum periodicity temporal properties location spectrum periodicity temporal properties location 7+ years 12+ years 6 months – 5 years 8+ years
Sound encoding Representing the properties of sound spectrum periodicity temporal properties location
Development of sound encoding 4 kHz Frequency discrimination Spectral resolution Threshold in quiet Resolution “Quality” (Q10) Just discriminable frequency difference Threshold (dB SPL) 3 mo 6 mo adult 3 mo 6 mo adult 3 mo 6 mo adult Age Age Age Spetner and Olsho (1990) Olsho et al. (1987) Olsho et al. ( 1988)
Mechanisms of sound encoding development • Spectral resolution also immature at brainstem level, but not in the cochlea. • Development of threshold in quiet is related to brainstem transmission, probably synaptic transmission.
Mechanisms of sound encoding development ~4 kHz ~4 kHz ~5 kHz ~4-5 kHz ~4 kHz ~4-5 kHz ~4 kHz ~4-5 kHz ~4 kHz ~4 kHz mature immature Parks and Rubel (1981)
Effects of experience on development of sound encoding Spectral resolution development with normal experience Spectral resolution development with abnormal experience clicks Resolution “Quality” (Q10) Resolution “Quality” (Q10) baby adult baby adult Age Age Sanes and Constantine-Paton (1985)
When is sound encoding mature? • Coding of frequency and temporal characteristics of sound probably mature at 6 months • Intensity coding and coding of spatial location probably mature by 5 years
Auditory scene analysis Informational masking spectrum periodicity temporal properties location
Auditory filters allow us to isolate a target tone Auditory filter centered on the expected frequency of the target Level (dB) Amplitude Frequency (Hz) Informational masking occurs when this process breaks down
Informational masking Frequency (Hz) Time (ms)
Informational masking in infants 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Broadband .3 .3 .3 Fixed tones Frequency (kHz) Random tones Time (ms) Leibold and Werner (2006)
Informational masking in infants Infants 5-7 years 8-10 years Adults Infants Adults 80 85 70 80 75 60 50 70 Masked Threshold (dB SPL) Masked Threshold (dB SPL) 60 40 30 55 20 50 45 10 40 0 BBN BBN Fixed Fixed Random Random Masker Type Masker Type Leibold and Werner (2006) Leibold and Neff (2007)
Selective attention Dichotic listening
Dichotic listening Show me baby… Show me cow.. Show me hammer… Show me frog… Show me car.. Show me ball… Gorfemwohs… Racemwohs... Llabemwohs… sshshsh… sshshsh.. sshshsh … Cherry (1981)
Evidence that selective attention is developing between preschool and school age 10 9 8 7 6 Pz Amplitude (μV) 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 7 9 Age (years) Bartgis et al. (2003)
When is selective attention mature? • Children can listen selectively by 7 years in many situations. • In difficult listening conditions, not until 12 years or so.
Selective listening I love my hearing science class! Blah blah blah blah Listening Bands and Listening Windows
Adults listen selectively to frequency specific sounds Auditory filter centered on the expected frequency of the signal Level (dB) Amplitude Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Auditory filters centered on the expected frequencies of the signals Level (dB) Amplitude Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Listening band experiment 10% 80% 10% Level (dB) Frequency (Hz)
Adult listening band 1.0 0.8 Expected Unexpected 0.6 0.4 0.2 p(hit) 0.0 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Frequency (Hz) Bargones and Werner (1994)
Infant listening band 1.0 0.8 Expected Unexpected 0.6 0.4 0.2 p(hit) 0.0 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Frequency (Hz) Bargones and Werner (1994)
Infants are broadband listeners Adults listen to auditory filter centered on the expected frequency of the signal Amplitude Frequency (Hz) Infants listen to all of the auditory filters Amplitude Frequency (Hz)
Adults listen selectively to soundsin time Temporal window centered on the expected time of the signal Level (dB) Amplitude Time (ms) Time (ms) Temporal window centered on the expected times of the signals Level (dB) Amplitude Time (ms) Time (ms)
Listening window experiment Cue: “trial is starting” 10% 80% 10% Level (dB) Time (ms)
Adult listening windows Expected Unexpected 3.5 2.5 d' 1.5 0.5 -0.5 200 500 800 Time after onset (ms) Werner et al. (2009)
Infant listening windows Expected Unexpected 3.5 2.5 1.5 d' 0.5 -0.5 200 500 800 Time after onset (ms) Werner et al. (2009)
When is selective listening mature? • School-age children can be selective, but inflexible • The development of selective listening continues into adolescence. • Perhaps selective listening changes throughout life.
Mechanisms of development of auditory scene construction and complex signal dissection Moore and Guan (2001)
Experience and Complex Audition • Does listening in difficult situations (e.g., noise, hearing loss) hamper the development of auditory scene formation or of selective listening? • Studies of the effects of hearing loss, of amplification, and of listening with a cochlear implant can help us to understand this issue.
Take-home messages • Sound encoding continues to develop during infancy and childhood. • Auditory scene analysis and selective attention probably mature during the school years. • Selective listening develops over a long time. • Early experience with sound is critical to the development of sound encoding. • Experience is clearly important to development of other aspects of hearing, but the specifics are not clear now.
References • Bargones, J. Y., & Werner, L. A. (1994). Adults listen selectively; Infants do not. Psychol. Sci., 5(3), 170-174. • Bartgis, J., Lilly, A. R., & Thomas, D. G. (2003). Event-related potential and behavioral measures of attention in 5-, 7-, and 9-year-olds. J. Gen. Psychol., 130(3), 311-335. • Cherry, R. S. (1981). Development of selective auditory attention skills in children. Percept. Mot. Skills, 52, 379-385. • Leibold, L., & Neff, D. L. (2007). Effects of masker-spectral variability and masker fringes in children and adults. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 121, 3666-3676. • Leibold, L. J., & Werner, L. A. (2006). Effect of masker-frequency variability on the detecion performance of infants and adults. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 119(6), 3960-3970. • Moore JK, Guan YL 2001 Cytoarchitectural and axonal maturation in human auditory cortex JARO 2 (4): 297-311. • Olsho, L. W., Koch, E. G., & Halpin, C. F. (1987). Level and age effects in infant frequency discrimination. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 82, 454-464. • Olsho, L. W., Koch, E. G., Carter, E. A., Halpin, C. F., & Spetner, N. B. (1988). Pure-tone sensitivity of human infants. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 84(4), 1316-1324. • Parks, T. N. (1981). Morphology of axosomatic endings in an avian cochlear nucleus: Nucleus magnocellularis of the chicken. J. Comp. Neurol., 203, 425-440. • Sanes, D. H., & Constantine-Paton, M. (1985). The sharpening of frequency tuning curves requires patterned activity during development in the mouse, Musmusculus. J Neurosci, 5(5), 1152-1166. Olsho, L. W., Koch, E. G., Carter, E. A., Halpin, C. F., & Spetner, N. B. (1988). Pure-tone sensitivity of human infants. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 84(4), 1316-1324. • Spetner, N. B., & Olsho, L. W. (1990). Auditory frequency resolution in human infancy. Child Dev., 61, 632-652. • Werner, L. A., Parrish, H. K., & Holmer, N. M. (2009). Effects of temporal uncertainty and temporal expectancy on infants’ auditory sensitivity. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125(2), 1040-1049.