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211 & CTSA: a mobility management Partnership

THE WHY AND THE HOW. 211 & CTSA: a mobility management Partnership. SHARE A COMMON AUDIENCE. 211 CALLERS NEED TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS. Transit (Google Transit and 511) Taxi Nonprofits With Vans Van Pools Bike Routes. CTSA NEEDS OUTREACH AND DATA FOR NEEDS ASSESSMENT.

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211 & CTSA: a mobility management Partnership

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THE WHY AND THE HOW 211 & CTSA: a mobility management Partnership


  3. 211 CALLERS NEED TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS Transit (Google Transit and 511) Taxi Nonprofits With Vans Van Pools Bike Routes

  4. CTSA NEEDS OUTREACH AND DATA FOR NEEDS ASSESSMENT 211 has resources and a community network CTSA gets outreach and marketing from 211 efforts CTSA gets data back for planning, evaluation and grant reporting

  5. SHARED RESOURCES STAFF • EXPERIENCE • VOLUNTEERS CTSA (MST) & 211 (UWMC) Department of Social and Employment Resources Department of Health Services 911 Emergency Services

  6. MORE SHARED RESOURCES Foundations Corporations and Businesses Nonprofits Libraries Media

  7. DIVERSIFIED FUNDING • CTSA acquires a three-year new freedoms grant ($375,000) • CTSA provides reporting and fiscal accountability • 211 provides 20% grant match ($93,75o) • 211 provides data and periodic reports

  8. PARTNERSHIP STRUCTURE CTSA has a membership on Steering Committee and Marketing Committee 211 gets unsold tail space on MST buses and interior car cards in buses MST gets acknowledgement of partnership on 211 materials, publicity, and web site

  9. 211—CTSA: a mobility management PartnershipCONTACT: Tom Hicks, CTSA Manager Monterey –Salinas Transit 150 Del Monte Ave • Monterey • 93940-2444 Tel: (831) 393-8166 Fax: (831) 641-0907 Email: thicks@mst.org

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