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Research & Development

Research & Development. Possible areas of research Collection & Disposal of wastes Capacity of landfill Bulk of waste Systems in place e.g open dumping, incinerations etc Infrastructure/equipment Legislations Enforcement Compliance Regional/International conventions etc

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Research & Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research & Development Possible areas of research • Collection & Disposal of wastes • Capacity of landfill • Bulk of waste • Systems in place e.g open dumping, incinerations etc • Infrastructure/equipment • Legislations • Enforcement • Compliance • Regional/International conventions etc • Behavioral changes • Training, education, awareness etc

  2. Title Collection & Disposals of Waste

  3. Context The issue of rubbish collection and waste disposal has been of much concern both at the national and provincial levels Currently no strategic plan in place to address the issue. For instance, no uniformity in the way waste collection and disposal are carried out. The objectives of this action plan are: -

  4. Objectives • To Carry out research on their current system employed at national and provincial levels (incl HCC) • To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system • To develop a comprehensive plan to address this issue

  5. Options • Review current rubbish collection and disposal systems • Identify agencies responsible for collection and disposal of wastes • Empowering agencies and the general public through education, training & awareness • Review existing legislations dealing with collection and disposal of wastes for purposes of identifying enforcement agencies as well as considering legal provisions for penalizing non compliance of legal requirements • (Importation of products, Waste generation and storage – FULL LIFECYCLE APPROACH – additional)

  6. Implementations • The Minister responsible for environment & conservation to facilitate this research • The PS of the ministry responsible for E&C to design a TOR for this research • To identify, develop and allocate budgetary support for the research • To liaise with the legal team within the PM office to review the legislation

  7. Leading Agencies • MECM • EHD – MOH • Provincial Health authorities • NRH • Provincial hospitals • Other stake holders

  8. Proposed activities and timelines

  9. Indicators • Data – collected and analysed • TOR in place • Provincial visits • Identify source of funds/resources – SIG, regional and international sources • Final report on the research to be completed and submitted to cabinet for endorsement

  10. Budget • Get from group

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