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Call ed to Holiness Nurturing Our Vocation Awareness

Call ed to Holiness Nurturing Our Vocation Awareness. Goals. Explore the reality of our Call to & the Power of Holiness Claim our role as Vocation witness & nurturer What sowing seeds of a Culture of Vocations looks like. Opening Prayer. Called To Holiness??. Full of Love.

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Call ed to Holiness Nurturing Our Vocation Awareness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Call ed to Holiness Nurturing Our Vocation Awareness

  2. Goals • Explore the reality of our Call to & the Power of Holiness • Claim our role as Vocation witness & nurturer • What sowing seeds of a Culture of Vocations looks like

  3. Opening Prayer

  4. Called To Holiness?? Full of Love • All are called • Particular/Unique • Becoming the Person I am meant to be

  5. Message of His Holiness Pope John Paul II for the XXXIX World Day of Prayer for Vocations Since Baptism is a true entry into the holiness of God … the whole life of the Christian community must lead to wholeheartedly proposing to everyone the high standard of ordinaryChristian Living.

  6. Called into the Power of Holiness • Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I called you. Jer.1:5 • At Baptism: “You are my beloved, on you my favor rests” Lk 3:22

  7. Power of Holiness • Fills World with Spirit of Christ • Creates a world of Justice, Love and Peace • Flows out of our Divine Core

  8. When we act with Holinessthere is • Healing • Seeking Justice • Mercy • Seeking non-violent solutions • Investing in Hope • Other signs of Holy behavior?

  9. Take 2-3 minutes silently to recall a time when you recall this power of holiness in you. • What happened? • Where were you? • Who was there? • How did you feel? • Was there sacrifice involved? If so how?

  10. Witnessing • Turn to another person in the room to share your stories . • 10 minutes • Be sure to give each other five minutes each.

  11. BREAK!!

  12. YOU are the witness YOU are the message • It matters • what you say, • what you do and • how you do it!!

  13. Power of Holiness • Fills World with Spirit of Christ • Creates a world of Justice, Love and Peace • Flows out of our Divine Core

  14. This is What we Teach !or Not! We teach How to name the CORE. & What to name the CORE. Full of Love

  15. Prayer Loving and faithful God, you call and invite us to be the mentors of your young people as they learn the life of Holiness. Please be with us from this moment on as we respond to you with willing hearts . Bless us with your Holy Spirit, so that we might live out our vocations as witnesses to and of your love, compassion, mercy and justice. May your voice become clear in our actions and words in such a way that our lives become a part of the healing and transformation of the world. You trust us to be the mentors of your children in this school. We humbly accept your call. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

  16. Lifestyle Vocation • Single Life - • Married Life • Priesthood & Religious Life Vocation is not Career – We retire from a career – not a Vocation!

  17. Who we are – Relationship! • Single Life – Relationship with Friends & Family • Married Life – Spousal Relationship • Priesthood & Religious Life – Relationship with Community & Parish

  18. My Vocation is: • Where God and my deepest desire meet • Where I become my best self • Where I am able to Live life to the fullest joy • Where I can develop my gifts and talents to the service of others

  19. Crafting a Culture of Vocations Through • Prayer • Evangelization • Experience • Mentoring • Inviting

  20. Tools for Sowing • Prayer • Open a Bible • Let them see you praying!! • Mentoring • Model Holiness • Name & witness • Tell your Story!! • Evangelization • Talk to, about Jesus • Catholic Social Teaching • Inviting • To consider “Particular” • Identify Passion • Experience • Faith Sharing • Community • Forgiveness/Healing

  21. These & So Much More • Sign of the Cross • Opportunities to enjoy the beauty of nature • Christian artifacts, music • Lives of the Saints • Visit a seminary, convent, religious house • “I spy” a Christian value each week in each other • Address issues in the news & how a Christian could be a healing presence • Invite a Sister, Brother, or Priest to speak to your class • www.VocationsCAVA.org Other Ideas?

  22. Closing Prayer Loving Spirit of Wisdom, guide my thoughts and my memories.In the light of your love, may I see what is important for me to remember,what is important for me tohold to my heart, and what I need simply tolet go of in peace,for I trust you to be my guideeven when the pathseems unclear to me.Through Jesus Christ,Amen. http://www.vocationquest.org/closing.htm

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