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Southampton Healthy Ambition: Public Health Nursing Service for Children and Young People

The Public Health Nursing service in Southampton aims to promote healthy behaviors, improve emotional and mental health, reduce teen pregnancy, and enhance overall well-being for children and young people aged 5-19 years. The service offers a comprehensive range of interventions and support, including school health profiles, immunizations, family support navigation, and community building programs. The approach is inclusive, responsive, and focused on early identification and intervention to meet the diverse needs of the community.

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Southampton Healthy Ambition: Public Health Nursing Service for Children and Young People

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  1. Southampton Healthy Ambition Public Health Nursing Service 5 -19Geraldine Spink Lead for Public Health Nursing

  2. Healthy Child ProgrammePre birth – 19 years

  3. Anticipated outcomes for the Public Health Nursing service • Promote healthy weight and behaviours including alcohol, drugs and tobacco • Improved health for those with long term conditions and disabilities • Reduce Teen Pregnancy and improve sexual health • Improve emotional and mental health • Public protection from infectious disease • Improve attendance at school • Reduce hospital admissions • Contribute to safeguarding and child protection • Improve access to information to support healthy lives

  4. Core Offer from Public Health Nursing service 5-19 years

  5. Public Health ServiceModel to improve outcomes 5-19 years School Nurse Lead Early Help Nurses x3 Provision of supervision to team EHCP assessments and contributions Support to schools to manage complex packages of care Lead on training needs analysis UHA Child protection conferences and core groups Emotional Health and Wellbeing Practitioners Deliver HCP to vulnerable groups, young carers, Youth offenders, children not in schooletc. Provide clear pathways to meet identified needs School Health Profiles Assessment at Yr R, 6, 7 NCMP vision and hearing Immunisations PHSE Drop ins – primary and Secondary and FE Family Support Navigator Building Community Capacity Peer programmes Information and guidance UPP UP U Community

  6. The approach is: Inclusive Child and young person focused Responsive and flexible Early identification of needs and early response Delivers against all levels of the HCP Feedback from service users and referrers is gathered and acted on The provision is: Named Public Health Nurse for each school Lead mental health practitioner in each school Family Navigator for each GP practice

  7. Any Questions? Geraldine.spink@solent.nhs.uk

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