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ENVISAT Calibration Review – ESTEC – 9/13 Sept 2002. SCIAMACHY Operations Support by Manfred Gottwald - DLR-IMF. ENVISAT Calibration Review. - DLR/IFE. SCIAMACHY Operations Support in Commissioning Phase - SODAP integrated in overall SCIAMACHY team
ENVISAT Calibration Review – ESTEC – 9/13 Sept 2002 SCIAMACHY Operations Support by Manfred Gottwald - DLR-IMF ENVISAT Calibration Review - DLR/IFE
SCIAMACHY Operations Support in Commissioning Phase - SODAP • integrated in overall SCIAMACHY team • 'front-end' of SCIAMACHY measurement related activities (e.g. maintenance & operations of GS interfaces to FOCC and RGT) • close liaison with overall planning and engineering related activities at Astrium • main SOST responsibilities - command & control: CTI tables & timelines - mission planning: SCIAMACHY measurement plans - instrument monitoring: long-term behaviour (see also separate presentation by SOST-IFE)
SCIAMACHY Operations Support in Commissioning Phase - Validation • responsibility for measurement programme definition & implementation (in close cooperation with partners) • quasi-nominal operation of GS interfaces to FOCC and RGT • close liaison with engineering related activities at Astrium if required (e.g. decontamination) • close interface with validation scientists - support to optimum planning of validation campaigns (e.g. aircraft, balloon) - nadir/limb overflight predictions • preparation of Final Flight operations
Command & Control in SODAP (1) • CTI table = parameter file to define the parameter settings for specific measurement characteristics of the instrument • CTI tables configured the instrument for the specific SODAP and validation needs • timescale (CTI table generation to submission) - approx. 1 week for pre-planned activities - < few days for ad-hoc activities (re-planning due to non-nominal events) close cooperation with MP at FOCC • first delivery of CTI tables occured for orbit 239, since then exchange of about 7900 CTI tables in total (about 30 SODAP configurations implemented)
Command & Control in SODAP (2) • secure ftp i/f between SOST and FOCC was very stable • all CTI table exchanges were successfull no pre-planned SCIAMACHY operations lost due to CTI table i/f problems • SODAP was most demanding phase for command & control i/f between SOST to FOCC • command & control i/f between SCIAMACHY and ENVISAT ready for nominal operations • command & control i/f during validation is quasi-nominal: CTI table exchanges only for interleaved SODAP measurements and implementation of Final Flight settings
Mission Planning in SODAP (1) • all MP activities had to be compliant with ENVISAT System SODAP and to be harmonized with SCIAMACHY engineering activities (SCOOP) • each change in main SODAP status configuration required to use a specific set of timelines • each change in main SODAP status configuration triggered the generation of a new Orbit Sequence Definition File (OSDF) • timescale (generation to submission) - approx. 1 week for pre-planned activities (OSDF and timelines) - < few days for ad-hoc activities (OSDF re-planning due to non-nominal events) close cooperation with MP at FOCC
Mission Planning in SODAP (2) • top-down approach: • objectives • • objectives implementation: • states, timelines, SCOMP • • measurement implementation: • CTI parameter tables, CTI timelines, OSDF • • i/F operations: • OSDF to RGT, states & timelines to FOCC
Mission Planning in SODAP (3) • first delivery of timelines and OSDF occurred for orbit 238, since then exchange of about 400 timelines and about 30 OSDF in total • secure ftp i/f between SOST and FOCC (timelines) was very stable • secure ftp i/f between SOST and RGT (OSDF) was very stable • no pre-planned SCIAMACHY operations lost due to timeline or OSDF i/f problems • SODAP was most demanding phase for MP i/f between SOST and FOCC/RGT • MP i/f between SCIAMACHY and ENVISAT ready for nominal operations
Mission Planning in Validation Phase • quasi-nominal operation of MP i/f • quasi-nominal SCIAMACHY measurement plans: scientific and calibration & monitoring rules • implementation of specific validation requirements whenever possible and known in advance (MP i/f timescales) • MP support to planning of external measurement campaigns (e.g. aircraft) on request • specific validation related information provided to user community via SOST website
Instrument Monitoring (1) • split of tasks between SOST-IFE and SOST-DLR • SOST-DLR: - selected HK telemetry - level 0 data • SOST-IFE (separate presentation): - level 0 data - level 1b data • first measurements for long-term instrument monitoring during validation phase (quasi-nominal operations) • problem (HK/L0): developed tools are based on complete, consolidated orbits - current data/telemetry delivery not always compliant
Summary • SODAP was most demanding phase of the SCIAMACHY mission w.r.t. - command & control - mission planning • command & control i/f SCIAMACHY - ENVISAT • mission planning i/f SCIAMACHY - ENVISAT • telemetry (FOS) and data (PDS) access require improvement
What Next? • optimization of Final Flight operations concept, comprising - scientific measurements - calibration & monitoring measurements - states (D to consolidated b-states) - timelines (D to timelines executing consolidated b-states) Note: current status of validation measurements indicates only small modifications between Final Flight and consolidated b-states • i/f to background engineering monitoring at FOCC - APSM Health Check - PMD/SF ADC calibration - OA temperature monitoring - RRU monitoring - LLI monitoring
Specific SCIAMACHY Mission Planning Tools • ROE Parser to extract SCIAMACHY relevant information from ROE • Timeline Scheduler to generate simulated DMOP (only SCIAMACHY entries) check OSDF before submission to RGT • DMOP tool to - extract SCIAMACHY relevant entries from DMOP and generate userfriendly 'SCIAMACHY DMOP = SDMOP' - generate geolocation information for nadir and limb • Mission Planner to generate OSDF: to be ready when Final Flight operations concept is implemented (scientific and calibration & monitoring rules) • MP information provided to user community via SOST website under http://atmos.af.op.dlr.de/projects/scops/
Instrument Monitoring (2) • example: HK telemetry