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Learn the procedures and rules for Ms. Rampey's U.S. History class in room 5217. Topics covered include classroom expectations, behavior, entering and exiting the classroom, makeup work, grades, late work, extra credit, food and drinks, and turning in assignments.
Classroom Procedures and Rules Ms. Rampey Rm. 5217 U.S. History
Rational • For our Classroom to run smoothly I believe I should be upfront and clear regarding my expectations for you and our classroom from the beginning.
Foundation • Academics – Work Hard for Success • Behavior - Respect
Entering the Classroom • Be Prepared: *Pencil / Pen *Spiral *Highlighters * Red Pen *Paper *Homework *A Good ATTITUDE!!! • Check the board for daily task and gather any necessary supplies. • Get out homework and have it ready to be checked. • Check for Bell Work and begin working on before the bell rings.
Be in your seat working before class time begins. • Leave large bags, coats, and all electronics in your locker. • Remember being prepared is your number one responsibility.
If you are tardy!! If you have a pass to our classroom, please come in and give the pass to Ms. Rampey, then following normal entering classroom procedures. Move as quickly as possible so that you may join the rest of the class and not cause disruption.Remember an unexcused tardy will = Detention. Welcome!
Exiting the Classroom • You will be dismissed by Ms. Rampey ONLY when: • All materials are returned to proper location (s), • Trash is in trash can (s), • And all students are sitting quietly in their correct seats.
Leaving the Room with a PASS • If the entire class and/or Ms. Rampey aren’t discussing: • Fill out your pass log sheet. • Ask Ms. Rampey to sign the sheet when she is not talking to the whole class or to another student. • Sign out on the log sheet / sign in when you return Passes will not be approved : • If the above steps are not followed. • During the first and last 10 minutes of class. • To go to the vending machines. ** Passes can be revoked upon abuse.
A Grades C D B • Grades will be updated on the Grade-book program at least once a week. It will be your responsibility to check them. • Total grades will not be given in class on an individual basis unless a request has been made by a parent or guardian. B C D C A
Makeup Work • Check the White Board and Class Calendar for what the class did while you were gone. • Pick up missed assignments in the Crate under the date that you missed class. • Do not come in and demand your make-up work right before class if you have not checked in your folder and the class notebook. Getting assignment from Ms. Rampey personally will require a trip in before or after school. • If you need assistance with your Make-UP work, please come in before or after school.
MAKE UP WORK – Cont’ • You have the same number of days to make up missed assignments for an excused absence as days your were absent unless it is an assignment that was previously assigned. Any previously assigned homework, projects, or test will be due on the day you return to class. • Turn makeup work into the Class TRAY • PLEASE LABEL THE ASSIGNMENTS AS MAKEUP –other wise they will be considered LATE. • REMEMBER MAKE-UP WORK is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY not Ms. Rampey’s.
Unexcused Absence • Students with an unexcused absence will receive no more than 59% on schoolwork the day(s) he/she is absent. • Students who are truant will not be allowed to make up assignments. • This includes tests and projects!!!
LATE WORK • Any assignment not turned in on its due date is considered late unless the student was absent. • Late assignments should be labeled at the top of the paper as LATE and turned in to the classes IN FOLDER. • Late work will be accepted until the end of school the following school day with a 10% grade deduction. • Any late work after that point will require special arrangements made between Ms. Rampey, the Student and a Parent.
Extra Credit • Students may have no 0’s in order to earn extra credit points. It is a chance to improve your grade that you have worked hard on. Not a chance to make up for your laziness at other points during the semester. • Occasionally Extra Credit assignments will be offered throughout the semester.
Food & Drinks • Food & drinks • are NOT allowed: • Unless Ms. Rampey has notified the class of a special day. • Water bottles are okay. • Disciplinary actions will occur for those students who do not follow this procedure.
Turning in Assignments • Turn all assignments into your classes TRAY • NEVER give an assignment to Ms. Rampey unless she has personally called for them to be passed in. • Homework is always due at the beginning of the hour before the bell rings. • Make sure your assignments always have your name, class #, hour and date clearly marked on them.
Classroom discussion and lectures • During class discussions or lectures, students should be quiet and pay attention unless they have been called on to answer a question or give information. • Respect for both the teacher and other students is important in order to have a successful learning experience. • Students who disrupt discussions and lectures will be dealt with through disciplinary measures.
??? Questions ??? • When you have a question please raise your hand to be called on. Ms. Rampey will get to as soon as possible. This eliminates the rest of the class being disrupted.
Instructions • When Ms. Rampey is giving instructions please do not speak until she is completely finished. • If you have questions after Ms. Rampey is finished, please raise your hand and she will call on you. • If you have questions after the class has started on the assignment ask your neighbor and if you both do not know the answer raise your hand.
Why we have Rules • In order to guarantee each student an appropriate learning environment, I will insist on compliance with the following rules or the stated consequences will follow…
Rule #1 • Prepared – Students will arrive in class on time with required materials and be sitting in their assigned seats when the tardy bell rings.
Rule # 2 • Respect – Students will not be rude or disrespectful to other students or the teacher at any time. Students will interact with students and Ms. Rampey during class activities in appropriate ways raising their hand when necessary in order to not disrupt the class.
Rule # 3 • Reactive – Students will participate in a positive and orderly manner; there will be no sleeping, writing notes, applying make-up, or consuming of food or beverages.
Rule # 4 • Responsible – Students will be responsible for completing all class work, keeping their area clean and will treat property and others in a respectful way.
Rule #5 “Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give up, never give up, never give up, never give up.” -Winston Churchill You are not allowed to give up in this class. Once you give up you have forfeited your ability to pass this class.
Discipline • Discipline will be given in the following manner. • First offense – Student will be warned. • Second offense – Student will be assigned D-Hall and parent will be notified. • Third offense – Student will be sent to his or her principal. ** Immediate dismissal from class with a zero for the day’s class work may occur at the teachers discretion when student disruption is threatening the learning environment of other students.
Classroom Structure • Guidelines for each aspect of the classroom AGENDA… ACTIVITY… HOMEWORK… GROUP WORK… NOTEBOOK… TEST… PROJECTS…
Agenda • Detailed activities are posted daily, and a long – term calendar is also posted. These will be altered as needed. Students are encouraged to copy down daily schedules in their agendas each day at the beginning of the hour.
Activity Classroom activities correspond with the information provided in the course textbook and curriculum. Activities encourage creativity, cooperation, and problem solving skills. Additional activities may be research projects, creative writing, art projects, and other relevant assignments.
Group work • Many classroom activities will be performed in cooperative groups where each member is assigned to perform a specific role required by the activity.
Homework • Homework will be required in order to move through the course material at a reasonable pace. Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and will be expected on the due date. I have high expectations for all of my students and expect all to be succesful.
Bell Work • On most days students will have an assignment to complete at the beginning of class. You are expected to be working on the assignment by the time the bell rings. • Look at the daily agenda and find out if you have a beginning assignment. The assignment will be on the board. Often the assignment will lead into what we are doing in class for the day. • Bell Work should be completed on a sticky note and added to that days homework page in your spiral.
Plagiarism • Every student must do their own work on all assignments. Cheating of any kind will receive a zero and school disciplinary action as well as contact of your parent. Plagiarism includes copying from a book, notes, encyclopedia, the internet, magazines, newspapers, or another person. You must do your own work!!