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Beginning of the Year Update 2019-2020

Get the latest updates for the START Project in 2019-2020! Learn about retirements, conferences, leadership training, peer-to-peer support, functional analysis training, START IT sites, and the EPLI Trainer of START Content Development process.

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Beginning of the Year Update 2019-2020

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  1. Beginning of the Year Update 2019-2020

  2. Welcome Stephanie Dyer START/MIBLSI

  3. Retirements in May 2020 Maureen & Margie Thank You will never be enough...

  4. Support START on Social Media • Facebook STARTProjectMI Closed RCN Group (START Project – RCN Group) •Twitter: @STARTProjectMI • Hashtag: #STARTProject

  5. www.gvsu.edu/autismcenter

  6. START Connecting

  7. 19th Annual START Conference April 27th, 2020 Dr. Emily Rubin Dr. Greg Hanley NOTE: Each RCN will be provided two parent/family spots at the conference at no cost. While there is no cost for these parents to attend, registration is required. RCN leadership will be responsible for registering these parents. Registration link will be emailed to the RCN leadership. REGISTER EARLY!

  8. Save the Date Peer to Peer Support Training November 5th and 6th, 2020 at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center in East Lansing

  9. Leadership Conferences 2019-2020 @ Kellogg Center in East Lansing Fall Leadership 2019 Monday, November 11th Spring Leadership 2020 Tuesday, April 28th

  10. Fall 2019 Leadership Day Gallery Walk Each RCN will be provided a space (wall and table) to display examples of ideas, resources, tools, and practices associated with each of the 5 contract goal areas: • PD with Impact • Coaching for Implementation Fidelity • Peer to Peer Support • Secondary Transition • Family Engagement Be prepared to share and learn from other RCN

  11. Functional Analysis Training with Dr. Greg Hanley DESCRIPTION: Research related to the assessment and treatment of problem behavior will be discussed, including the use of an interview-informed, synthesized contingency analysis (IISCA). Function-based intervention strategies focused on communication, toleration, and appropriate replacement behavior skills will also be taught. Following this training, attendees will be able to conduct interviews to identify reinforcement contingencies affecting problem behavior, design and implement safe, effective, and efficient functional analyses to evaluate the hypothesized contingencies, and implement function-based interventions for increasing appropriate replacement behaviors.

  12. Functional Analysis Training with Dr. Greg Hanley November 21, 2019, 8:30-3:30 Eberhard Center, Grand Rapids Limited number of seats Level of training: Intermediate to advanced Who should attend? Professional staff with a background in behavior analysis and experience addressing challenging behavior using a function-based approach. Staff should be prepared to use functional analysis in their school setting. Registration opens in early October

  13. START IT Sites for 2019-2020 •Early Childhood •NAN @ Kirtland Community College •K-12 •MAC @ Monroe ISD •Year 2: OCAN @ Oakland Schools •BYF •GLB @ Saginaw ISD

  14. START IT Applications for 2020-2021 Applications will be available the first week of October for Early Childhood, K-12, and BYF The applications to Host AND the applications to send a team to a host site will be available Applications will be due by November 1st

  15. Trainer Update Day (April 16, 2020) Changes Integrated with new EPLI Process 3-4 Trainer Update Days during the school year and in the summer Focus on training and coaching development April 16th Topic: Behavior Support

  16. EPLI Trainer of START Content Development New Process: • Moving away from Competency Day and toward focus on continuing development and support of all trainers • New terminology - “Trainers of START Content” rather than “Approved Trainer” • Allows for more capacity building at regional & local levels

  17. EPLI Trainer of START Content Development Process ● Complete the Trainer Application Form which includes: • Requirements to apply • Trainer of START Content Expectations • Module Expertise Criteria • Signature by direct supervisor & RCN rep ● Upon receipt of the Trainer of START Content Application, START will send the prospective trainer a link to the Trainer Preparation Webinar which will include a Trainer Formative Assessment. The Trainer Formative Assessment will be specific to their selected module and will inform ongoing support for that trainer ● Attend selected module(s) (PBIS, Ed Strats, P2P, IEP) presented by START staff (state event or intensive training site)

  18. EPLI Trainer of START Content Development Process ● Attend the Trainer Focus Day specific to their selected module. The Trainer Focus Day will include deepening knowledge of the content, behavioral skills training to build competency and fluency, and trainer strategies ● Following completion of the above activities, the trainer would be deemed “Trainer of START content.” Prospective trainers that may need additional support before training independently will work with START staff to create a plan to receive additional supports/training

  19. What About Current EPLI Trainers? • START will send each RCN a list of previously approved trainers • RCNs determine which trainers are active (trained START content within last 2 years) • Active trainers can participate in any of the Trainer Focus Days to stay current and keep strengthening knowledge and skills • Trainers who are no longer active can complete the trainer application and go through process as described for new trainers.

  20. Ongoing Trainer of START Content Support Activities • 4 Trainer Focus Days • Content or Skill Specific Webinars • Office Hours via Zoom Meetings for Q and A • Trainer Corner in START Connecting with training tips and information about trainer- relevant events or resources

  21. EPLI Coaching Spring Leadership Day Focus

  22. Don’t forget to order Passports Under Resources and Tools on the START Website

  23. https://www.gvsu.edu/autismcent er/start-connecting-effective- teaming-and-meeting- mechanics-resource-311.htm

  24. Classroom Environment and Teaching Assessment – Revised (CETA-R) The revised CETA will be available by September 16th Updated: • Purpose and instructions • Sections and items • Rating system • Format • Visual organizer for meeting planning Watch for the CETA-R Coaching Guide!

  25. RCN Contract 2019-2020 RCN Application and Forms page

  26. RCN Priority 1: Professional Development with Impact • Teams from the RCN participate in a START Intensive Training series. • Intensive, team-based training series similar to START’s Intensive Training (i.e. Mini IT) • Targeted trainings at building team meetings, staff meetings, or grade level meetings with coaching follow up. • The PD plan should include at least one RCN-provided stand-alone training per semester using START content delivered by START EPLI trainers, which will be included in the events listing on the START website

  27. RCN Priority 2: Coaching for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices • For the purposes of reporting for the RCN contract, the RCN will continue to focus coaching efforts on target students, but may select to focus at a classroom and/or building level for some data reporting • Reduction in reporting requirements • Additional funding is available for RCN that commit to providing additional target student, CETA, or USAPT data - see RCN Contract Budget: Optional RCN Activities

  28. Coaching for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices Multi-ISD RCN: • Student-level: Use the START IEP Implementation Coaching Checklist with a target student and submit a K-12 Target Student Reporting Form for at least one student per ISD. • AND (choose one) • Student-level: Submit a K-12 Target Student Reporting Form for one additional student per ISD (using the same process described in “a”), • OR • Classroom-level: Work with one classroom per ISD to complete the CETA to assess the use of classroom supports and EBP, and develop goals for improvement at a classroom level. • OR • Building-level: Work with one building per ISD to complete the USAPT to assess the use of universal supports and EBP, and develop goals for improvement at a building level. For a total of two data sets per ISD

  29. Multi-ISD RCN Per ISD Data Reporting

  30. Coaching for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices Single ISD RCN: • Student level: Use the START IEP Implementation Coaching Checklist with target students and submit a K-12 Target Student Reporting Form for at least two students. • AND A COMBINATION OF • Student-level: Submit a K-12 Target Student Reporting Form for one or two additional student(s) • OR • Classroom-level: Work with one or two classroom per ISD to complete the CETA to assess the use of classroom supports and EBP, and develop goals for improvement at a classroom level. • OR • Building-level: Work with one or two buildingper ISD to complete the USAPT to assess the use of universal supports and EBP, and develop goals for improvement at a building level. For a total of four data sets per ISD

  31. Single ISD RCN Per ISD Data Reporting

  32. RCN Priority 3: START Building Your Future (BYF) Secondary Transition •Reduction in reporting requirements •Community Conversation is no longer included in this priority •Additional funding is available for RCN that commit to providing additional target student or program data (see “RCN Contract Budget: Optional RCN Activities” below.)

  33. RCN Priority 3: START Building Your Future (BYF) Secondary Transition • Student-level: Identify at least one transition-age target student for employment or post-secondary education focus. Use the START V3 discovery process checklist. Establish an implementation plan for employment or post-secondary education based on the discovery process. Use the BYF Target Student Reporting Form to collect baseline data and report progress. • AND (choose one) • Student-level: Submit a BYF Target Student Reporting Form for one additional student • OR • Program-level: Utilize the Michigan Autism Council Transition & Adult Services Committee Recommendations and the Secondary Transition Recommendations Implementation Checklist with one program to set goals for program improvement and report progress. For a total of two data sets per RCN

  34. Transition Data Reporting

  35. RCN Priority 4: Peer to Peer Support •A total of THREE new or substantially expanded Peer to Peer programs •FIVE Peer to Peer Fidelity Tools •RCN Peer to Peer Data Log (use the new form) • NOTE: Will be reported at mid year ONLY •TWO members of the Peer to Peer Community of Practice •Additional funding is available for RCN that commit to additional peer to peer program development or expansion, and/or use of the Fidelity Tool.

  36. New Peer to Peer Data Log Reported at mid-year ONLY

  37. Macro-Enable

  38. Guidance for Peer to Peer Community of Practice Member Selection Review the following guidelines when selecting two RCN members to join the Peer to Peer Community of Practice: ● Current employee of a public school system in Michigan ● Professional-level staff member (credentialed by MDE or other school-related credentialing agency) ● Direct experience developing and implementing a Peer to Peer Support program with at least 20 LINK Students in the last three years ● Regularly works in a building implementing a Peer to Peer Support Program with at least 20 LINK Students at least three days per week ● Direct experience developing materials for a Peer to Peer Support Program (e.g., brochure, permission slips, curriculum) ● Attended at least 10 hours of training in START content provided by START staff, including the Peer to Peer Support module ● Familiar with Peer to Peer Support program data collection procedures (e.g., START peer to peer log) ● Prior experience with the START Peer to Peer Support Community Practice and/or START Link Think Tank is desirable but not required

  39. P2P Community of Practice (CoP) Responsibility Guide

  40. Peer to Peer Innovation and Impact (PPII) Sites Peer to Peer Data Package •We will be working with a small number of peer to peer programs to collect data and surveys •Erik Carter will be working with us to further develop data systems and write up peer to peer materials

  41. RCN Priority 5: Community and Family Engagement • Utilize the START Passport and Passport Resources with families and students with ASD. • Increase parent and family involvement in RCN, particularly family members involved in local autism/disability organizations and community organizations. • Invite and actively involve parent mentors from Michigan Alliance of Families (MAF) in regular RCN meetings and planning for the RCN contract. • Support attendance at the START Annual Conference for at least two parents who are involved with your RCN or ISD.

  42. Optional Activities • Additional K-12 Target Student Support: Use the START IEP Implementation Coaching Checklist with an additional target student(s) and use the K-12 Target Student Reporting Form to collect and report baseline data and report progress. • Additional Classroom Level Support: Use the CETA to assess the use of classroom supports and EBP, and develop goals for improvement at a classroom level. • Additional Building Level Support: Use the USAPT to assess the use of universal supports and EBP, and develop goals for improvement at a building level. • Additional Secondary Transition Target Student Support: Use the START V3 discovery process checklist with an additional target student. Establish an implementation plan for employment or post-secondary education based on the discovery process and use the BYF Target Student Reporting Form to collect baseline data and report progress.

  43. Optional Activities Regional Peer to Peer Coach Position •Provide local support to buildings seeking to set up or expand peer to peer programming •Coordinate regular meetings with peer to peer district staff, similar to a Community of Practice •Up to $5,000 in START contract resources may be requested to fund the position •RCN seeking to use START contract resources in this way must also complete and submit the Proposal for Regional Peer to Peer Coach Position •Please note: district or ISD match is expected.

  44. Optional Activities •Plan and complete a new Community Conversation, or demonstrate substantial follow-up from one or more previous Community Conversations that shows defined goals and an implementation plan. The Community Conversation should be related to RCN contract priorities such as secondary transition, peer to peer support collaboration with community providers, or family engagement. •Other activities that align with the START Priorities may be proposed and approved prior to submitting the application. Please contact Jana Benjamin at benjamj1@gvsu.edu.

  45. Planning Ahead •Target Student Beg of the Year Data – October 25 •Contract Requirements Worksheet – October 28 •Mid Year Report – February 3 •Target Student End of the Year Data – May 29 •20-21 RCN Contract Application - June 30 •End of Year Report – July 17 Check the RCN Application and Forms page of the website

  46. RCN Contract Worksheet and Mid/End of Year Reporting Changes All forms are streamlined to make it easier to set up the RCN Contract worksheet and then use the same worksheet for RCN meeting updates and mid and end of year reporting. The RCN Contract Worksheet will now be submitted at the beginning of the year, AND updated at the mid year and end of year (shaded areas).

  47. RCN Contract Worksheet Mid and End of Year Updates: Example

  48. START RCN Representatives The START representative for your RCN will attend at least four meetings. The remaining meetings are to be conducted by your RCN leadership independently. There will be some changes to the START representatives assigned to each RCN.

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