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Do not yell out the answer!!

Do not yell out the answer!!. How did the Columbian Exchange impact people living in Europe and in the Western Hemisphere? A. People in both places were introduced to new crops and animals. B. People across Europe began practicing Native American religions.

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  1. Do not yell out the answer!! How did the Columbian Exchange impact people living in Europe and in the Western Hemisphere? • A. People in both places were introduced to new crops and animals. • B. People across Europe began practicing Native American religions. • C. Millions of Native Americans moved to Europe and assimilated into European society. • D. Many Europeans were enslaved and taken to North and South America.

  2. SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.

  3. John Calvin “May little chickens dig out your eyes 100,000 times.” - Calvin speaking to another reformer whose ideas he disagreed with

  4. John Calvin • Anti-Catholic • Influenced by Martin Luther • Disagreed with Luther’s “Salvation through faith alone.” • Ideal Government was a theocracy: government controlled by religious leaders. • Created his own Protestant religion in Switzerland

  5. Predestination • Calvin believed in: • Salvation through Predestination • At birth it is decided if you will go to heaven or hell

  6. Calvin believed in: • Foreknowledge • God knows everything that will happen in your life • Purified approach to life: • No drinking, swearing, card playing, gambling etc..

  7. Christianity Protestant Catholic Lutheran Calvinism Presbyterian Puritan Hugeunots

  8. John Calvin Bio-poem • Line 1- First Name (John) • Line 2- Three adjectives describing this person • Line 3- Three things you like/dislike about this person • Line 4- Two things this person would have liked to see happen • Line 5- Three fears this person would have had • Line 6- Where the person was born • Line 7- Last Name (Calvin)

  9. Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation) Movement inside the Catholic church to reform certain church practices and beliefs.

  10. The Jesuits • Started by Ignatius of Loyola (1522) • Three main goals • Teach people the classics and religion • Convert non-Christians to Catholicism (missions) • Stop the spread of Protestantism

  11. Council of Trent • Meeting of Catholic bishops and cardinals to discuss church reform (Northern Italy)

  12. Council of Trent Decisions • The Church’s interpretation of the bible was final. No exceptions!! • Christians need good works and faith to achieve salvation (Different from Luther???) • Indulgences were allowed, but false sales of indulgences was banned.

  13. Impact of Reformation • Spread of Protestantism throughout Europe. • The Catholic Church’s power declined • Due to lack of authority in the church, kings and other monarchs began to gain more power. • People continued to question authority rather than blindly follow.

  14. Choose 1 of the following and answer in 5 sentences or more • 1) Compare the Middle Ages with the Renaissance. What has changed? What has stayed the same? How does the Renaissance still affect us today? • 2) How did the Protestant Reformation impact Renaissance society? How does this movement still affect us today? • Your answer should be in complete sentences that connect throughout.

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