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Alacrity (noun) speed or quickness; eagerness. A ntithesis ( noun) the direct or exact opposite. A rbitrate ( verb) to judge or decide in the matter so as to reconcile differences. B aleful ( adj.) portending evil; ominous. C ache ( noun)
Alacrity(noun) speed or quickness; eagerness
Antithesis (noun) the direct or exact opposite
Arbitrate (verb) to judge or decide in the matter so as to reconcile differences
Baleful (adj.) portending evil; ominous
Cache (noun) a hiding place used especially for storing provisions
Caroused (verb) to engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking
Contrived (adj.) obviously planned or calculated; not spontaneous or natural
Deluge (noun) something that overwhelms as if by a great flood
Ethos (noun) the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era
Extol (verb) to praise highly or exalt
Exultant (adj.) marked by great joy or jubilation; triumphant
Fissure (noun) a long narrow opening; a crack or cleft
Glutton (noun) a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
Inexorable (adj.) not capable of being persuaded by entreaty; relentless
Keel (noun) the principle structural member of a ship, running lengthwise down the center from bow to stern
Pinioned (verb) to restrain or immobilize by binding the arms
Quell (verb) to put down forcible; suppress
Reticence (noun) the state or quality of being reluctant; unwillingness
Solace (noun) comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress; consolation
Stalwart (adj.) having or marked by imposing physical strength
Unavailing (adj.) ineffectual or useless; futile
Vernacular (noun) the standard native language of a country or locality