1. Date: 13/06/2007 1
2. Introduction to Magnox North
Interim Storage Philosophy
reduce risks from storage
remove hazards associated with storage
baseline busting Objectives
3. Magnox North Limited
Who we are and what we do
4. Care and Maintenance Preps
HNA: ~3200 m3
CPX: ~500 m3 (special wastes)
WYL: ~35 m3
TRA: ~1200 m3
OLD: ~750 m3 Waste Volumes (ILW)
5. Fuel Element Debris
IX media
Miscellaneous solids (MAC and MCI)
Wastes types (ILW)
6. typically - 9:1 BFS:OPC
capping grout - PFA:OPC
some polymer (eg Traws)
Container types - typically:
3m3 Boxes and Drums
fabricated from 316L Wasteforms:
7. Site Stores - Trawsfynydd
8. Trawsfynydd:
Natural ventilation no HEPA filters or environmental controls
Concrete overpacks for (3m3 containers) and stillages
Easy assess
Hunterston A:
HEPA filters and environmental controls
Store walls provide shielding
Provision for overpacks
Site Stores: two built
9. Oldbury
Will use lessons learned from elsewhere, apply best practice, consistency with disposal concept
Concept stage recondition existing building ? Traws-like overpack (limited need for store)?
Wylfa - (limited need for store) Site stores for the future?
10. Interim Store Challenges (Magnox)
11. Philosophy multi-pronged Package monitoring and inspection
12. Magnox Generic R&D Programme Container Monitoring- Establishing baseline
16. Core Projects* : Benefits Demonstrate:
long-term waste package stability (simulants), 20 years of data
sustainability of cement-based packages
regulatory and stakeholder compliance
Supports LoC submissions
Reduced risk reworking during storage
Looking to broaden / integrate with other SLCs
17. What could Magnox do if a 3m3 box failed during storage?
Concept overpack and retrieval system developed 2007/08
Container Reworking
18. Guidance for Magnox Packages ACOP 2004
Whole life-cycle
manufacture to storage
NNL carried out technical review 2006/07
Update progressing* 2008/09 (UKAEA TSG)
industry developments (NWRF etc)
generic R&D findings
500 year container lifetime
new materials (duplex etc)
Care & Management Packages
19. Risk Management - Prioritisation
20. Reducing Risks, Removing Hazards Examples of reducing risk of package failure
Examples of hazard removal
Something completely different
21. Optimisation Duplex Containers Sellafield paper recommended duplex
Advantages: superior localised corrosion protection
Concerns: formability / fabrication
Core projects: four duplex containers added to study
dont hold breath about uptake at MxN
22. Optimisation - Superplasticisers
23. Optimisation better wasteforms
24. Opportunities remove reactivity In principle, seems right thing to do
Dungeness A dissolve FED (carbonic acid)
MxS - DSO looking to improve / roll out
MxN bought into process
Significant reduction in reactive metal volumes (100s m3)
25. Opportunities remove tritium Tritium-rich waste streams (CPX, desiccants)
MxS - DSO looking to treat at High T
MxN bought into process
10s m3 reduction possible
Also improved characterisation (reclassify and/or decay store)
26. Alternative approach Yellow Boxes
27. Date: 13/06/2007 27 Conclusions
Magnox North Sites two stores exist (different concepts), others planned
Multi-pronged approach to demonstrate robustness, including:
building on the work of others applying to Magnox North setting
wealth of own R&D work (thanks especially to Roger and Supply Chain) to underpin interim storage and package assurance
Opportunities to do better (longevity enhanced, cheaper) or change the concept altogether