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The Ethics of Culling Elephants. Should elephants be culled?. Three stories… Ian Whyte Sipho Morake Jason Smith Culling elephants is… an international issue at odds with conservation? . Recent history of elephants in Africa demand for ivory
Should elephants be culled? • Three stories… • Ian Whyte • Sipho Morake • Jason Smith • Culling elephants is… • an international issue • at odds with conservation?
Recent history of elephants in Africa • demand for ivory • reduced numbers from 1.3 million to 609,000 • in Africa 1979 – 1989 • CITES ban on trade in elephant products 1989 • did achieve reduction in poaching • poaching in KNP? 285
Kruger’s dilemma: A case study • how many were there long ago in the area? • historical evidence not many • 1967 aerial count: 6,586 • decide – 7,000 as limit [“carrying capacity”] • annual aerial census [helicopter] • decide then on removal quota • capture, translocation, culling
Kruger now? • current practice • moratorium: stopped culling in 1994 • challenged by animal rights group • numbers? • not 7,000 • but 9,150 [1999] • 11,671 [2003] • impact on biodiversity? • “park destroyed in 10 years’ time”?
Should elephants be culled? • Part 1 – Should we manage elephant populations? • “Hands off elephants?” • The nature of the issue 1. A complex set of intersecting issues 2. Even no decision is a major decision, because of the consequences. 3. Science has information, not answers. Emotions have attitudes, not solutions.
Conclusion 1: • It is our choice, based on our ethics, what we want from conservation areas • This eventually ends up as guidelines for management practices. • There is no scientific information & data that forces us to make a definite choice one way or the other. • Emotions must be critically interrogated to become meaningful guides to action in conjunction with reason and ethics.
Against culling [1]: "Leave nature alone: Don't interfere." • allow nature to run its course; establish own balance • firm scientific evidence from many disciplines • let nature be; elephant problem will sort itself out • problems: • damage may take centuries to recover, if ever • risk irreplaceable areas of pristine natural beauty? • story: Daphne Sheldrick in Tsavo 1970–1971
Environmental laissez faire • dying of starvation over a period of weeks shot by a rifle from a helicopter within two minutes? • drought & human inaction and omission • mistaken assumption; “nature…” • ecological processes operate at large scales • pristine wilderness areas have shrunk dramatically.
Conservation areas • sanctuaries for wildlife • small islands of wilderness • amidst the African lake of human settlements • established to protect wildlife from extinction • human population growth • exploitation and destruction through hunting
Conservation areas • artificial constructions & sites of human interference • examples • “fences” • rivers • artificial water-holes • cattle • exotic plant material
goal of the conservation of wilderness areas • protect natural world diversity • why not use the concept biodiversity? • because I want to deliberately include… • all forms of life… • …as well as landscapes • places of geological interest • ecological processes & ecosystems • water systems • genetic diversity, and so on
We must interfere to correct unacceptable human influences that disturb nature’s balance otherwise we will merely condone human intervention and interference that occur anyway. Conclusion 2: • Humans have already massively interfered with nature and must take responsibility for this interference • therefore we ought to interfere responsibly to conserve pristine wilderness areas in as natural a state as possible for future generations.
Against culling [2]: “Animals have rights and thus no elephant may be shot” • harshest critics of culling = animal rights activists • do animals really have rights? • do all sentient beings have interests we must protect? • “let them be!” • keep “human predators out of their affairs” • animals cannot administer their own rights • cull elephants to protect the rights of millions of other living beings? • story: Knobnose & Doughnut
Conclusion 3: • Elephants are very special animals [mammals] that deserve treatment with respect. • But, they are not rights bearers at the same level as human beings • They are not necessarily deserving of much more respect than dogs or lions.
Against culling [3]: “Ban human utilization of conservation areas” • link to culling? abattoirs • conservation areas used by human beings? • political preconditions for their existence • goal = conservation of natural world diversity • NB • conservation areas can have multiple uses • can induce complex, diverse human experiences
Four uses of conservation areas 1. deep appreciation - in awe of its wonders • a humbling experience 2. interests of the current generation • must have access & an opportunity to visit Conclusion 4: We cannot ignore the interests of tourists… manage with the utmost care to portray natural world diversity at its best.
Four uses of conservation areas 3. future generations • must have similar opportunities to ours • pristine, wilderness areas: once lost, gone forever 4. pragmatic uses • the benefits we don’t yet know • the benefits we do know • story: Joshua
Must we reject sustainable use of wildlife? • reasonable moral pluralism • cultural-ethical imperialism? • Can rich, privileged First World environmental activists impose their cultural and personal ethical views about deeply controversial moral issues of hunting and eating meat… • …on poor African rural peasants with centuries of traditions of sustainable use of African wildlife having minimal impact on the environment?
Conclusion 5 • We cannot ignore …people living next to wildlife sanctuaries; ….the history of their neglect…, or their exploitation through the expropriation of their land for conservation purposes • The legitimacy of conservation… can be established partly through benefiting the people most closely affected by conservation in their daily lives, those who often bear the cost of conservation…
Interlude – A case for intervention • to protect natural ecological processes • reverse or neutralize human interference • treat animals with respect to preserve their lives • intervene when absolutely necessary in conflicts to promote the diversities of the natural world • humans have multiple uses for conservation areas. • respect such uses if they do not spoil or harm the preservation of natural world diversities
Part 2 – Is culling elephants ethical? • current management options • simulation of nature, translocation, contraception, and culling • ethically acceptable? • all four are ethically flawed • an issue in the “real world” • strive to realize the best of several bad options • best option by far - not to interfere with elephants
Simulate nature: uncertain experiments • eliminate all human interventions • e.g. waterholes • will keep numbers at acceptable levels • experimental ideas not yet proven workable • kill young calves between 4 and 9 years old • they would die in droughts anyway • cruel to mothers and herds?
Translocation: ambiguous export • story: Douw Grobler • a high risk operation • limited trauma of translocation… • ethically better than culling • translocation almost excluded as option… • vacancies in elephant habitat are scarce • merely temporarily exporting the elephant problem to other conservation areas
Conclusion 6 - Translocation • Although expensive, one of the ethically most acceptable ways of dealing with overpopulation • the procedure is risky, the animals are traumatized, and they are severely disoriented • At least they are still alive and can enjoy the company of their core family group. • Translocation has limited value, as the demand for elephants is minimal compared to the supply.
Contraception: a possible, though perhaps flawed solution still under investigation • a long-term solution? • pZP “one shot vaccine” for five years & safe • behavioral change & practical? • “a promising alternative” and “might soon” • wait for long term scientific studies • logistics and cost of vaccination • invasive method • allo-mothering?
Conclusion 7 • presents the apparent promise of a successful non-violent intervention to limit elephant numbers • raises ethical issues – a chemical invasion • this method should be used judiciously in small elephant herds on an experimental basis, and be carefully studied and monitored • perhaps in future well-supported evidence might show this method to be ethically best justified, as well as logistically feasible.
“The killing fields of culling” • stories: Andrew & Katy Payne • Culling is gruesome. • In an ideal world we should not even consider it.
[1] Culling only to deal with a serious and imminent threat to the continued existence of the rich diversities of the natural world. • Reasons must be firmly supported by the best available scientific information • The optimum number requires a complex judgment: how many elephants to fulfill their creative ecosystemic function of opening up woodland to establish habitat requirements, open up living space, and generate opportunities for other species to flourish.
[2] Culling can never be the first option, but must be the only option left to avoid a conservation disaster [4] well-trained, professional teams should avoid prolonging any suffering by killing the elephants as humanely as possible in as short a time as possible [debriefing, counselling?] [5] The number of elephants to be culled must be proportionate to the threat they pose.
[6] As much as possible of the evidence of a culling must be removed from the conservation area for the sake of the elephants. [7] One could argue a case that magnificent trophy animals ought to be excluded from culling… The case for not killing elephants in special relationships with humans needs almost no argument. [8] If culling is justified in a specific case, then the meat, hide, and ivory must be utilized to the benefit of conservation.
Conclusion 8 • If culling is to be used, it must only be used as a last resort once reasonable people judge that all possible other options have been explored and exhausted • If chosen, culling must be done as humanely as possible.