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O peration S upport O ur T roops Shreveport Chapter. Were you aware?. Despite announced troop reductions in Iraq, thousands of U.S. troops are deployed in the Middle East. Current estimates: 98,000 in Iraq; 94,000 in
Operation Support Our Troops Shreveport Chapter
Were you aware? Despite announced troop reductions in Iraq, thousands of U.S. troops are deployedin the Middle East. Current estimates: 98,000 in Iraq; 94,000 in Afghanistan; another 40,000 headed to Afghanistan by summer’s end. Many endure difficult conditions and lack comforts we all take for granted… Inclement weather Sand storms
Troops leave loved ones behind… 9 month old son of Army CAPT who completed 3 deployments Army wife whose husband deployed 2 mo. after their wedding Pet looking & waiting for “Dad” to come home to serve in Iraq and remote areas of Afghanistan.
Here are MY heroes… My son, Dustin has almost completed 2nd 12-15 month deployment in Iraq My daughter-in-law, Janeen currently headed stateside from her 1st 12 month deployment in Afghanistan
Operation Support Our Troops (OSOT) • Non-profit organization dedicated to supporting our troops serving in harms way & has provided assistance by shipping needed supplies to troops since 2002 • Exists to support our deployed service members in a positive manner (not questioning U.S. military policy)
Operation Support Our Troops (OSOT) • Organization started by Mary Kay Salomone (her father & brother were WP grads, her husband is a WP grad, one son is WP grad, one son is an Army veteran teaching at WP & daughter married a WP grad) when son asked her help in getting needed supplies to troops in the early days of deployment to Afghanistan and Guantanamo (after 9/11/01) • She received permission/approval by the Pentagon to launch OSOT and originally membership was limited to parents of current WP cadets/graduates. • Non-political effort to show gratitude to and support of troops any way possible by sending goods/letters to boost morale and supplement basic needs.
The OSOT Motto “We will be here, as long as they are there…”
Sponsoring a box • You can contribute an item or several items from the OSOT List of Items to be packed in a box, or • Pick items from the OSOT List of Items and pack an entire box yourself. If you pack a box, please leave it unsealed so that an OSOT member can check/tape box for shipment in accordance with OSOT Rules…
Who can sponsor a box? • Civic/Service organizations • School groups • Scout troops • Individuals/Families • Church congregations/ Sunday school groups • Neighborhood groups
FALL/WINTER ITEMS Hot cocoa mix/tea Ramen noodle and/or instant soup Instant grits/oatmeal Tuna in foil packs Popcorn (commercially popped/packed) Granola/power bars Chocolate (only in cold weather) SPRING/SUMMER ITEMS Crystal Light & Gatorade drink mix (canister/ind. pcks) Plastic funnels (to pour beverages into canteens) Trail/Chex mix Pringles potato chips BEEF Jerky Gum/hard candy (regular & sugarless) Troop Wish List(items to collect/donate)
FALL/WINTER ITEMS Baby wipes Chapstick/Carmex Body lotion Gold Bond powder Hand sanitizer Cough/throat lozenges Greeting cards Writing supplies SPRING/SUMMER ITEMS Paper dust masks Eye drops Gold Bond powder Fly swatters Flip-flops (Dollar store) Sun block lotion Small games/balls Ziploc baggies (qt & gal size) Troop Wish List(items to collect/donate)
ANY TIME OF YEAR Disposable razors Deodorant (stick) AA/AAA Batteries Toilet paper(4/pack) Kleenex packages Travel size hygiene products (found in hotel bathrooms) Athletic tube socks Athletes foot cream Emery boards Deodorant Tooth brushes Toothpaste Dental floss Q-tips Troop Wish List(items to collect/donate)
Troop Wish List(items to collect/donate) • Newspaper comics (especially full color) & sports sections • Children’s artwork/greetings (i.e. Valentines, Easter, Patriotic, Halloween, Christmas & Get Well cards sent to wounded troops) • Notes/letters of encouragement (which REALLY helps boost their morale) • Prayers • Monetary donations
Items that can NOT be sent • Any item containing PORK • Home Baked Goods (only commercially packed items) • Fresh fruit • Religious Articles • ANYthing showing “female skin” (considered “Pornography”) • Cigarettes • Aerosol cans
How can I and/or our group make donations? • Items can be taken to the following collection sites: -St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Catholic Church at 522 E. Flournoy-Lucas Rd. Shreveport - 318-798-1887 -American Climate Controlled Storage 6721 Pines Rd. Shreveport - 318-688-4637 -ALL UPS Stores in the Shreveport/Bossier area -Bank of Montgomery at 952 Keyser Ave. Natchitoches - 318-352-3060 For item pick-up, please call ahead so arrangements can be made.
Sorting items & packing boxes • For security reasons, all boxes must be inspected/shipped by individuals and/or groups affiliated with the Operation Support Our Troops initiative. Troop names/addresses (maintained by national OSOT Chairman) may not be given to others.
Typical box packed/shipped • Contains 25-35 lbs of goods • Should be no larger than 72 inches in total bulk (length plus the distance around the widest part of the box) • Cost of shipping a box is approximately $1.40/lb. or $35-50/bx.
Another way to sponsor a box • Donate money to help purchase needed items or cover shipping costs of boxes that are packed • Because OSOT is a 501(c)3 organization, contributions are tax deductible. Checks should be written to: Operation Support Our Troops (or OSOT), Inc.
Benefits • Feel good inside knowing you are bringing a smile to the face of a serviceman/woman who is VERY far away from home • KNOW you are making a difference in the lives of others
If you wonder if item donation & shipment make a difference… Here’s an excerpt from a Thank You letter sent the National OSOT Chairman December 2007: “at least half of our team stood around with smiles from ear to ear while tearing open the packages. Seeing everyone's faces as they grabbed blankets, snacks & treats was something straight out of Christmas morning.” And an email thank you received February 2009: “Any little bit of comfort from home, whether it's a bit of chocolate or some extra toiletries, makes life here much more tolerable for soldiers, especially who are away from their spouses & children.”
On occasion, photos are sent via email or regular mail from troops in platoons/battalions that received boxes… Appreciative soldiers
Appreciative soldiers “I don’t know how you got my name, but I’m sure glad you did…A taste of home sure helps our morale.” “Whenever a box arrives, contents are shared by all… It’s great to know Americans back home support our efforts.”
Appreciative soldiers “…thanks to all those who take time out of their busy day to pack, purchase, and support those of us that protect and serve our great country…YOU are serving this country by supporting soldiers in harms way.”
Appreciative soldiers “Your packages were well received by dozens of soldiers…”
Appreciative soldiers Excerpt from letter recently received from Army officer/Unit Leader (and current day American Hero): “I received your boxes yesterday after we returned from a mission. I cannot thank you enough for your thoughtfulness & consideration…In between bird baths, baby wipes work well for staying clean and also help remove carbon on our rifles… some of the hand sanitizer is now being used by the cooks… anti-itch cream, nasal spray, finger/toe nail clippers and eye drops are being used by our medic…Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for my soldiers. Every day I get to work with them I count as a blessing…seeing smiles on their faces never fails to put a smile on mine.”
Other ways YOU can help… • Partner with us to provide on-going support to our soldiers • Have specific times for your group to collect items and help us spread the word to family members, neighbors, church groups and/or other groups about the OSOT project and our efforts • Help establish drop off locations at churches and business establishments & help secure items & monetary donations (especially as we approach Christmas shipment in November)
Other ways YOU can help… • Raise money to fund special projects and help with shipping costs • Write/Gather cards & notes of encouragement • Copy/distribute OSOT information to others • Establish a sewing group that makes neck coolers & helmet liners for troops to wear in summer months; lap blankets, pillows and ditty bags for use in winter months
OSOT-Shreveport ships annually • Valentine shipment donation deadline/sorting/packing in January • Easter shipment donation deadline/sorting/packing in March • July 4th shipment donation deadline/sorting/packing in June • Halloween shipment donation deadline/sorting/packing date in September • Christmas shipment donation deadline/sorting/packing in November
Our troops need YOUR support Please do whatever you can to assist us in our efforts to encourage & support our brave and dedicated troops until they all come home…
For more information Shirley Olivieri-Mathies, Chairman (and proud USMA 2005 grad/U.S. Army Mom) OSOT-Shreveport chapter ssomathies@yahoo.com 318-862-9847 (8:30-5:00 daily) 318-219-7488 (evenings/weekends) 318-349-9043 (cell phone)
In Closing GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS (bring ‘em all safely home) GOD BLESS AMERICA!