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Virginia Space Grant Consortium. Mid Atlantic Space Grant Meeting September 7, 2008. RockOn ... A Sounding Rocket Payload Workshop Colorado & Virginia Space Grant Consortium Overview June 22 – June 27, 2008.
Virginia Space Grant Consortium Mid Atlantic Space Grant Meeting September 7, 2008
RockOn... A Sounding Rocket Payload Workshop Colorado & Virginia Space Grant Consortium Overview June 22 – June 27, 2008
- Faculty and students came to Wallops for a six day hands-on workshop ($1500 registration fee) • In teams of 3-4, they built a sounding rocket payload (RocketSat) from a kit • - All payloads were identical • Payloads integrated into a standard container and integrated on 4th day • Payloads were launched on a single rocket on the 6th day • Workshop to be held annually • - Past participants come back to fly their own payloads in standard container for $12,000 (some may fly on future workshop rockets to help pay cost of workshop launch) Workshop Concept:
RocketSat and Workshop Goals: 1.) Allow students to design payloads that will go into space 2.) More challenging design problem 3.) Unique science opportunities 4.) More demanding hands-on experience 5.) Interdisciplinary team work 6.) Help create a new and standard access to space platform with Wallops Introduction and Background:
Introduction and Background: • RocketSat 1 Objectives: • 1.) Easily reproducible payload design (COTS) • 2.) Qualitative data description of flight environment with altitude • 3.) Science Package: • - Geiger Counter • - Microwave Detector • - Sensor Package • - Temperature sensor • - Accelerometers • - Pressure sensor
RocketSat Can Configuration: 5 Plate Stack Attached to Can Bottom Bulkhead
RocketSat Can Configuration: 5 Plate Stack Stand-offs attached to Top Lid. Barrel Section attached to Top Lid (8 Places) Assembled can with payload ~20 pounds
Colorado Space Grant Consortium Virginia Space Grant Consortium Can Integration to Launch Vehicle: Use of standard can will simplify integration Can #2 integrated and bolted to Sub-SEM Ring Electrical Connections to Latching Relays run down side of Cans and through inner diameter of Sub-SEM Ring
Summary of Final Configuration - Skin with two access areas for: 1 View port 1 Static port 1 Dynamic port Total payload weight with cans ~100 pounds Payload section ~66 inches long Launch scheduled for June 27, 2008
Mid Atlantic RockOn Participants • Matthew Bitzer Virginia Tech • Andrew Cosentino Virginia Tech • John Esposito Virginia Tech • Jennifer Poli Virginia Tech • Kevin Shinpaugh Virginia Tech • David Talavier Old Dominion University • Elizabeth Martin University of Virginia • Ryan Johnson University of Virginia • Galen Hansen Fairmont State College, WVA • Gene Turchin Fairmont State College, WVA • Lester Link Delaware Technical Community College • Joe Pent Delaware Technical Community College • Henry Snyder Gallaudet University, Washington DC • Timothy Wheeler Pennsylvania State University
FAA Design Competition for Universities 2008 – 2009 Academic Year
Individuals or teams Undergraduates and Graduates eligible Multidisciplinary, multi-departmental or multi institutional teams an option Good vehicle for collaboration among institutions A worthwhile aeronautics project for design courses or independent study Allows for interdisciplinary approach and solutions Real world applications Competition Elements
Linkage with an airport operator is required to obtain expert advise and ensure the viability of the proposed approach. Competition website has links to experts with FAA, Partner Organizations and the AAAE is connecting students to airport operators. Connections with Airport Operators
First place: $2500; Second place: $1,500;Third place: $1,000 Prizes are awarded to individuals or divided equally among team members. Team representatives for first place awards will be invited to accept their award and present their design at the American Association of Airport Executives Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14 – 17, 2009 in Philadelphia. A travel allowance of up to $2,000 per award will be provided for two individuals (two students or one faculty advisor and one student) from each first place award winning team. Awards
http://www.faa.gov/runwaysafety/design_competition.htm Detailed competition background and guidelines. Links to publications and resource documents in each of the broad challenge areas -- a starting point for students and faculty. Venue for submitting questions and required Notice of Intent to propose. Final proposals submitted electronically through the website. Detailed evaluation criteria. Links to expert resources and airport operators. Access to 2007 – 2008 Winning Proposals Competition Website
FAA Competition Design Challenge Categories • Airport Operation and Maintenance • Runway Safety/Runway Incursions • Airport Environmental Interactions • Airport Management and Planning Note: Safety risk assessment is an element in each challenge
Exploringnew methods for design and maintenance of pavement surfaces. Methods for innovative pavement repair. Innovative pavement materials, installation and maintenance techniques, including non-destructive evaluation methodologies. Improved approaches to rubber removal/surface restoration due to aircraft tire friction. New or improved techniques for ice removal from runways. Improved methods for foreign object detection and removal from runway surfaces. Airport Operation and Maintenance Challenges
Expanding situational awareness of pilots and ground operators on the airfield. Ideas include, but are not limited to: Enhancing Airport Visual Aids Runway Safety/Runway Incursion Design Challenges
Making snow and ice removal more environmentally friendly. Both chemical and non-chemical options can be considered. Improving methods for containment and cleanup of fuel spills. Increasing energy efficiency in the management of airfields. Airport Environmental Interactions Design Challenges
Maximizing Airport Capability Strategies for accommodating aircraft that experience extended delays on the tarmac and in line for take off, including dealing with human needs and airport and airline capabilities. Innovative approaches to demand forecasting and management for airports. Innovative strategies for reducing airline fuel consumption, such as new ways to reduce gate-to-gate time or revise procedures. Airport Management and Planning Design Challenges
Competition Announcement: August 2008 Notice of Intent: NOI strongly suggested and anticipated prior to start of design process Fall semester deadline -September 30, 2008 Note: NOI’s involving fall work will still be accepted through the Spring semester deadline is January 30, 2009 Design Submittal Deadline: 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, April 17, 2009 Winners Announced: by May 15, 2009 Award Ceremony and Presentations: June 14 - 11, 2009 Exact date(s) within this time frame to be determined Competition web site: http://www.faa.gov/runwaysafety/design_competition.htm FAA Design Competition for Universities Key Dates
16 colleges and universities participated 16 faculty and 149 students involved 36 proposal submissions 3 individuals; 33 teams 22 graduate students; 127 undergraduate students Several design classes participated with multiple student teams Course project, student society chapter and independent study were typical venues 2007 – 2008 Competition Data
“…it really enriches the student education capability and allows him to look beyond his own coursework or PhD research. Most importantly, allows him to work on a practical project with the industry and develop a product that can be readily used by airport engineers.”-Faculty Advisor Participant Comment
NASA Langley Research CenterOffice of Strategic Communications and Education Mid Atlantic Regional Space Grant Conference Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars (LARSS) Program Debbie Murray LARSS Program Coordinator
LARSS Program Goals • Encourage high caliber college students to pursue and earn graduate degrees • Enhance their interest in aerospace research by exposing them to the professional research resources and facilities of LaRC • Continue to feed the NASA pipeline and the Nation’s STEM skills base with highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students
LARSS Space Grant Supported Scholars This is the largest group to date - 17 Space Grant Consortia sponsored 38 students! • West Virginia: Sean Butler, Gregory Duckett, Gavin Hall, Nicholas Weston, Allison Willingham - All from West Virginia University • Delaware: Tommi Barrett, John Brady, Shannon Kung, Ray McCauley - All from University of Delaware • Indiana: Christian Rippe - Valparaiso University • Louisiana: Greg Caswell - Louisiana Tech University • Minnesota: Miles Engel - Hamline University • Mississippi: Kendra Carr, Andrew Parrish - Both Mississippi State University; James Kidd - University of Mississippi • Montana: Steve Kratochvil - Montana State University • Nebraska: Heather Finney - Hastings College; Justin Green, Chase Taylor - Both University of Nebraska at Lincoln • New Hampshire: Matthew Coffey - University of New Hampshire at Durham • New Hampshire-Dartmouth College: Stephanie Trudeau, Steve Ubnoske • New York: Matthew Safran - Cornell University
LARSS Space Grant Supported Scholars • North Carolina: Steve Brown - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Lance Cassidy, Francisco Rodriguez - Both North Carolina State University; Illiana Thomas - Elizabeth City State University, Jasmine Tinoco - North Carolina A&T State University • Oregon: Jarrod Jackson - Oregon State University • Pennsylvania: Daniel Cromartie - LeHigh University; Charles Cimet, Sushil Patel - Both Pennsylvania State University • Puerto Rico: Jose Flores - University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Michelle Laboy - Interamerican University at Bayamon Campus • South Carolina: Marshall Washburn - Wofford College • Virginia: Jeffrey Garnand-Royo, Margaret Nate - Both Virginia Tech; Judith Providence - College of William and Mary Thank You!
LARSS Year-Round Deadlines: • Spring 2009, October 31, 2008 • Summer 2009, February 1, 2009 • Fall 2009, TBD http://research.nianet.org/larss
Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars (VASTS) A partnership between Virginia Space Grant Consortium and NASA Langley Research Center with assistance from Virginia Department of Education
VASTS • Innovative and exciting NASA-based science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) educational program for high school juniors in Virginia. • NASA Langley funded pilot. VSGC contributing • Program launched January 30 at an Aerospace Day press conference at the Virginia General Assembly by NASA Langley Director, Lesa Roe and Mary Sandy. • Modeled after the highly-successful Texas Aerospace Scholars developed by Johnson Space Center.
Components • Online coursework using a Space Exploration theme to teach STEM skills. April through June 2008 • One Week Six-days, all expense paid, residential Summer Academy at NASA Langley July 27 - August 1. • Master Educators work with students throughout online coursework and Summer Academy. • NASA Langley mentors provide students with hands-on , experimental STEM activities during Academy. • Students’ school districts will be encouraged to offer academic credit
Goals • Inspire STEM learning and STEM career aspirations. • Provide an engaging and motivational NASA experience for Virginia students. • Foster STEM and aerospace-relevant workforce pipeline from VASTS to other precollege and higher education programs. • Offer real-world, problem-based STEM experiences. • Provide distance learning courses in space exploration and STEM to Virginia students. • Recognize outstanding Virginia scholars with a prestigious opportunity in VASTS.
Eligibility • High school junior • 16 years of age • U.S. Citizen • Virginia Resident • Minimum GPA 2.7 • STEM interest • Internet and email access
Distance Learning • Online course content provided foundation for summer academy activities. • Students complete and submit on Moodle course website 10 online modules Inquiry-based physics/mathematics problem Online quiz Essay, design, and/or drawing • Culminating online project
Summer Academy • July 27th through August 1st • Residential program - housing at CNU dorms • Adult supervision at all times • Scholars collaboratively design human mission to Mars • Expose scholars to array of STEM career options • Interaction with LaRC engineers, scientists, and technologists who serve as mentors
Summer Academy Project • Students assigned to four teams to design a human mission to Mars • Two NASA mentors coach team with support from a master teacher and undergraduate student • Getting There - Prasun Desai, Glenn Hines • Living There - Robert Singletary, Guillermo Gonzalez • Working There - Pat Troutman, Nancy Holloway • Mission Integration - G. Bezos-O’Connor, Scott Striepe • Advisors: Melvin Ferebee, Amanda Cutright, Debbie Martinez, Jill Prince, Bill Dogett, Harry Belvin, Karen Whitley, Luther Jenkins, Marianne Rudisill, Chris Giersch, Kimberly Land, Terry Clark, and Charles Poupard.
Closing Ceremony • Recognize Scholars’ accomplishments • Scholars present mission design • Parents, legislators, industry sponsors invited
Langley GIS Team provides geospatial data management and resource utilization solutions for Langley GIS Internship Eligibility: High school, community college, undergraduate, and graduate students Majors in geography, technology, civil engineering, and others Interest in developing skills in spatial data technology in support of NASA’s mission 12 students placed in 11-week summer internships 9 students placed in 15-week fall internships Recruiting for spring placements (App deadline Nov 1) NASA Langley-VSGC GIS Internship Program
Primary Duties Include: Support development, maintenance and data input in GIS Updates to building floor plans and space utilization, environmental data, and center infrastructure. Modifications of center spatial data and web interface Part-time and full-time positions Students will earn a stipend relative to their academic level (~$8 to $15/hr) Prior experience not required—training will be provided Interns supporting OVERspace program Present at OVERspace workshops Classroom presentations about GIS NASA Langley-VSGC GIS Internship Program
Offering Virginia Educators Resources in Spatial Practices Across the Curriculum for Excellence Mission --- teach teachers how to utilize geospatial technologies such as GIS and GPS in the classroom Train-the-Trainer Model -- Teachers teaching teachers Customized hands-on workshops On-site in partnership with school divisions Open enrollment workshops Low cost or no cost (depending on external funding) Over 600 teachers trained since 2001 OVERspace Program To bring a workshop to your school or division, contact Nick Koltun (nkoltun@odu.edu) 757-766-5210
National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (NSF-ATE) Planning Grant awarded in May 2007 Full ATE project proposal will be submitted in October 2008 (3 yr award) Vision Establish sustainable academic pathways in geospatial technology to provide business/industry/public sector agencies with larger pool of skilled geospatial technicians. These pathways will serve as models for other community colleges. Geospatial Technician Education Through Virginia’s Community Colleges (GTEVCC)
Tidewater Community College (TCC) Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) John Tyler Community College (JTCC) Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Geospatial Extension Program at Virginia Tech Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) GTEVCC Partners
GTEVCC Goals • Model Academic and Workforce Training Pathways • Update and Add Courses, Create Certificate and Specialization programs in GIS • Faculty Training and Mentoring from Partners • Pre-college Teacher Professional Development • Increase awareness of careers in geospatial technologies among students, faculty, and parents • GIS Day • Resource-rich Web Resource Tool • Trained Geospatial Technicians Ready to Work!