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SBIR Phase II IPR - 1/26/06. Paul Gustavson (Principle Investigator) Ben Sisson (Principle Engineer) Karl Crosson (BAF Developer) Matt Morgan (BARN Developer) Tram Chase (Developer) SimVentions Mike Haddad PEOSTRI – SBIR POC. Topics. Agg/Deagg Projects / Funding Army Navy
SBIR Phase II IPR - 1/26/06 Paul Gustavson (Principle Investigator) Ben Sisson (Principle Engineer) Karl Crosson (BAF Developer) Matt Morgan (BARN Developer) Tram Chase (Developer) SimVentions Mike Haddad PEOSTRI – SBIR POC
Topics • Agg/Deagg Projects / Funding • Army • Navy • Task Overview • BAF Spec Work • BARN / AAXE • Discussion • Projects • WARSIM • ONESAF • Future Demos • Financial Picture 2
Agg/Deagg SBIR Projects / Funding Plus up 3
Phase II BAF Task Overview Identify and Establish DoD and Commercial Partners Maintain Community Involvement Schedule and Conduct IPRs 4
Spec Work – Sequence Diagrams See separate PPT 12
BAF Automation with RCIP Navigator (BARN) Effort SimVentions 12/1/2005 to 10/1/2006
Design Support Tram Chase (Lead) Matt Morgan Jerry Oesterheld Ben Sisson - Eclipse/ Web Srvc SME Brad Neal - RCIP Navy SME Development Support Matt Morgan (Lead) Tram Chase (Oversight) BARN Team • Additional Support • Larry • Paul 14
What is RCIP Rapid Capability Insertion Process the overarching process for rapidly introducing new capabilities and technologies to warfighters Uses open architecture and spiral evolutionary development. Differs from traditional military acquisition since the emphasis is on hardware / software independence and attempts to maximize software reuse. What is the RCIP Navigator Represents a wizard-style approach to assisting Program Managers, PEOs, OPNAV and other users in navigating their efforts through the RCIP. Also provides web-accessible views of all programs within the RCIP, allowing high-level monitoring and status reporting as needed. What integration is required for BAF Automation of the RCIP Navigator RCIP Navigator will utilize Base Object Models (BOMs) to support the RCIP process Provide capability (via BOMs) to determine/evaluate proposed and existing capabilities and systems. Leverage and use BAF accordingly BARN Overview Related work – • N-053 - Modeling the Impact of Technology Transition on Ship Capabilities • DMSO Composability 15
BARN Overview DMSOComposabilityEffort RCIPNav BAFAutomationw/ RCIP Nav(BARN) Modeling the Impact of Technology Transition on Ship Capabilities (N-05-053) BAF 16
BAF Automation of the RCIP Navigator (BARN) • Tool = Automation and Extraction Agent (AAXE) • prototype tool • Java-based, so that it is available on multiple platforms • Can integrate / wrap-around any client application • E.g. RCIP Nav • Will leverage BAF web services & BOMs • How does it interact with the RCIP Navigator? • Capable of automating the execution process of the model • Able to extract/write BOM info from the model’s execution output • Can be retooled as a component instead of a standalone application • Where is it at this moment in time? • Queries for a script file name • Executes script read in from file or manually entered • Next Step • BAF (BASS) Integration Scripts exist already to execute the model in ProcessModel (i.e. RCIP Nav) and force export the data to an Excel spreadsheet. 17
General Community involvement - SIW, Papers, I/ITSEC maintain and populate a web-based repository Extend Selected BOMs and BOM Assemblies with Behavior Descriptions BOM Component Implementations Mature the Capture of BOM Meta-Data from Users User friendly capture process of metadata pre-fill all possible information based on already known details (such as user information, project information, etc.), limit the use of keyboard entry for the collection of information Web service search / candidate list of BOMs recommend and/or allow use of other BOMs as a pattern template if an exact match cannot be found, provide pertinent graphical representation when at all possible, maximum the use of color to quickly reflect status and interest points to the user. NOTE: feature not restricted only to RCIP Navigator Demonstrate RCIP Navigator Access to the BOM Component Repository ( to be used by AAXE Create a reusable component that can provide the access needed to interact appropriately with the BOM Component Repository. Demonstrate the use and application of this component with RCIP Navigator – show “smart” access to the repository Make use of rule-sets, access-mechanism, UDDI, etc… Design and Prototype a BOM supported Script Language Script Language to be used by AAXE Leverage metadata in BOMs to establish first-generation test scenario. Use for a quick-check of the validity of the BOM-mix SG capability may be represented as a web-service, such that BOMs and/or BOM-sets can be submitted and the first-order scenario returned. The representation of the scenario would most likely be in an XML-based language set like the Military Scenario Definition Language (MSDL). Design and Prototype a BOM-based Component Simulation Environment a “quick-look” simulation of the RCIP candidate capability formulate the set of BOMs into an executable model, ensure that the behavior has been appropriately described for the model, generate first-order scenario, and then execute the “quick-look” simulation. The results from this simulation would then be delivered to the RCIP Navigator. Possible candidates for this include Simulation Reference Markup Language (SRML), OneSAF Objective System (OOS) Java Beans, or even Macromedia’s Flash. This environment could also be stood-up as a “BOM Evaluator” such that the results would be used to grade the completeness-level and complexity-level of the BOM, BOM Assembly, or BOM Aggregate. BARN Task Overall Objective – Add BOM-level functionality to RCIP Navigator so that BOMs can be used to perform a “quick-look” simulation analysis of “as-is” and “to-be” capabilities. 18
Discussion / Questions? • Projects • WARSIM • ONESAF • Future Demos Paul Gustavson pgustavson@simventions.com 540 372-7727 (work) 540 429-2550 (cell) www.simventions.com/sbir_agg
Financials • See separate PPT 20
radar Humveeplatform gun BOM BOMs vehicle Composite pattern soldier RPR FOM RPR BOMs Subsystem models OneSAF Objective System <<tank BOM>> M1A - 1403 <<container BOM>> agg -123 <<tank BOM>> M1A - 1404 Flyweight pattern <<helo BOM>> Apache - 132 entities How are we using BOMs? • Data exchange interface elements • Model Aggregations • Entity Instance Aggregations 22
Weapons Effect Logistics Repair Resupply Collision Entity State Update SIMAN Entity Creation Entity Reconst’n Entity Removal RadioComms Action Request Minefield Post Comment Synthetic Enviro Post Event EntityObjects EnvObjects MinefieldObjects SignalObjects BOMs being using - RPR BOMs RPR FOM 2.0 Conceptual Model GRIM DIS 1278 “The use of interaction classes involves a detailed understanding of the state transitions and timing between events.” - RPR FOM GRIM Model Mapping Object Model Def 23
BOM Aggregation Framework • Aggregation Services • Model Composition aggregation / deaggregation • Entity Instance aggregation / deaggregation • Library Support Services • Library Methods (load, search, fetch, add) • Support for BOMs, FOMs, BTMs, BCIs • Monitoring/Intercessory Services • Data Logging Support • Load Balancing Support • Transfer Control Support • Model Transformation Support • Statistics/Scoreboard Support • Support Services • BOM to FOM transformations • FOM to BOM transformations • FOM to FOM transformations Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) FOCUS Loose coupling Minimize unnecessary dependencies BOM oriented interfaces 24
BOM Aggregation Support Server • BAF Implementation • Java (Eclipse) • Web Services • Independent WSDLsfor each service group • Not dependent on dedicated server • Uses and generates BOMs • Apache 25
SBIR Background/Objectives • Develop a common framework for aggregating and deaggregating entities in simulations exercises to: • Facilitate interoperability between models at different levels of fidelity (allowing agg-level sims to interact with entity-level sims) • Improve system performance for distributed exercises • Reduce memory load • Reduce CPU load • Reduce network load • Manage entity count depending upon system load • Preserve simulation behavior validity throughout the aggregation levels Aggregation - the coupling of multiple models/entities into a single inclusive group 26
Using Base Object Models (BOMs) as Building Blocks Pattern of Interplay Events State Machines Definition Concept Standards BOM – a piece part of a conceptual model composed of a group of interrelated elements, which can be used as a building block in the development and extension of a federation, individual federate, FOM or SOM. BOM elements include object classes, interaction classes, patterns of interplay, state machines, and events. BOM Palette - x Simulation Components Choose what fits conceptual model? User Requirements A B Simulation Systems • foms • federates X C Illustration Federate(SOM) Sim / SystemA WeaponsEffect BOM 1 BOM 2 Theater WarfareRepresentation Federate A Detect / Jam Federate B - or - Federation(FOM) BOM 3 BOMAssembly RepairResupply Representation Composition Federate X CompositeInterface - or - BOM n Model#1 Model#2 RadioComms Aggregation Model#3 Model#n 27 BOMs are designed for enabling composability, providing extensibility, facilitating interoperability, improving manageability, and encouraging understandibility.
Why a BOM Approach? BOM – a piece part of a conceptual model composed of a group of interrelated elements, which can be used as a building block in the development and extension of a federation, individual federate, FOM or SOM. BOM elements include object classes, interaction classes, patterns of interplay, state machines, and events. • Offers modular way to represent simulation exchange elements • Platform independent (XML) • Captures / carries forward conceptual model • Allows implementations to be represented independently • Can be combined to form compositions (model aggregation) • Can be used to define container classes(entity instance aggregation) • Facilitates interoperability(the exchange of data) • BOMs can be mapped across different BOMs, FOMs and SOMs Federate(SOM) Sim / SystemA WeaponsEffect BOM 1 BOM 2 Theater WarfareRepresentation Detect / Jam Federate A Federate B - or - Federation(FOM) BOM 3 BOMAssembly RepairResupply Representation Composition Federate X CompositeInterface - or - BOM n Model#1 Model#2 RadioComms Aggregation Model#3 Model#n 28
a component-based standard describing reusable piece parts of a simulation or simulation space. BOMs can be used to document one or more of the following piece part elements: Conceptual Model Patterns of interplay State machines Entities Events Interface Description Object classes / attributes Interaction classes / parameters Mapping between Conceptual Model and Interface Description Used as a building block in the development and extension of a simulation and/or a federation of simulations. Provides developers and users a modular approach for defining and adding new capabilities to a federate or federation, for quickly composing object models such as HLA FOMs and SOMs through BOM Assemblies. Model Identification (Metadata) Conceptual Model Definition Pattern of Interplay State Machine Entity Type Event Type Model Mapping Entity Type Mapping Event Type Mapping Object Model Definition HLA Object Classes HLA Object Classes HLA Object Class Attributes HLA Interaction Classes HLA Interaction Classes HLA Interaction Class Parameters HLA Data Types Notes Lexicon (definitions) BOM Elements 29
Automation and Extraction Agent (AAXE) PLANNED OR IN PROGRESS • Rebuild the interface to be more “production friendly” • Add a file dialog to allow easy selection of scripts • Add a list of common commands for easy reference (help section) • Revamp the command language (low priority) • Add support for BOM extraction from Process Model Excel spreadsheet export • Modify and generate scripts as needed UNDER CONSIDERATION • Create a script building tool to assist in script generation Process Model (i.e. RCIP Nav) Export Data PLANNED OR IN PROGRESS • Analyzing exported data for identification of BOMs • Generate unique filename for export to individual runs are not overwritten 30
Focus on Open Architecture (OA) and Spiral Technology Insertion Assist in the management and reporting of a capability that is moving through the various stages of the insertion process Identify the RCIP steps the capability must step through - based on program ACAT level (SHIPMAIN impact), number of interfaces (testing impact), weapons involvement (WSERB impact) and complexity (Sea Trial impact) Assist in the packaging of capabilities that can be rolled-up into the Navy’s planned bi-annual introduction of new warfighter technology into fleet programs Automate the generation of technology roadmaps which will enable users to perform capability roll-ups by date, warfighter gap, major program and insertion platform Automate the generation of capability “Quad Charts” used by the Program Managers to brief their programs Identify capability inter-dependencies to ensure that the bi-annual introduction packages contain all of the technology required to support the insertion Wizard support Web Accessible Ability to leverage BOM repositories, BOM tools, and BOM-based simulation environments to assist in the required analysis <- extensions required What are the RCIP Navigator Features? 31
Integration into OA CT3 Program • NSWCDD desires to improve its methods for the ‘eXchange of Knowledge’ (XK) for both technical and programmatic • XK efforts include: • efforts within current and emerging DoD systems and systems-of-systems; and, • efforts within existing Science & Technology (S&T) activities [i.e., SBIRs, Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations (ACTDs), Rapid Technology Transitions (RTTs)]. • NSWCDD is initially interested in those S&T activities that have been identified by the Capability Technology Transition Team (CT3) as candidates for the Rapid Capability Insertion Process (RCIP). • XK needs • Provide analysis / RCIP insight • Assist in the determination of capability and/or program candidates. • Used as a decision-support aides • Potential adopters – • could be used by the Navy to support spiral technology insertion decisions and development planning for new ship designs and existing ship modernizations. • RCIP currently an emerging process that will require refinement and modification as it moves forward. • NSWCDD desires that the processes and technologies used to help move this forward will also contribute to better and more effective ways of providing and monitoring the RCIP, and perhaps provide Joint applicability. 32
End-state Capability(i.e. RCIP Navigator Function & Use) • facilitates the tracking and analysis of emerging technologies important to CT3 and the RCIP, • would become the heart of the OA CT3 Coordination efforts, • would be used by all levels of management. • This effort relies on the establishment of the • XK Framework • (i.e., extension of the BOM Aggregation Framework (BAF) currently being developed in the Phase II), • the M&S Test and Analysis Tool (MSTAT) • (i.e., could be a BOM capable OneSAF Objective System (OOS) currently being considered in Phase II -- MR - Federate), and • the RCIP Navigator. • The focus will be BOM-based so as to provide rapid, repeatable analysis and technology assessment capabilities. • M&S technologies, such as the BOM, will be used • to maximize the re-use of emerging technology models (like the RPR BOMs) and • to create the ability to “mix-and-match” emerging and existing technologies to assess potential new warfighter capabilities and associated life-cycle system engineering implications. • We will use this effort to support the final definition and generation of the RCIP. 33
Use of OOS 35
Terminology 36 [1]M. D. Petty and E. W. Weisel, “A Composability Lexicon”, Proceedings of the Spring 2003 Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando FL, March 30-April 4 2003, 03S-SIW-023.
Model Aggregations Interface Groupings Non-exercise specific (class based) Examples Car(Engine / Wheels / Suspension / Braking System / Frame) Ship(Weapon System / Radar / CIC) Equipment Pack(Ammo / Weapon / Grenade / Water / First Aid Kit / MRE) First Aid Kit(Gauze / Wrap / Ointment / Knife / Aspirin / Blood Clot (kitty litter)) Human Anatomy(Heart / Liver / Kidney / Digestion system, Epidermis, etc…) Entity Instance Aggregations Entity Groupings Exercise specific (object driven) Examples Battalion (Collection of Individual Soldiers) Air Squadron Battle group Weather(Storm Cells / Wind / Temperature / Atmospheric Pressure/ Bathymetry) Close Air Support(Forward Air Controller / Aircraft / Target / Target Locater / Designator) Crowds Some Details – BOM Aggregation Types Composite Pattern Flyweight Pattern 37
Aggregate Triggers/Criteria • Proximity to a specific obstacle, entity or feature in the synthetic battlespace; • A change in the level of interest or significance regarding the specific domain a model supports; or • An increase (or decrease) in the physical entity load by the system and/or over the entire federation. 38
Federate Federate discovery messaging Federates services Interface elements BOMs BAFWebServices BAF Design – Architecture View Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) FOCUS • The common interface must be leveraged by all participating software agents (i.e. federates) • That the interfaces must be accessible and understood by all providers and consumers • Interfaces serve as the framework for the messages that are to be exchanged • Minimal system behavior is provided by these interfaces (or messages) • An XML schema should be applied to define the vocabulary and structure • Additional services should be able to be added without impairing the common interface. • Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) • Loosely Coupled Approach • Minimize Unnecessary dependencies among systems and software • Maintain functionality / individuality • Potential Technologies • XML • WSDL • SOAP / XML-RPC • UDDI • BOMs • XSLT (FOM Mappings, BTMs • BOM Impl (Java Beans) • Other Technologies (not SOA) • Network Distribution (RTI) • Federation Agreements (FOM) http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=336265&seqNum=1 39