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1. Women’s Sexuality and Gender Roles Across Different Cultures By Sara Petersen, Stephanie Brongel, Liz Kiebel, and Kelsey Majewski-Jensen
3. Overview ~Dress/roles
~Women in the workforce
~Prostitution/human trafficking
~Female genital mutilation
5. Women’s Roles in Japan ~Women expected to be extremely self-sacrificial
*yet still considered less important to society than men.
~Confucian teachings
*"A woman is to obey her father as daughter, her husband as wife, and her son as aged mother"
9. Marriage Customs in China ~Dowry system
~Minimum age: 22 for men, 20 for women
~“Free love” more acceptable today than previously in History
11. Japanese Women in the Workforce ~Many Japanese women are doing study abroad programs to gain higher education and better work opportunities outside of Japan.
~Women expected to leave career for children
~Many women correlate better opportunities with marrying a white husband
13. Chinese Women in the Workforce ~Top 10 jobs for women:
*No. 1 Toy Designer
*No. 2 Home Designer
*No. 3 HR Manager
*No. 4 Career Development Facilitator
*No. 5 Yoga Coach
*No. 6 Foreign-language-speaking Tourist Guide
*No. 7 Perfumer
*No. 8 Cartoon Draftsman
*No. 9 Public Nutritionist
*No. 10 Parent-offspring Education Teacher
15. Prostitution in Japan ~prostitution is illegal but still very prevalent and socially accepted
~one third of all prostitutes are teenagers
~Ranks as a number 2 in the U.S. 3-tiered system
17. Prostitution in China ~Illegal but widely tolerated
~“Karaoke” clubs guarded by Chinese police
18. Rape/Human Trafficking in China ~Women sold involuntarily-tricked
~Tier 2 watch list
19. Rape in Japan ~many cases of rape are by gangs
~rape is a socially acceptable act of passion.
*women who resist rape don’t mean it
~although the sentence for rape is between 2 and 15 years in prison
*uncommon to get more than 5 years.
22. Genital Mutilation in China ~Done to “Protect women”
~Male insecurities are actually the reason…
23. Abortion Laws in Japan ~In Japan, women under certain conditions are allowed to abort
~This was determined to be 21 weeks
25. Abortion in China ~Multiple abortions common
~One child policy
*Physicians banned from revealing sex
27. Myths in Japan ~Kenash Unarabe i
*monster drinker of blood which attacks the hunters
*can help the women during the childbirth
*called upon during childbirth and during menstruation to clean up the pollution
*her reward is the flowing blood
28. Chinese Myths about Women ~Bad luck
~Seducers & Temptresses
~Menstruating women
*Banned from fields- harm to
*No cooking- poison food
29. Ideas-Let’s Be Open-minded ~What can we do to end human trafficking?
*What are its causes? Economic? Social?
~Should women contribute to the workforce or to home stability?
~Should women should the U.N. try to implement stronger laws in regards to abortion, prostitution, etc?
30. Conclusion ~Women’s sexuality, especially across different cultures, is very different and controversial.
~It can be hard for people from different backgrounds to understand various practices.
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