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Fun-Loving Teenager's Adventures in Fairy Tales

Join a middle-aged bodyguard as he encounters mean-spirited characters in thunderstorms at the seashore, fireworks lighting up the sky, and barefoot teenagers exploring the so-called dangers of a greenhouse. Delve into bedtime stories from cupboards filled with New Year magic, where upright morals prevail in this whimsical world of fairy tales.

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Fun-Loving Teenager's Adventures in Fairy Tales

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 8 Compound Words

  2. 1. greenhouse 9. upright • 2. seashore 10. teenager • 3. fireworks 11. thunderstorm • 4. fun-loving 12. barefoot • 5.New Year 13. mean-spirited • 6. fairy tales 14. middle-aged • 7. bedtime 15. bodyguard • 8. cupboard 16. so-called

  3. greenhouse • n. a glass or plastic building with controlled temperature, used for growing plants all year round

  4. seashore • n. the place where the land and the sea meet

  5. fireworks • n. firecrackers, rockets, and other explosives that make a lot of noise and fill the sky with colored lights

  6. fun-loving • adj. easygoing; liking to have a good time

  7. New Year • n. the first day of a calendar year

  8. fairy tales • n. a very old story involving imaginary beings such as fairies, magicians, and dragons

  9. bedtime • n. a time to go to bed

  10. cupboard • n. a cabinet with shelves used to store food, dishes, and other items

  11. upright • adj. straight up; not bent

  12. teenager • n. a person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen

  13. thunderstorm • n. a storm with thunder and lightning

  14. barefoot • adv. Without shoes

  15. mean-spirited • adj. exhibiting or characterized by meanness of spirit

  16. middle-aged • adj. not young and not old; of the age from about forty to sixty

  17. bodyguard • n. someone whose job is to protect another person

  18. so-called • adj. called such, but not so: • Hank should know that his so-called friend is going around saying bad things about him.

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