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A guide and examples of judging, grading and picking online articles and websites for APA research in psychology.
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 2 ABSTRACT Whether one’s research is made to bring function and propose new evidence or whether one’s work is being designed to describe the findings of prior researchers and professionals, there are hefty principals to be aware of. The boundaries that separate honest resources from estranged claims and unsupported materials are at times only firewalls away. A trustworthy education comes from trustworthy resources and there are means to providing readers the greatest sources. The means one must be armored with to deliver the accuracy an audience deserves are verifiable elements of any resource. One must be aware of the certainties that separate good resources and misleading sources. A small projection of these elements is covered, on the how to, why nots and the target signifiers that communicate that a researcher is reading and accessing reliable scientific and trustworthy information. Websites are graded to accomplish an overview of their accuracy.
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 3 There are numerous elements of websites that declare their very characteristics in areas of reliability and furthermore unreliability and inconsistence with actuality. A duty of modern reading, writing and academia involves times, trials and measures that relay one the actuality in resources, websites, books, and articles. This paper was designed with minimal bias to properly show one elements and give examples that display the success in areas one may judge proper resources while disregarding others. The first website is here as listed; http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/drugfact/marijuana/index.html this website can be labeled and identified before one even activates the link that this website is a .gov website. A .gov website remains a satiable of order of identifying the legitimacy of the material, for the website is governed by the U.S. government and therefore must include the specifications of a full bodied government. Just by the name and website characters one is exposed to an element that is most likely accurate. Even though there are no promises to the audiences that may be exposed to this material, there is a bias edge that functions to appreciate individuals that this website involves above all accuracy in the information. Therefore before one proceeds this is a target element of website to scrutinize. Undoubtedly one must investigate the actual material of the website and link to make more precise inferences. Following this link one is introduced to numerous elements, such as categories, multiple related links (analytics), choice introductions to other materials and indefinitely, the work of the federal government. One must acknowledge that in association with other websites, and the materials of scammers and amateurs there is nothing for sale on this website (but the consumption of information and web materials). The first item one gives up attention to is the seal of The Executive office of The President of the United States. The President Barack Obama is identified and listed in the headlines of the website, and the font is very professional and in the aesthetics of legal ambience (design). The characters of the website are neat, organized and designed around a serious tone. There is political
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 4 information advertised in almost every link, this is a well oriented signifier that the website is at least legitimate and at most authored by federal means and professionalism. One would be deep and accurate comparatively to other websites to label this website an “A” for and due to the means that there are rare other sites that can do more to assure the audience of pure legitimacy and honesty. The second website http://teens.drugabuse.gov/facts/facts_mj1.php is another website that is authored in the link to associate with the collection of .gov websites on the World Wide Web. This again is a signification that the website has some form of certification or discrete form of legitimacy that may perhaps be licensed by the federal government, constraining the use of these names to certain individuals that are qualified and legal to perform under these filings; government managed and engineered categorizations of web filing and resource. The marks of identification at the actual website will further appreciate the statistics experiencing the website with other identifiers of where, why, and how the information was introduced and is described on the website. One is introduced directly to certain functions of the website, photos, labels, links and other forms of resource directly connected to the topic involved. A “pot leaf” is shown in color. One is best to be conservative about their trust and means of relying on any resource and also when that particular source offers no codes, no seals , no particular approvals, certifications or licenses. This website offers none of those significant markers or scores of absolute confidence. This website does however perform the function of portraying aa clean and organized webpage with plenty of divergent resources and separate tasks that compel the information of drug use, drug terms (street names) of marijuana and also small facts of this substance. These are issues and definite facts that are not crucially involved with other sources of intelligibility, furthermore if something was stated on the website in error or a slightly misrepresented the results would be the same. There are no vital facts on the website either way, though one can become familiar and learn what others know or focus on when marijuana is the subject. One in comparison to other websites must again realize the range and extent of legitimacy and
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 5 administration of web resource and consider that a grade “B” is the most appropriate for the website is labeled as one of the only with a .gov suffix. Harm and introductory nomenclature are represented on the website which is above all the importance of such a high grade; upon the subject of marijuana. http://brainsource.com/?p=35 is the third website that will be analyzed in its form of resource and given a concurrent grade. These grades are idol remarks and basis of source upon the website’s informative material and the capabilities of putting trust and academia in the seriousness of the information, data or communication. The website is a .com website and this tells a few certainties of what may be or may not be expected from the website. First the website is not a branch or rank from any official and gives no associating properties to legitimacy and/or permanency. One may notice that the website is built upon the same structure as any or any common website, as this source seems that it could had been built on any well-known website building program. This gives the readers and audience a sense of resistance to the material for there are no seals or contributing scores of licensure or certification that can be assured or investigated further. The website seems to hold a lot of information for there to be no contact information link. Other signifiers that one must control their aptness to rely on the information is there are few links, and the material is not ran by a renown professional company, involved in research, development or any academia standards. The information when read is completely formal and direct and this (involving information that covers the ins and outs of the human body) is crucial material. Are there dangers in the website? Perhaps not, but this does not mean that the entirety of the material cannot cause issues, problems, or further misconceptions because of the actual sources of the material. Thee seems to be no connection to further sources, no sources cited and the resources of the inchoate information are without identification. This must lead someone in their own trust and willingness with a grade “C” because of the potential misinformation involved in the website.
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 6 http://www.selah.k12.wa.us/SOAR/SciProj2002/AshleighR.html is number four of the ten websites that will be under analysis in this project. The focus of the website foreseen before initiation of the link, is that the link is labeled and uses the particular characters k.12.wa.us. These characters in the informative balance of administration and legality, tells us who owns and operates the website, (by dissecting and defining the acronyms involved) is the school system kindergarten through 12th grade of the state Washington in the United States. These steering parts of the nomenclature are not administered to the laymen and more relevantly cannot be purchased by civilian means. The information herein, must be to the higher degrees, trustworthy, fact based and legally portrayed. The arrival into the web domain displays a picture of Ashleigh R. (no last name). The material is furthermore noticed to be an online version of a science project that was conducted in a k-12 school in Washington. The entire project is online, and this gives us the basis that number one, this is work of a student of the k-12 stratified system. Further onward the information here is to describe the work and investigations of a science project conducted, authored and conspired by one student. We must trust that website is professional / state ran. We must initiate the recollection that this website most likely involves if not primary evidence, than secondary evidence due to the authoring of primary evidence. We also must accept that the information is somewhat truthful. Though we in retrospection we must accept that this information may had been under analyzed and posted on the World Wide Web without certification, or any further means of licensure and professionalism. In redounding a proper label on the precision of this information an overall remark and boundary of resource a “C” must identify this resource as a progressive milestone to evidence or other impactful accusations. Number 5 of the ten websites is linked herein; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHzdsFiBbFc . This website is posted in a heavily used and resourced website that targets and perhaps can claim and
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 7 identify over millions of views / visits per day. A formation of legitimacy is not portrayed by these elements. These elements of numbers of users, popularity and accessibility does not conform anyone to reach assumption or conclusion that this resource is a definite contact and source of truth and reliability. There are no continuing characters in the website or means to steer rationality in the nomenclature of the link above. Further investigation is by following the link and studying within the engineered domain, the link provides. After the link is followed, a video starts to play. The video is automatically engaged and sound is fulfilled. The sound of pipes and flute music takes place giving the feeling of a video designed to be witnessed by young students for scientific purposes. A spider appears in video formations. After a few seconds the video seems very legitimate as the video could have been a concurrently designed project that was built by scientific researchers and by professional production artists. The video seems authored to be a form of science interaction. The film furthermore is only one minute and 50 seconds giving the ambience that though the film is science based, it is only in partial character or embodiment. The film cuts something short, information, connection or alike. The film can be witnessed and by one minute the scientific information soon turns to puns about substance abuse in spiders. It is quickly disregarded as absolute nonsense and a form of misinformation. “F” is the only appropriated grade to give these elements of structure, for there is nothing giving solidity to the information or material. This is a good example, in its essence to prepare one for the incentives to fail any resource. Number six can be located here, http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/290/11/1467 . The introductory experience that one comes to terms with is that the website and contact is labeled .org. A .org website articulates that the website is only given the nomenclature because of the standard judgements and ration of these suffix’s to only organizations. An organization can be defined in common
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 8 terms to express and solidify of an entity of that is producing and business managed, staffed and maintained under professional means. This material is administrated by a trusted organization, is what the suffix describes to the audience. Therefore the approach to the material seems to be of positive resource. The JAMA network (Journal of The American Medical Association) is headlined and also so are 46 resources that describe the initial authoring and fact basis of the article. The article is organized in the formation of the proper organization that describes the article contains the crucial elements of a trustworthy resource. Abstract, Methods, Results, comment, references are all labeled as links within the article, these are shortcuts that can give the audience a vector to each one of these categories in the elongated article. Further the article is categorized in this professional form of genuine scientific research; context, objective, design and setting, patients, main outcome measures, results are all identified initially before the article begins. These are particular works of organization, education, resourcefulness and may ultimately give hence that the author can supply ossified evidence for each claim and evidentiary sentence in the article. Bias seems minimal because of the models in which the article is portrayed upon. The statistics involved seem to be outsourced through the refere3nces though therefore giving this article the adjunct shadow of being secondary evidence. This is a shared website among the medical field and is a part of The American Medical Association. This resource seems to be written for skeptics and is therefore labeled with a “B” grade. There are no licensures or seals represented on this page keeping this article a degree away from an “A” web source. The date also is becoming outdated, but this is a very difficult resource to argue with, as the evidence shared is only from year of 2003.
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 9 The seventh resource covered herein is linked here; http://www.allaboutcounseling.com/drugeffects.htm . The website can be visited on the evidence prior that the website is not labeled among the websites that take direct communication with any agencies of standards, licensure, state, Federal, or any other agencies that can or lead to the rejection of material or approve for legitimate administration. None of the leading fact basis seals are available for this website. The website does however bring legitimacy to the table because of the extreme number of analytics and links / sources that are provided on the website. There is an emergency phone number, contact us, service directory and even resources that label government / federal websites are included on this page. The amount of resources on this website does not seem to be a threat to furthering an individual in their own awareness or education. The website identifies and effects, and identification on illicit drugs. There are numerous factors that can be beneficial to an investigator on this website. One of those facts is the website makes relevant and punctuates various other resources that would most likely not be associated with illegitimacy. Another attribute of the website is the information posted. The information can be called accurate because if the facts were not precise or the discrepancy would be almost obsolete. The information provides ideas, inspirations, links, and associations to supply what an individual would be searching for, if they found or came across this website. Please acknowledge that this is a resource to educate people to a certain degree, though one cannot seriously justify using this information for a crucial resource but may be able to resource this website as a means of reflection upon their own work. This is a secondary resource, giving the audience to be the third outsource from any original information. A very low “C” can be labeled on this resource because there are absolutely no primary resources or any sources cited.
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 10 Number 8 is made available here; http://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/cannabismarijuana?tab=Symptoms . This is a resource of a known magazine article that is also known to be written by academically inclined and awarded individuals. This is a familiar magazine and is very commonly known. This does not give anyone any leeway towards using the information over any other resource though through the more precise scope of investigation, there are numerous (13) sources cited specific to this article which is only 10 short paragraphs. This is a remark about the work that the work most likely is trustworthy in its evidence and supply of resource. The grade can be labeled as a “B” because of the secondary source, and perhaps that the resources are all secondary sources themselves. The acknowledgement that this magazine should and does have a selling point, must be interpreted though also the legitimacy of this work is bias in the relation from science to psychology and further on. The bias of these works may actually be helpful in the tinge that the articles are written for the perspective of a Psychological aspect. The ninth article or website that we are going to interpret is here; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zolpidem . This article is managed under the website “WIKIPEDIA”. “WIKIPEDIA” is known for authors and editors coming from “visitor supply”. All of the information on this website cannot be trusted in the means of scientific research or means of the solidified resource to cause, back, and backbone claims or evidence because of the facts of the form of editing. An account on “WIKIPEDIA” can relay someone to essentially edit the website. Outside or under qualified editing turns means to stratify this resource as a “D” or more cautiously an “F”. There are a number of 60 other resources labeled under the analytics, and sources cited on this website though in the cause and relation to the exterior of the professional website, even if this source is cited for insignificant means, it cannot be reinforced or used to stabilize any argument or evidence. Perhaps the label “F” can fulfill the aim that it is merely dangerous to use this as a credible resource because of what a small editing error or prank can do to scientifically linking any other evidence, investigation or research / proliferation of
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 11 experimentation. “F”. This grade does not mean the material is not worth analyzing in the form of personal growth or awareness. The 10th article of means of trustworthiness and accountability on reliance of any resource is begun and based upon this website designated here; http://oas.samhsa.gov/2k11/DAWN018/DAWN018.htm . This is another website of the collection of the ten above that is labeled and in specific nomenclature of a .gov website. Again .gov is a descriptive character of the address to describe some sort of affiliation with agencies of production standards and democratic management of all of the web in America. Perhaps the research would be prolific to find the boundaries in which American standards play in the accessible WORLD WIDE WEB. SAMHSA is also a very widely appreciated and known agency of the American states. The acronym unfolds to express the label and name describing Substance abuse and mental health services administration. This website is fulfilled as a resource in the following articulated ways of communication. The agenda of SAMHSA is described at the top, while an agenda is a rare aspect of authored work on internet websites. Another honest branch of this website is the numerous links to data and statistics. It can be appreciated that statistics can be commonly primary resources to quantitative data even with any particular bias characteristics. Thirdly the data is organized into different stratus of means of understanding and target purposes. Further down this page is a “Quality Metrics” list of “quality related efforts” in the data and work describing the work of the resources. It seems that SAMHSA has investigated and kept up a standard on their own of their own connections and outsourcing, giving a perspective that one is being authored to in an accurate direction. Data and research is then again represented and available further down the web page describing that statewide, Metro wide, and US Census wide resources are available at the hands of the
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 12 user / audience. These are clear formations and functions that along with attempting the website has successfully outsourced federal and state work into their means of resourcing. The sixth section of this webpage is labeled and loaded with four resources that are sublines to the overall identification of the outsourced data that enlightens direction to reach resources regarding past conclusions of Behavioral success / “outcomes” and data. “Data resources” is the last subsection of these listings on the page. This subsection includes acronyms that Icon major connections that SAMHSA has intervened through their own professional productions. Furthermore through all of these further links to investigate the seriousness and professionalism / honesty of the website one can be justified to lean that this credible information. A proper grade “B” can be shined upon the resource while there are still rare primary resources available. In final appreciations, an accurate reader, investigator and scientific author, or one making accurate credible allegations one must keep in mind many other issues. Furthermore within recollection a majority of these websites are outsourced to separate sites and parent managers. Which may be means of failure to keep on the basis of accuracy and professional resourcing. Another aspect that should not go without air exposure is that there are numerous websites in this list that are paid for their advertisements. This can also be confounding and misleading to the data available or the intention of the data represented. Without too much focus on the availability of government seals and certifying factors capable of being plagiarized one can or should be more aware of bias, money making schemes and outlying factors to steer ones attention and/or even quickly alter one’s own bias. The possibilities are dense to make money off of one who is not entirely devoted to their reach out, on the WORLD WIDE WEB.
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 13 References Admin. (May 21, 2011). The Human Brain. Brainsource.com. Website. http://brainsource.com/?p=35 Frederick K. Goodwin, MD, Bruce Fireman, MA; Gergory E. Simon, MD; ENID M Hunkeler, MA; Janelle Lee, MHA, DRPH; Dennis Revick, PHD. Suicide Risk in Bipolar Disorder During Treatment with Lithium and Divalproex. Journal of the American Medical Association. Website. http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/290/11/1467 No author. Accessed Aug. 31, 2016. Have the Effects of Drugs or Alcohol Taken Their Toll? Allaboutcounseling.com [Website]. http://www.allaboutcounseling.com/drugeffects.htm. No author. Accessed Aug. 31, 2016. Marijuana. National Institute on Drug Abuse for teens. Website. http://teens.drugabuse.gov/facts/facts_mj1.php. No author. Accessed Aug. 31, 2016. Office of National Drug Control Policy [Website]. http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/drugfact/marijuana/index.html. No author. Reviewed (2015). Cannabis / Marijuana.Psychology Today. Magazine [online]. http://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/cannabismarijuana?tab=Symptoms No author. Accessed Aug. 31, 2016. SAMHSA introduction to data resources. Samhsa.gov. Website. http://oas.samhsa.gov/2k11/DAWN018/DAWN018.htm.
WEBEVAL ASSIGNMENT / AUGUST 31, 2016 (1) 14 No author. (2001). Which Pain Reliever has a Raster Dissolution Time: Brand or Generic? Washington School district website. Website.http://www.selah.k12.wa.us/SOAR/SciProj2002/AshleighR.html. No. author. Accessed Aug. 31, 2016. Zolpidem. Wikipedia. Website. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zolpidem. Struthers, Andrew. (Dec. 31, 2006). Spiders on Drugs. Youtube.com [online videograph]. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHzdsFiBbFc.