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Vocab Unit 12 Jeopardy Eng 2

Vocab Unit 12 Jeopardy Eng 2. Definitions 1. Synonyms. Definitions 2. Antonyms. Complete the Sentence. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Definitions 1 100 Points.

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Vocab Unit 12 Jeopardy Eng 2

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  1. Vocab Unit 12 JeopardyEng 2

  2. Definitions 1 Synonyms Definitions 2 Antonyms Complete the Sentence 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  3. Definitions 1 100 Points To clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt

  4. Definitions 1 100 Points absolve

  5. Definitions 1 200 Points A model of excellence or perfection

  6. Definitions 1 200 Points paragon

  7. Definitions 1 300 Points Extra, excess, more than is needed

  8. Definitions 1 300 Points redundant

  9. Definitions 1 400 Points Charming, attractive, pleasing

  10. Definitions 1 400 Points winsome

  11. Definitions 1 500 Points Making a show of virtue or righteousness

  12. Definitions 1 500 Points sanctimonious

  13. Synonyms 100 Points Made a politic decision

  14. Synonyms 100 Points diplomatic

  15. Synonyms 200 Points Incisive analysis

  16. Synonyms 200 Points perceptive

  17. Synonyms 300 Points Regarded her as the paragon

  18. Synonyms 300 Points ideal

  19. Synonyms 400 Points Paraphrased the verse

  20. Synonyms 400 Points reworded

  21. Synonyms 500 Points On that ostentatious yacht

  22. Synonyms 500 Points flashy

  23. Definitions 2 100 Points Prudent, shrewdly conceived and developed

  24. Definitions 2 100 Points politic

  25. Definitions 2 200 Points Harmful, injurious

  26. Definitions 2 200 Points deleterious

  27. Definitions 2 300 Points To imprison, to enslave

  28. Definitions 2 300 Points enthrall

  29. Definitions 400 Points An eager desire for something

  30. Definitions 2 400 Points cupidity

  31. Definitions 2 500 Points Dull, ordinary, lacking in distinction and originality

  32. Definition 2 500 Points prosaic

  33. Antonym 100 Points In contiguous months What is the opposite of contiguous?

  34. Antonym 100 Points detached

  35. Antonym 200 Points No lack of cupidity What is the opposite meaning of cupidity?

  36. Antonym 200 Points gratification

  37. Antonym 300 Points The clangor of the ancient gong Clangor means…a loud ringing sound So the opposite is…

  38. Antonym 300 Points stillness

  39. Antonym 400 Points Had no deleterious effects What does deleterious mean? What does the opposite of harmful, injurious effects?

  40. Antonym 400 Points beneficial

  41. Antonym 500 Points Expecting to be absolved What does absolve mean?

  42. Antonym 500 Points convicted

  43. Complete Sentence 100 Points Wouldn’t it be ____ to say “the two twins” when twins, by definition, are two similar or identical people?

  44. Completing the Sentence 100 Points redundant

  45. Complete Sentence 200 Points The use of oils, powders, perfumes, and paints to _____(infinitive verb) one’s appearance has been documented as far back as 4000 BC in many world cultures. To+____ (verb)= you need a verb!

  46. Complete Sentence 200 Points enhance

  47. Complete Sentence300 Points How ironic that the ____ senator was convicted of tax fraud when he’d always spoken so fervently about citizens sharing civic burdens. **Looking for an adjective to describe the senator

  48. Complete Sentence 300 Points sanctimonious

  49. Complete Sentence 400 Points The teacher realized that ____ conditions at home led the otherwise responsible student to fail two exams.

  50. Complete Sentence 400 Points extenuating

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