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Vocabulary Challenge: Words, Synonyms, Antonyms

Test your vocabulary with definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and complete the sentence tasks. Strengthen your word knowledge in a fun way!

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Vocabulary Challenge: Words, Synonyms, Antonyms

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  1. Vocab Unit 5 JeopardyEng 2

  2. Definitions Synonyms Definitions for words with 5+ letters Antonyms Complete the Sentence 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  3. Definitions 1 100 Points Tending to be troublesome

  4. Definitions 1 100 Points fractious

  5. Definitions 1 200 Points Lasting only a short time, fleeting

  6. Definitions 1 200 Points transient

  7. Definitions 1 300 Points To mock, treat with contempt

  8. Definitions 1 300 Points flout

  9. Definitions 1 400 Points bitterly severe, withering

  10. Definitions 1 400 Points scathing

  11. Definitions 1 500 Points Beneficial, helpful

  12. Definitions 1 500 Points salutary

  13. Synonyms 100 Points The reporter’s scathing expose

  14. Synonyms 100 Points searing

  15. Synonyms 200 Points One of the precepts of democracy

  16. Synonyms 200 Points principles

  17. Synonyms 300 Points To scourge the prisoner

  18. Synonyms 300 Points flog

  19. Synonyms 400 Points Found the atmosphere salutary

  20. Synonyms 400 Points beneficial

  21. Synonyms 500 Points Heard sepulchral voices

  22. Synonyms 500 Points doleful

  23. Definitions 2 100 Points To steal, especially in a sneaky way and in petty amounts

  24. Definitions 2 100 Points filch

  25. Definitions 2 200 Points A rule of conduct or action

  26. Definitions 2 200 Points precept

  27. Definitions 2 300 Points Tending to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness or lethargy

  28. Definitions 2 300 Points soporific

  29. Definitions 400 Points To adorn or embellish

  30. Definitions 2 400 Points blazon

  31. Definitions 2 500 Points Fair, just, embodying principals of justice

  32. Definition 2 500 Points equitable

  33. Antonym 100 Points Equitable distribution of property What is the opposite of equitable?Equitable means fair, just…so the opposite is??

  34. Antonym 100 Points unfair

  35. Antonym 200 Points Could not be extricated What is the opposite meaning of extricated? Extricated means to be free from entanglements or difficulties…so if it COULD NOT be extricated, then it means…it still is tangled...

  36. Antonym 200 Points Tangled means… enmeshed

  37. Antonym 300 Points Regard such principles as axiomatic Axiomatic means…self-evident, universally accepted What is the opposite meaning of axiomatic? NOT self-evident; NOT accepted….

  38. Antonym 300 Points Dubious Dubious means “not reliable; suspect”

  39. Antonym 400 Points Lost their autonomy after the war What does autonomy mean? Autonomy=self-government, political control, so look for a word that has to do with governmental control….

  40. Antonym 400 Points Colonial status

  41. Antonym 500 Points Blazon the familiar logo What does blazon mean? To adorn or embellish… so the opposite would be to hide

  42. Antonym 500 Points conceal

  43. Complete Sentence 100 Points The ____effects of an ample hot meal by the warmth of a roaring fire left the guests unable to drive home without having a few cups of strong coffee.What are the important words? How would you feel after lots of food and warm fire? Why would you drink strong coffee?

  44. Definitions 3 100 Points soporific

  45. Complete Sentence 200 Points That horse is so ___ that even the most experienced riders cannot fully control him. The horse must be troublesome or hard to ride. What word means troublesome?

  46. Complete Sentence 200 Points fractious

  47. Complete Sentence300 Points “Okay,” she announced, “which one of you low-down culprits ___ (need a verb!) the chocolate cupcake from my lunch?” (Looking for word that means take or steal)

  48. Complete Sentence 300 Points filched

  49. Complete Sentence 400 Points ____ over the main entry to the castle were the original owner’s armorial bearing, still colorful after hundreds of years. (what part of speech are you looking for?)

  50. Complete Sentence 400 Points Verb! Blazoned

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