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What can we do with Pattern 31s?. Central pixel ( red ) has highest charge (sum:E1) - Other pixels above threshold in 3x3 box ( green ) (sum:E2) - White pixels must be below threshold - Crossed pixels are indifferent. Quadruples. Triples. Doubles. Singles. Orsay test data @ 8keV
What can we do with Pattern 31s? • Central pixel (red) has highest charge (sum:E1) - Other pixels above threshold in 3x3 box (green) (sum:E2) -White pixels must be below threshold - Crossed pixels are indifferent Quadruples Triples Doubles Singles
Orsay test data @ 8keV • Significant number of P31 events • P0-12 : 54.2% • P31 : 44.2% • All others : 1.6% • Energy (E1+E2) is corrupted • Requires correcting Orsay data @ 8kev E1+E2 (ADU)
P31 events (4,5,6…15keV) shown in sum-ratio plane • Above a threshold, P31 events of a certain energy occupy a particular space in the Sum-Ratio plane • Can be used to assign correct energies to events 15keV Orsay data P31 events Ratio E1/E2 4keV SUM E1+E2 (ADU)
Fitting quadratics to events in the Sum-(log)Ratio plane for each energy (4-15 keV) P31 @ 5 keV P31 @ 8 keV Log E1/E2 Ratio Energy E1+E2 (ADU) Energy E1+E2 (ADU)
Correcting P31 Events P31 @ 4keV - Raw events in Sum-Ratio plane • With models (4,5,6…15keV) and threshold • Evaluate corrected energy for each event above threshold, using models and event position in Sum-Ratio plane 4keV 15keV Corrected Energy
P31 @ 8keV P31 @ 12keV Corrected Energy Corrected Energy
Combined 4,5,6…15keV Orsay data - Raw P31 events in Sum-Ratio plane • With models (4,5,6…15keV) and threshold (here quite high) • Resolution not as good at higher energies (energy-dependent threshold?) P31 @ 4,5,6…15 keV Corrected Energy
‘Real’ Data MCG-06-30-15 MOS1 Rev0301 - Raw events (All) in Sum-Ratio plane • Just P31 events, with models (4,5,6…15keV) and threshold - P31 events (c.f. P0-12 events): Extra 11% @ >4 keV Extra 26% @ >6 keV Extra 32% @ >8 keV Corrected Energy
P31 image (4-12 keV) - Good signal-to-noise - low background - peak value: 127 cts - Source: 16.24 cts/pixel - BG : 0.15 cts/pixel
Implementation… - Decide on E1/E2 threshold(s) (e.g. function of energy?) - Evaluate, from ground data, %ages of P31s above threshold as function of energy - Include these %ages in MOS QE files - Include above-threshold-P31s in SAS event files - Calculate correct PI values (as done here) for above-threshold-P31s (SAS?) - Include simple P31 RMF in CCF response files