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Look how far we’ve come!. Vertical history team year 3. Welcome!. Importance of pre-assessments for the TAH grant When you finish with your test and survey, please read through the following documents: Schedule for this year’s workshops 2010-2011 Assignments (Skill Mapping & DBQ).
Look how far we’ve come! Vertical history team year 3
Welcome! • Importance of pre-assessments for the TAH grant • When you finish with your test and survey, please read through the following documents: • Schedule for this year’s workshops • 2010-2011 Assignments (Skill Mapping & DBQ)
Announcements • New TAH Grant • Goals of this grant: curriculum mapping • Sign-up for history workshops • NCSS • Our article • Student tests and survey • We are working on curriculum mapping ONLY during cluster meetings. Let us know if you have questions in between meeting dates. • Some HQ examples for you!
Cold Document Analysis • Primary Sources as a Cold Case File • Preview the case file: • What do you already know about the Zenger Trial and Cato’s essay, “On Freedom of Speech”? • Review & make notations on existing evidence: • Carefully read the two documents. • What are the three most important things you learned in each document? • What are four questions you have now that you have read both documents? • Investigate further. In this case, interview John Reid. (from 11:00-11:30)
Media, History, Society (Cramer, 2009) • John’s Fantastic Presentation
HOT Document Analysis: HistorianOrientationto Document Analysis • John’s take • Some tips on reading documents like a historian • Any unanswered questions? • How can you model this type of document analysis in the classroom? What would you change to meet the needs of your students?
Introduction to Year-Long Project • What the heck is a DBQ? – after lunch today • Timetable and assignment due dates • Historical background essay • Pointers and requirements from John • Paper is the avenue towards your secondary sources for your DBQ.
So, what the heck is this DBQ thing? • Take a deep breath! • We have all year to learn about this. Don’t worry. We will guide you through this process.
Brainstorm with a buddy: KWT Chart • K – What do I already know about DBQs? • W – What do I want to know about DBQs? • T – What terrifies me about DBQs?
SHARE OUT WHAT WE KNOW… Guiding Questions Who can do them? Why do them? What makes a good DBQ?
A DBQ is… • In the simplest terms, a DBQ is an essay question based on a series of documents; but it is really much more than that. • Document-based questions are for all students, from elementary school through high school. They help prepare students to compare and contrast particular issues from multiple perspectives, reconciling differing positions, evaluating the strength of particular arguments, providing authentic opportunities at a high level of thinking, and developing life skills.
DBQs & History Mysteries • Some important considerations: • DBQs should enrich the content you teach. • DBQs should include primary & secondary sources. • DBQs should help answer an important historical question. • DBQs should allow for more than one interpretation. • The DBQ process must be taught EXPLICITLY before students can be expected to do one on their own. For grades 5-8, they might be done in small groups all year long. • DBQs offer a great way to do authentic assessment of skill based learning.
Let’s do a DBQ! • We’ll learn all about making one and delivering one to students later. Today we are just going to play around with a DBQ about Andrew Jackson to help you see how it works!
EQ + STANDARD/TOPIC = HQ • EQ: What types of relationships should exist between government, institutions, and individuals? • Topic: Jacksonian Democracy • Standard: H2.6-8.14 (Describe contributing factors in the development of a national identity following the War of 1812.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • HQ: How democratic was the relationship between President Andrew Jackson and institutions and individuals?
First Steps • Step 1: • Read the historical background essay for the DBQ. • Step 2: • Become familiar with the definition of democracy in the next box. de·moc·ra·cy • 1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. • 2. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. • 3. political or social equality; democratic spirit. • 4. the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.
A few fun facts and more background… • Jackson - first president from west of Appalachian Mountains. • Story of Jackson’s inaugural party • The National Bank • Panic of 1837 • 1st 18 months of presidency, Jackson removed 9% of officeholders (Spoils System) • Indian Removal Policies & Worcester v. Georgia
Thinking Like a Historian • Document E: King Andrew the First • Document F: Bank Veto Message • Document G: Daniel Webster on Bank Veto
Partner up to DBQ! • Read through each document and answer the scaffolding questions together. • Answer the historical question, “How democratic was the relationship between President Andrew Jackson and institutions and individuals?” (This becomes your thesis statement for you answer.) • Complete the Chicken Foot essay organizer.
Reflection • What did you learn (content wise) from this exercise? • Do you think DBQs (created by you for your students’ needs) will be beneficial to students? • How do you feel about the overall process of answering a DBQ?
Just around the corner… Meeting Dates Assignment Due Dates • Carson Cluster: Oct. 19 3:30-5:30 • WCSD Cluster: Oct. 26 3:30-5:30 • Meeting with grade level groups: November date determined by groups • VHT Meeting: Dec. 16 8:30-3:30 • Email yellow curriculum map by Oct. 26. • Email pink grade level skill map by Nov. 19. • Choose a historical topic for your DBQ by Dec. 16. • Read in your media book: 1-42, 91-118, 134-159, 163-178 by Dec. 16.
NNCSS Conference • We hope you can attend (& present) at the 8th annual conference for the Northern Nevada Council for the Social Studies at Damonte Ranch High School on Saturday, November 6 at 8:00.
Let’s Party! When can we all get together at the end of the year? Is anyone opposed to paying a small amount of money for food and beverages?
Have a great afternoon! See you soon. Please Fill out the satisfaction survey before you head out.