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Dangerous Memory: The Lord's Supper and Transformative Anamnesis

Explore the transformative power of the Lord's Supper as a dangerous memory in Pauline and Calvinistic theology, focusing on the atonement theories of Anselm and Penal Substitution along with the moral influence theory challenging notions of God's love and violence. Unmasking societal injustices, the meal serves as a communal and personal call to remember the radical life and violent death of Jesus, challenging the status quo and creating alternative spaces of peace. Discover the implications for celebrating the Lord's Supper and the enduring power of memory and transformation.

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Dangerous Memory: The Lord's Supper and Transformative Anamnesis

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  1. “Do this in remembrance of Me” The Lord’s Supper as dangerous memory

  2. “Dominical command” • 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 • Luke 22:19b Anamnesis: meal as memory

  3. ‘This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ 1 Corinthians 11:24 & 25

  4. ‘This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ Luke 22:19

  5. His death? • His life? • Life and death? What is remembered/memorialised?

  6. Assurance of personal salvation? • Personal & communal transformation? • “Dangerous memory” (Johann Baptist Metz) • Restoring God’s peace Why is it remembered?

  7. Paul • Anselm • Calvin • Classical Reformed Form for the Lord’s Supper Focus on death of Jesus

  8. For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. Paul (1 Cor 11:26)

  9. Cur Deus Homo • Satisfaction theory of atonement • Jesus’ death as atonement for the wrath of God and the restoration of God’s honour Anselm (1033/4-1109)

  10. Penal substitution theory of atonement • Christ punished/penalised in the place of sinners • Satisfying the demands of God’s justice Calvin (1509-1564)

  11. Classical reformed form for the Lord’s Supper

  12. Abelard • René Girard Focus on life and death

  13. Moral influence theory of atonement • Alternative to Anselm • Jesus’ (life and) death as ultimate demonstration of God’s love • Changing the human perception of God Abelard (1079-1142)

  14. Objection to Anselm: human violence projected on God • Life and death of Jesus expose the complicity of the sacred with human violence • Create an alternative space where violence is abandoned René girard (1923-2015)

  15. Transformative function of the life of Jesus • personal • communal • Transformative function of the death of Jesus • communal • personal Anamnesis as transformation

  16. Unmasking violence, injustice and exclusion • Violent death • Intelligence of the victim “Dangerous memory”

  17. Shift from exclusive focus on death > focus on life and death • Radical nature of the life of Jesus • Violent nature of the death of Jesus • Transformative power of memory Implications for the celebration of the lord’s supper

  18. We didn't start the fireIt was always burningSince the world's been turningWe didn't start the fireBut when we are goneWill it still burn on, and on, and on, and on We didn't start the fireIt was always burningSince the world's been turningWe didn't start the fireNo we didn't light itBut we tried to fight it - Billy Joel

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