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Each year during the annual Stewardship campaign, you have the option of showing Christ’s love to others by making a “General Missions” contribution.
Each year during the annual Stewardship campaign, you have the option of showing Christ’s love to others by making a“General Missions” contribution. General Missions contributions are forwarded to the Presbytery of Southern Kansas for the collective work of the church. The following PowerPoint shares how thesecontributions are used.
Laughter Winter retreats – Men, Women, & College Students Summer camps – Families, Young Adults, & Youth 3000 attended camps/retreats Leadership Staff F a i t h Music Spiritual Growth Fellowship Westminster Woods Camp
80 meals per day Dodge City Friendship Feast 5 days a week Homeless Shelter, Food Pantry, & Soup Kitchen 2009 Presbytery Contribution $2,375
Emmaus HouseGarden City, KS Challenges Met in 2007: 4,584 Guests Served 13,100 Food Boxes Distributed 43,040 Total Number of People Fed 163 Overnight Guests 2009 Presbytery contribution $2,375
F.A.S.T. Financial Assistance Short Term C.U.F.F.Christians UnitedFeeding Friends Independence, KS Providing financial assistance for rent, utilities & gas for job interviews. 80-100 meals served each Thurs. Feeding large families, the elderly, 2009 Presbytery Contribution CUFF $300 & FAST $500 Supported by thirteen area churches and those inneed.
Kids For Christ First Presbyterian Church Cherryvale, KS • Providing youth in the community with a place to gather and use • computers to access Bible based programs • Initiating a weekly online Bible Study Class for teenagers • Provide adults with availability to do Bible research • through online programs and Bible software Amazing Bible Race 2009 Presbytery contribution is $1,300
Food Basket Ministry First Presbyterian Church Lakin, KS • Congregation has • provided a food • ministry for 30 years • Members provide food to local food • pantry • “Adopted” families are recipients of • food baskets at Thanksgiving, • Christmas, Easter and one additional • time during the year • Basket Ministry provides community • members with funds for utility bills, • gas for job interviews and children’s • school supplies 2009 Presbytery contribution - $300
Providing a free evening meal to those in need within the community of Arkansas City 1,436 guests served since inception in January 2008 Serving meals to an average of 46 guests every Tuesday evening Church members offer food & fellowship FIVE LOAVES First Presbyterian Church Arkansas City 2009 Presbytery contribution $2,000
Volunteers assemble and deliver the food packs to the schools so the kids have food for the weekend Food 4 Kids Hutchinson, KS Providing 240 students in Reno County with a weekly food pack • A food pack might contain: • one 12 oz jar of peanut butter • one sleeve of crackers • one can of beans & franks • cereal • fruit cups • raisins • pudding cups • juice boxes • aseptic milk boxes • granola bars It costs $115.00 a year to support one student with a food pack each Friday afternoon 2009 Presbytery contribution - $200
Marriage Enrichment “MET Life” 13 couples in small group setting Mentoring couples and Pastor provide guidance and share personal experiences Food, Issues: Childcare & Materials provided Discipline Teenagers Blended families etc. First Presbyterian Church Liberal, KS 2009 Presbytery contribution $1,500
Brotherhood Church Day Camp • 70-80 kids participated in Day • Camp 2008 • A Counselor assigned to each group • Started each day with Devotions • Students enjoyed cooking, movies, • arts/crafts, Field Trips, bowling, • swimming and skating • Lessons in reading, writing, math • and English are provided Presbytery 2009 contributions $18,100
Brotherhood Church Pre-School • Offering two classes of • eighteen children per • class on M-Th for 2 ½ hrs • each day • Learning colors, counting • (in English, Spanish & • Swahili) and to help others • The children take Field • Trips, enjoy music time, • have play time outdoors & • learn about science Presbytery 2009 contribution $11,000
70 people attended the workshop “What Every Church Should Know About Children in Poverty” held in Wichita and sponsored by KEM KEM is working, as part of a coalition, to reform health care in Kansas Kansas Ecumenical Ministries In 2007, KEM issued twenty grants to rural families through their partnership with Kansas State University. Presbytery contribution for 2009 is $500
Presbytery contribution 2009 $4,750 WSU Campus Ministries WSU Campus Ministries: Nurtures spiritual growth at Wichita State University Welcomes people of all faith traditions Believes that world peace is possible through dialogue Values the diversity of WSU students
Presbytery contribution for 2009 - $1,000 Approximately 7-10 trips are available to students each year. In 2007, between 7-20 students participated in each mission trip. Sites for trips have included: College students participate in mission trips throughout the school year, Christmas and summer break. Africa Eastern Europe South America Central America China Mission and Outreach Sterling College As an example: This group of college students started in Manaus & headed down the Amazon on a medical mission boat. They spent a week on the boat visiting and helping with missions in Iguacu & Brasilia.
Ovidio Flores Honduras Copan Ruins Housing Project – construction of a four family home Santa Cruz de Yojoa – community wide women’s food cooperative 2009 Presbytery contribution $3,420
Nuevo Calvario El Salvador Neuvo Clavario is located next to San Esteban Catarina which is 60 kilometers east of the capital city, San Salvador. • The four classroom • building will have 80 • children attending • half day classes • When completed, the • school will employ two • teachers Laying of the cornerstone for the new school, Centro Escolar. The church, Neuvo Clavario, is next to the new school. Presbytery 2009 contribution $1,900
Faith in Action Interfaith Ministries Programs Wichita Providing assistance for frail elderly chronically ill or disabled persons so they can maintain independence Campaign to End Childhood Hunger 4.8% of Kansas families are hungry 3,100 households were helped in 2007 by all of the CTECH programs Twelve youth planted container gardens filled with tomatoes, lettuce, peppers & potatoes to help families fight hunger GoZones! Serving 1,225 youth through one of the ten GoZones! sites available 625 tutors and mentors provide after school mentoring, tutoring, music, art, drama, computer lab and recreational programs 2009 Presbytery contribution - $1,077 per program
The Presbytery of Southern Kansas In Partnership With The Presbyteries of Northern Mexico • Creating new relationships • The exchange of ideas & people • New understanding of how God is • working among us • Opportunities to be in mission and • the recipient of mission
SYNOD MINISTRIES • In Missouri alone, each day: • 3,000 children quit school • 6 commit suicide • Over 1,000 are removed from • their homes to keep them safe Through the treatment-oriented programs of Presbyterian Children’s Services, our goal is to help young people develop self-esteem
This year, historic flooding and other storms have impacted communities across the Midwest and other portions of the United States PDA has supported responses in 20 presbyteries in the last five months
General Assembly Missions • For the first time in 50 years, the assembly voted to increase the number of mission personnel serving as the hands and feet of Christ around the world • Mission personnel will be "saving lives" not just by providing urgent medical care or implementing holistic ministries, but by preaching the gospel, often in places where it has never been heard With the support of Presbyterians, this commitment will extend our collective outreach in mission around the world John and GwenythHaspels
Where do you fit in? • Would you consider increasing your General Mission giving for 2009? • Would you consider a special gift over and above your General Mission to one of these projects? • Would you hold a special fund raising event for one of these projects?