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Create a bio-poem about Jack from Lord of the Flies to explore his personality traits, desires, fears, and loves. Use the provided format to craft an 8-line poem that delves into Jack's character. Include visuals that represent Jack alongside the poem. Due Date: 5/28

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bio-Poem • Choose one character from Lord of the Flies • Write an 8 line poem that helps to describe your character’s personality using the format provided • Type and print (doesn’t have to be MLA) your poem and decorate with pictures, colors, etc. that represent your character. • Possible points: between 1-15 (neatness, quality of writing, visuals) • Due Wednesday 5/28

  2. Bio-Poem • Your poem must be in the exact format as listed below. Copy down any word that does not appear in parentheses. (Write character’s first name) (List three specific adjectives that describe that character) Lover of (list three things the character loves) Who feels (list three things the character feels) Who fears (list three things the character fears) Who would like (list three things the character likes) Resident of (describe where character lives—can also be figurative) (Write the character’s name again)

  3. Bio-Poem Example Jack Savage, brutal, childlike Lover of destruction, power, death Who feels lost, inadequate, inferior to Ralph Who fears a return to reality, a lack of authority, a life without recognition from others Who would like a companion, a group of followers, to be admired Resident of a dangerous playground Jack

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