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Creative Capital A Personal and Civic Asset

Creative Capital A Personal and Civic Asset. Creative Capital. Individuals and communities have the capacity to imagine and create new possibilities. This capacity is an asset, or resource, for hope and change. . Community Responsibility. Individual Applied Effort. Everyone Benefits.

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Creative Capital A Personal and Civic Asset

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  1. Creative Capital A Personal and Civic Asset

  2. Creative Capital Individuals and communities have the capacity to imagine and create new possibilities. This capacity is an asset, or resource, for hope and change. Community Responsibility Individual Applied Effort Everyone Benefits

  3. Resource Development Communities can grow creative capital through … modeling … teaching … setting high standards … valuing … encouraging … celebrating … AND providing opportunities to learn and practice.

  4. Developing Creative Capital Individual Community … agency, effort, curiosity, wonder, exploration and invention. … provide opportunities AND notice, value and celebrate.

  5. Nurturing Youth Creative Capital Joshua T. Community We care about our environment, society and school. Our children are aware, creative, and full of stories to share. They deserve a place to be seen and recognized.

  6. Families Support Creative Capital

  7. Expanding the Idea of Family Our dreams sometimes require additional “family” This is the role we, as community members, can all play --- encouraging, sharing, listening, modeling, teaching, valuing and celebrating!

  8. Clear, Smooth Pathways Needed When we listen , we learn about others’ interest, engagement and effort.

  9. Far East Dallas 2007-2009 Then, relevant and meaningful opportunities can be created.

  10. Summer Learning Opportunities Big Thought partners with community members, like you, to teach, value and celebrate students’ creativity . Summer 2011 Overview • 17 Elementary campuses, approximately 7,150 served • 9 Middle School campuses, approximately 1800 served • Additional camps with Choices Leadership Academy, Office of Cultural Affairs Centers, etc.

  11. Mutually Beneficial Investments "I would like to bring art to improbable places, create projects so huge with the community that they are forced to ask themselves questions.“ JR, Beaux Arts Magazine

  12. Better Workforce It's absurd. We're bailing out every major bank to get financial capital flowing again. But we're squeezing [education systems,] the main sources of our human capital. Yet, the future competitiveness and standard of living of America depend on our peoples' skills, their capacities to communicate and solve problems, and innovate -- not their ability to borrow money. Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor December 3, 2008

  13. Better Economies The Shadow Superpower (Foreign Policy, 10-28-11) Forget China: the $10 trillion global black market is the world's fastest growing economy -- and its future. Shadow or System D workers are described as… inventive, self-starting, entrepreneurial merchants who are doing business on their own, without registering or being regulated by the bureaucracy and, for the most part, without paying taxes. …. This essentially translates as the ingenuity economy, the economy of improvisation and self-reliance, the do-it-yourself, or DIY, economy.

  14. Better Environment for Living Human Development Index (HDI) vs. GDP as a measure of nations. HDI measurement takes into account what a country must do or produce to create an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests.

  15. Creative Capital

  16. Creative Capital Jennifer Bransom

  17. Types of Families/Communities CC = Creative Capital; SC=Supporting Conditions

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