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Saving Maryland Wildlife

By: Kaiya Mayhew Teacher: Mrs. Blakley Date : Oct . 30, 2013. Saving Maryland Wildlife. Picture. I Pledge Statement.

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Saving Maryland Wildlife

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: Kaiya Mayhew Teacher: Mrs. Blakley Date: Oct. 30, 2013 Saving Maryland Wildlife

  2. Picture Montgomery County Public Schools Grade 3 Integrated Curriculum 2011

  3. I Pledge Statement I pledge to help save Maryland wildlife. I am going to help by picking up trash in the forest. We need to pick up trash because the animals might accidentally think it is food and they might eat it. Montgomery County Public Schools Grade 3 Integrated Curriculum 2011

  4. The Wildlife In Maryland The Maryland wildlife is in danger. The animals are hiding because they think we will kill them. People don’t usually think what it is like to be a wild animal. We just think about getting meat and fur and skin. We never think about their friends or families. Montgomery County Public Schools Grade 3 Integrated Curriculum 2011

  5. What Is Happening To The Maryland Wildlife? The wildlife is dying out because people are killing animals by hunting, cutting down trees, and littering. We are also killing them by using lots of electricity and polluting the air and water. Montgomery County Public Schools Grade 3 Integrated Curriculum 2011

  6. How Can People Help Save The Maryland Wildlife? People can help by picking up trash and not cutting down so many trees. We can also help by planting new trees and not hunting so many animals. Montgomery County Public Schools Grade 3 Integrated Curriculum 2011

  7. What I Am Going To Do To Help When I see trash on the ground I am going to pick it up. I am also going to make sure that my uncle plants lots of Christmas trees on his tree farm every year. Montgomery County Public Schools Grade 3 Integrated Curriculum 2011

  8. Sources 1. Maryland's Wildlife Species Wildlife and Heritage Service http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/Plants_Wildlife/mdwllists.asp Montgomery County Public Schools Grade 3 Integrated Curriculum 2011

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