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OBJ OBJ: SWBAT research and describe the English Civil War!. How is your foldable? How many questions have you answered? Why is a Constitution important?. Age of Enlightenment.
OBJOBJ: SWBAT research and describe the English Civil War! How is your foldable? How many questions have you answered? Why is a Constitution important?
Age of Enlightenment Standard 7-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of limited government and unlimited government as they functioned in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
The English Civil WarAbsolutist King v. Constitutionalist Parliament King Charles I Oliver Cromwell Begin WebQuest
The English Civil War Introduction Throughout early English history, there was an obvious tension between the Monarch and Parliament. At the heart of that struggle was the quest for power. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1563-1603), Parliament and English society in general experienced all the advancements of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. This included the acquisition of a political world view as well as a progressive philosophy regarding governance. The people began to demand representation. Under the rule of King Charles I (1626-1649), however, the doctrine of absolutism reigned supreme. He dissolved Parliament and assumed complete political control of the Kingdom. This display of authoritarianism was considered anachronistic and the Parliament and commoners alike descended into a civil war that brought the monarchy to an, although temporary, end. The effects of this English Civil War are still recognizable in all, and in particular American, democracy today. These effects include representative assemblies, bills of rights, and limited government. IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment
The English Civil War Objectives • Distinguish between absolutism and constitutionalism or limited government. • Understand the chronology of the English Civil War. • Identify key figures that played a role in the Civil War. • Explain key causes of the English Civil War. • Religious difference • Political power struggle between King and subject • Explain key effects of the English Civil War and why they are relevant. • Constitutional and limited government • English Bill of Rights Your objectives in completing this WebQuest are the following: IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment
The English Civil War Process • Using the indicated web resources, AND websites of your choosing, answer the questions designed to aid you in your quest to understand the English Civil War. Take your notes on a separate sheet of paper. • Using the information you have gathered, compile and construct a graphic representation of your understanding for each question in addition to the concluding statement. This should be accomplished using one of the software programs at your disposal. E.g. PowerPoint, Word, Illustrator, Moviemaker, etc. Go to the Questions IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment
The English Civil War Questions Explain the Scottish origins of the English Civil War including the Anglican Prayer Book, the Bishops’ Wars, and the National Covenant. Describe the personality of Charles I and his position on the Divine Right of Kings. What is the divine right of kings? Define constitutionalism and absolutism. When did the English Civil War take place and who was it between? What was the Grand Remonstrance? Who was Oliver Cromwell? What was the goal of each side in the English Civil War? What became of Charles I? More Questions IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment
The English Civil War Questions Explain the restoration of the Stuart Monarchy. Explain the events that led to what is now called the Glorious Revolution. What string of constitutional experiments governed Great Britain after Charles’ death? How did the ratification of the English Bill of Rights secure the Parliamentary goal of limiting monarchical government after the Civil War? IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment
The English Civil War Conclusion After you discover the answers to the thirteen questions of the WebQuest, type your response to this prompt through the identification of the causes and effects of the event: The English Civil War was… IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment
The English Civil War Assessment Content Understanding: Foldable Application: IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment
The English Civil War Conclusion http://johnsapgovernment.wikispaces.com/ IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment
The English Civil War Conclusion For your Understanding please where you are for each question: Done or ½ done or haven’t started. IntroductionObjectivesProcessConclusionAssessment