1. A Glimpse at Archie: The LOSA Archive Ashleigh Merritt, Ph.D.
The University of Texas Human Factors Research Project (UT)
First ICAO Global Symposium
on TEM & NOSS in ATC
9-10 November, 2005, Luxembourg
2. What is Archie? “Archie” is the LOSA Archive
A database of de-identified airline data which is maintained and updated by UT
Airlines that do a LOSA with The LOSA Collaborative contribute their data to Archie for research purposes
Archie provides the airline perspective
3. How old is Archie? Five LOSAs in five years to develop the methodology
Data in the Archive starts in 2000
Had to wait for Archie to grow before doing any benchmarking or industry-wide analyses.
If we think of Archie as a dog, he would be a young bloodhound
4. How big is Archie? As of September 2005, Archie has data from
23 airline LOSAs
4800 flights
4800 flight narratives written by trained observers
4800 ratings of TEM countermeasure performance
17,500+ threats
12,500+ errors
2,400+ undesired aircraft states
5. Why is Archie here? To show what is possible when you build an archive of observational data based on TEM
To show what is possible when two TEM archives talk to each other
6. Archie’s Attributes Archie is loyal and faithful
Archie is a persistent and diverse tracker
Archie plays well with others
7. After five years, Archie remains loyal to its aviation master The Archive is housed at UT
All data are de-identified as to airline and individual
No airline has been publicly identified
No individual pilots can be or ever have been identified from the Archive
8. Archie is a good tracker
ATC threats
Intentional Noncompliance
Outstanding performance
9. Tracking ATC threat chains Data are based on 10 LOSAs – 2426 Flights – 9450 threats
2350 ATC threats
= ¼ of all threats
= about 1 per flight
236 mismanaged ATC threats
= 30% of all mismanaged threats
10% of all ATC threats were mismanaged
10. Mismanaged ATC threats
11. ATC threats -> Crew Errors
12. ATC threats -> Crew Errors -> UAS
13. ATC threats -> UAS
14. Archie & Intentional Noncompliance Across 22 LOSAs, the average is 40% of flights with one or more noncompliance errors
Range: 23% - 90%
Most common noncompliance errors:
checklist performed from memory / nonstandard checklist use
failure to cross-verify MCP/FCU altitude alerter changes
PF makes own MCP/FCU changes
Seems pretty trivial stuff, eh?
15. Noncompliance correlates with.. Based on 22 LOSAs, airlines with higher rates of intentional noncompliance also have more flights with:
Mismanaged threats (r = .7)
Mismanaged handling errors (r = .9)
Undesired aircraft states (r = .9)
Mismanaged UASs (r =.8)
Noncompliance – a measure of safety culture?
16. Archie is a diverse tracker The richness and complexity of the data allow literally thousands of paths to be pursued
When did it happen, was it Captain or First Officer flying, how was it managed, what else was going on, what happened next, has it happened before, does it happen often, does it happen more on certain aircraft, does it happen at particular airports, etc. etc. etc.
Archie can dig and dig…
17. Test Your Understanding A. Archie would find the flights that had above average operational complexity (4 or more threats), and that the crews managed very, very well.
In the current Archive of 4800 flights, there are 102 of these defined flights. We can read the flight narratives to explore best practices…
18. Archie plays well with others
Queries from / data-sharing with:
ATC (NOSS group)
Incident Reporting systems
Transport Safety Boards
19. Archie plays well with others LOSA/TEM/NOSS data can complement other safety management data
Flight Data Recorder is the aircraft perspective
Incident reporting is the actor’s perspective
LOSA/NOSS is a neutral third party perspective
We’ve never really had that before.
One Big Advantage: Pilot-ATC see the others’ world!
20. Conclusions You have to be patient while the methodology matures and the Archive grows, but once in place:
You can benchmark within and across facilities to determine a facility’s safety strengths and vulnerabilities
You can benchmark across the industry to determine systemic strengths, vulnerabilities, and best practices within the industry
A TEM-based Archive would allow ATC to “converse” freely with the LOSA Archive on matters of mutual interest to pilots and controllers
21. The University of Texas
Human Factors Research Project